Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Bill Nye No GIF by PeacockTV
I couldn't figure out how to add text to my above post... I'm old. But a friend of mine sent it to me. I don't believe it either, but I thought it was interesting.
Sorry to break this to you folks, but this is weight loss not muscle building. So unless Fletch does the nutrition plans, which maybe he does, I think you're congratulating the wrong person.
Fletch is apart of it all, from diet to training. Of course their are other people who help and may have more knowledge on nutrition but this is Fletch's plan not somebody else. And honestly these types of posts do nothing. Basically just calling people out for no reason.
Sorry to break this to you folks, but this is weight loss not muscle building. So unless Fletch does the nutrition plans, which maybe he does, I think you're congratulating the wrong person.

Yeah I’m pretty sure Boswell knows who’s doing he’s programming and nutrition.
Sorry to break this to you folks, but this is weight loss not muscle building. So unless Fletch does the nutrition plans, which maybe he does, I think you're congratulating the wrong person.
Sorry to break this to you Bash, but it is Bos, himself, crediting this to being on the Adam Fletcher plan.
One thing I’d like to see is more back cuts and overall player movement in the coming year. I’ve always felt that is something that hasn’t been a team strength overall the last few years — and something UConn does well. This roster seems to be set up well for that especially with basically two PGs likely starting in backcourt.
It’s tough to argue with the success of our offense last year. A lot of what we tried to do was about spacing. But I do agree there were times it would have been nice to see
more movement when things bogged down/got predictable. I definitely do like how they did things like make a ball screener out of Luke…because that takes a guy who was mostly just a spot up shooter and makes him an asset in another way. I liked that. I would have liked to seen it even more…maybe like corner pin-down screens and wing roll-backs for threes and stuff like that. But they did an amazing job overall. It’ll be interesting to see what the staff devises schematically. We have so many interesting pieces…

I actually think Carey Booth and Tre White have: Slash and Flash and Crash
written all over them. Tre is more of a 3rd guard type obviously. Carey is more of a Guerrier-type 4…but they’re both scrappy, garbage guys that can knock down some tough mid-range shots & get you some
big offensive boards when need be…I feel like that might be where it is at for Ty this year too…cut, cut, cut…board…board …board…occasional back down

* We’ve got pass-first, bigger guards that CAN shoot from range. Kaspar the Ghost, The Bos, and DGL (though smaller) can: penetrate, dish, & kick…Noice!

* We’ve got Pickn’Pop BIGs: a Point Forward & Point Center that that can pass like guards, and can be the focal point of our attack…obviously they can operate in various ball screen actions…and can light it up from DEEP…either on a pop, spot up or off the dribble( to some extent) Noice!
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Just to continue a thought expressed previously but not fully addressed or grasped by most of us, I have some concern and will not feel comfortable until KJ and TI get approved to play by the NCAA clearing house. are on campus, and take the court for an official game. We have had problems in that regard previously and I think my concern is legit. Let's hope so.

Would appreciate it if someone who knows can expound on the subject, like and insider.
My assumption is given colleges can start openly paying players and NIL is unregulated now the scrutiny the NCAA is going to apply to their review is not what it used to be - I think it’s going to be a free market of foreign players coming here if they can make more in NIL
Okay, so a guy on the biggest Lithuanian podcast just said that he heard Kasparas will earn $750,000 (as he said it appears this sum is for the first year). No idea how true this is, but those guys usually have pretty good inside info.
Sorry to break this to you folks, but this is weight loss not muscle building. So unless Fletch does the nutrition plans, which maybe he does, I think you're congratulating the wrong person.
Yes, that’s all it was is Fletch put him on a Jenny Craig diet. /s
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