Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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What disappointed me most with the media is no one did an actual investigation. Which I guess is where reporting is in this era of hot takes crossed with a sensitive, untouchable topic. A few reporters bothered to read the DAs filings. But no one other than Bardo or Kendrick looked or asked questions beyond that. I’ll admit when first heard the charges i thought TSJ would never be back. I had assumed there was some physical evidence or witnesses. But the DAs initial filings were empty beyond one person’s internet search, and the press should have reported that. Additional filings were even more nothing. It quickly became apparent that this wasn’t the same old jock vs innocent situation the DA tried to convince the jury of.

"Don't think they weren't in close touch with the authorities" - U of I was kept in the dark

"You don't have to build it (the policy to deal with players accused of crimes) that way" - Keep in mind, that after this began, federal law was changed to support the Lawless decision: https://frontofficesports.com/title-ix-college-no-suspensions/

"What can the university do in the interim to make sure the university is as safe a place as it can be?" - Well unless they expel him, suspending him from team activity isn't keeping him off university grounds.

"We're gonna take this to trial is an implied threat. The idea of saying that sends a message to the alleged victim." - Wants Shannon to just roll over, can't make the alleged victim suffer having to defend her accusation.
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Kramerica Industries

Greenville, SC
Cheers Applause GIF
She very likely doesn't have any money worth suing over. Would be a distraction and waste of time for TJ. For him, the best revenge is living well. Hopefully VERY well with an NBA contract.

For me it would be worth it to take the jump from "not guilty" to "innocent".. which in stuff like this are two very different things

Bring a civil suit even though you might know theres no money to be had but work to a settlement agreement where accuser must publicly state this was all a money grab... Completely clear your name

I am no where near a lawyer so there's probably plenty of reasons this not work/happen but that's where my head went


El Paso,IL
Yeah I will be paying very close attention to see if he even gives an apology. I would think that he will receive a few phone calls on the subject.
For me it would be worth it to take the jump from "not guilty" to "innocent".. which in stuff like this are two very different things

Bring a civil suit even though you might know theres no money to be had but work to a settlement agreement where accuser must publicly state this was all a money grab... Completely clear your name

I am no where near a lawyer so there's probably plenty of reasons this not work/happen but that's where my head went
Let’s not forget that the accuser could still file a civil lawsuit, where preponderance of the evidence is all that’s needed. Now, that would be foolish, given the lack of evidence presented at the trial, and even the lower bar would be hard to get over, but if TSJ were to file a defamation suit, that could lead to a counter suit from her. He should leave well enough alone at this point, as should she. Both should just move forward.
There are so many emotions around this. It is sad, if the alleged victim is being truthful, there wasn't a more thorough investigation prior to the charges brought against Shannon. It not only put Shannon through unnecessary pain and character assassination, it mars the perception of alleged rape victims.
I'm so impressed with how Shannon handled himself. I love the support his team has shown through all of this. It says a lot about the program, but more importantly, it says a lot about Shannon.
She wasn't truthful. She said that Shannon did it.

When people say that a more thorough investigation should have happened what they seem to be saying is that the police should have not taken her positive ID of Shannon seriously.

Their job was to corroborate her accusation. They couldn't. The case should have been dropped.

The idea that they should have tried to find the actual perp on a crime they can't even prove happened is nonsense.
Anyone close to the team know if there will be any consideration of hanging his jersey in the rafters? Surely this would be worth making an exception to 1st/2nd team AA standard. I think the majority of our fan base would agree that he is more than deserving.

God bless TJ and his family!

Oh, I'm sure Bernstein will come on the air tomorrow with a genuine apology. Yeah, right.

I was in the car listening to the show when the news broke late last year and his preachy jump-to-conclusions reaction was ridiculous. My wife, who had no particular dog in this fight, couldn't stand to listen to it any more and told me to change to station.
As some others have posted, this is a day of mixed-emotions. I'm glad our justice system has a threshold of "beyond reasonable doubt", and based on everything that was made public and reported, I'm obviously very glad the jury saw the reasonable doubt that we all saw and found TSJ not guilty.

But there is no justice here for whoever is guilty, nor as much clarity as the innocent deserve, and that's very sad.

If the woman was assaulted and generally said what she believed to be true, she gets nothing but ridicule for being misunderstood, and her assaulter is not held accountable and could have even more audacity to assault someone else. If she was not assaulted and/or knowingly made grossly false statements, she will likely not be punished for that unless more evidence comes out (some of the things reported were a bad look, but were far from proof that she knowingly made false accusations). If Shannon is innocent (while he was found not guilty, I don't think the evidence of his innocence reached 100%), he will never get to re-do the last 7+ months of his life, and who knows how this could hang over him in the future (sponsors, future girlfriend's parents, etc).

As for counter-suing, my first thought was that's a waste of time, money, energy, etc, and that he shouldn't draw more attention to this. But if anything comes up that would prove an intentionally false accusation, getting something on record (not for the money) would be very valuable to clear up anything that could hang over him in the future.
Let’s not forget that the accuser could still file a civil lawsuit, where preponderance of the evidence is all that’s needed. Now, that would be foolish, given the lack of evidence presented at the trial, and even the lower bar would be hard to get over, but if TSJ were to file a defamation suit, that could lead to a counter suit from her. He should leave well enough alone at this point, as should she. Both should just move forward.
The crazy thing is that this sort of evidence wouldn’t even be enough to win a civil suit. Just pathetic all around.


Des Moines, IA
Of course Hunter Dickinson was wearing a dumb looking, Hunter Dickinson-esque hat ...
View attachment 35414
The day may come when I make fun of Hunter Dickinson for that hat, but today isn’t that day. He was a witness for the defense, and he was part of the effort to exonerate TSJ.

After a few days, I’ll go back to making fun of the hat. :)


Land O Insects between Quincy-Macomb-Jacksonville
The day may come when I make fun of Hunter Dickinson for that hat, but today isn’t that day. He was a witness for the defense, and he was part of the effort to exonerate TSJ.

After a few days, I’ll go back to making fun of the hat. :)
Well a lot of pro wrestling heels turn out to be good guys in real life....
For me it would be worth it to take the jump from "not guilty" to "innocent".. which in stuff like this are two very different things

Bring a civil suit even though you might know theres no money to be had but work to a settlement agreement where accuser must publicly state this was all a money grab... Completely clear your name

I am no where near a lawyer so there's probably plenty of reasons this not work/happen but that's where my head went
I think one of the reasons TSJ's lawyer went so bombastic in his mic drop after mic drop of closing statements was that very purpose. Declare loudly on the public stage that TSJ is innocent, that there was absolutely no evidence against him, that the police department and State's case is a disgrace, that the case had no merit whatsoever, that no investigation was done, that the alleged victim had a story that could not be corroborated and that her and her friend aren't the most credible or reliable witnesses, and finished with basically saying, 'We all know TSJ is not guilty of all charges, let's fill out the paperwork and all get the eff home from this monumental waste of time and blundering incompetence'.

And I think based on the reaction of the public it worked. You look at most of the public reaction and they're seeing TSJ as innocent and viewing him as the victim in all of this. I don't think he needs to go after the victim. Now if his legal team thinks that there is a decent possibility of a case against the DA/State/Lawrence PD with a large monetary payout, that is something I'd at least explore and pursue if you think you've got a really strong chance of winning.

But the overall takeaway is that TSJ won his innocence today, not in that he was declared not guilty, but in how he was declared not guilty.
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