Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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Cary, IL
Finally! ESPN:
What is this video evidence? I know the bar's cameras didn't see what happened..

"Last week, his attorneys filed a motion to use video evidence to support the possibility of a mistaken identity case. "


The desert
But they’re not in Kansas anymore (OZ). 😁
We will wait until hell freezes over for the Dan Bernstein apology. What he said about TSJ and ILLINOIS when the charges were first filed was so outrageous and inflammatory that I have refused to listen to him on the radio since that morning. This Duke wanna be lawyer would sure be singing a different song if it was a Duke basketball player that was charged.
I have followed your lead. I will never again listen to this sanctimonious, self-righteous little know-it-all.
This case is a cautionary tale to all young men, especially those who are exceptional athletes. You don't have to be guilty to have your life ruined. Having good character (so people will go to bat for you) and staying out of situations where you can be accused of wrongdoing, can help protect you from ultimately losing a scholarship or worse, but it is no guarantee that accusations won't be made. The more careful you are, the better your odds. In this case, TSJ was known as a high character guy and acted in what I would consider a prudent manner by having people with him. Thankfully, he has seemingly avoided any long term effects of these allegations.

I am sad that we didn't get to know what would have happened for the last Illini season has he not been suspended. I am sad that he did not receive the recognition he deserved. But I am glad that he persevered and has now prevailed.

Thankfully the jury got it right. I am a lawyer, and I have had juries make decisions that were incomprehensible to either party and were based upon some misconception of what seemed like an obvious fact (which we learned once they explained their decision in interviews after the trial). These were relatively complex civil cases but the mistakes were of obvious facts to the parties and the lawyers. I rarely ever request a jury because in commercial law cases (contracts, real estate, corporate issues), I prefer predictability over the possibility of a lopsided wildcard verdict in my client's favor. I know criminal cases are different, and the requirement of a unanimous jury verdict is a major protection for the accused. But I was still very nervous for TSJ. You never really know what you are going to get with a jury.

Well, now TSJ can get on with his life. I don't expect any lawsuits against the accuser or the DA's office. As tempting as that might be, civil lawsuits are generally not brought for justice, they are brought for money. I just don't see a likely scenario for a recovery of significant damages from anyone involved, but I don't know the law of Kansas, and that is a little out of my area of practice. The one 1983 claim I brought over a repeated refusal to rule on my clients' plat application (of land which she lost to foreclosure as a result) was dismissed with the judge quoting JFK to the effect that life wasn't fair. My advice to TSJ would be to just let sleeping dogs lie and focus on the positive things in his life - he has a lot to look forward to. Live in the present, not the past. We as fans should probably do the same.
The DA never expected this to go to trial. She clearly brought 2 charges, with one being rape and the other a misdemeanor, because she and the accuser expected Shannon to plead guilty to the lesser charge and not risk a 12-year prison sentence in a jury trial in a far away state. The accuser could then sue Shannon in civil court for a lot of money, and the DA would have her signature victory to deflect the many accusations of incompetence. Neither of them wanted him in jail. They wanted him making money playing basketball somewhere but with a confession of guilt on his record. I’m sure they were both shocked when he risked his career and future to fight even the lesser charge. It took a lot of guts for TSJ to do what he did and risk jail time. He should be respected for that.
Small addendum


Land O Insects between Quincy-Macomb-Jacksonville
Sorry I have no faith in the media apologizing to TSJ, hell Malika Andrews is already writing her draft commentary on him.
We will wait until hell freezes over for the Dan Bernstein apology. What he said about TSJ and ILLINOIS when the charges were first filed was so outrageous and inflammatory that I have refused to listen to him on the radio since that morning. This Duke wanna be lawyer would sure be singing a different song if it was a Duke basketball player that was charged.
Always felt like most of the score was anti Illini. Bozo Bernstein and his side kick Florence Holmes are first class jackasses.
I’ll just also put this out there for any lurker fans of other teams. Replace TSJ with any player from another school, and my opinions would be exactly the same. There is no case here, and it doesn’t matter what uniform is worn on the court. This is a young man’s future on the line when it should have never got to this point.
I agree, despite my bias towards Terrence, this one is all the way over towards TSJ on the

TSJ------------------------- OJ scale of if they did it.

The DA never expected this to go to trial. She clearly brought 2 charges, with one being rape and the other a misdemeanor, because she and the accuser expected Shannon to plead guilty to the lesser charge and not risk a 12-year prison sentence in a jury trial in a far away state. The accuser could then sue Shannon in civil court for a lot of money. Neither of them wanted him in jail. They wanted him making money playing basketball somewhere but with a confession of guilt on his record. I’m sure they were both shocked when he risked his career and future to fight even the lesser charge. It took a lot of guts for TSJ to do what he did and risk jail time. He should be respected for that.
On day one he made it known he didn't do it, didn't know the individual. There would be no plea and asked others not to offer a settlement.
This makes me happier than any recruiting win could. Thrilled for TSJ!!!
I hope everyone understands the stakes here. Although sometimes I'm not so sure. Obviously basketball recruiting and cottage cheese are not the most important arguments in the world when you compare them to serious criminal allegations. You have to escape from it all somehow.


There are so many emotions around this. It is sad, if the alleged victim is being truthful, there wasn't a more thorough investigation prior to the charges brought against Shannon. It not only put Shannon through unnecessary pain and character assassination, it mars the perception of alleged rape victims.
I'm so impressed with how Shannon handled himself. I love the support his team has shown through all of this. It says a lot about the program, but more importantly, it says a lot about Shannon.
There are so many emotions around this. It is sad, if the alleged victim is being truthful, there wasn't a more thorough investigation prior to the charges brought against Shannon. It not only put Shannon through unnecessary pain and character assassination, it mars the perception of alleged rape victims.
I'm so impressed with how Shannon handled himself. I love the support his team has shown through all of this. It says a lot about the program, but more importantly, it says a lot about Shannon.
Eloquently stated.
It was disgusting that everytime the media spoke about Terrence, especially CBS they referred to the charges eventhough the court had ruled innocent until proven guilty. I have to say the guys at SLEEPERS covered it the best. They mentioned that TSJ was a class guy and in all their interactions with him or those that know him had previously mentioned that he is beyond a gracious person. Great job of the fanbase for supporting him.
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