Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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I happen to be watching Suits right now and I can’t think of a better gif for this situation
Once “Harvey Specter”gets involved it’s over over. Obviously, I’m thrilled that this is over and that Terrence will be able to move on with his life and career. I am sad that he had to endure several months of hell for no damn reason. There was literally no case here.
I humbly suggest that each member of Illinois Loyalty do what I just did and make a political contribution to each of the 3 candidates who are running against the outrageously incompetent Suzanne Valdez for Douglas County Prosecutor in the upcoming election: Democrats Tonda Hill and Dakota Loomis and Republican Mike Warner as a way of further supporting TSJ and thanking him for the heavy burden that he so unfairly carried this season with such class and dignity.
I donated to The Lawrence Times, a non-paywall site which I thought provided excellent coverage.
Funny Face Eye Roll GIF by MOODMAN
Justice was served. God bless TSJ. I am so incredibly impressed by how well he handled this situation from beginning to end. It’s disgraceful that he had to go through this, but hopefully getting past this adversity will make him an even stronger person.
It'd be interesting if a subpoena were to be granted for the DA's emails/communication regarding this case. I don't foresee that ever happening, but if it were, I do think a massive case could be on the table
Actually, since the DA is a public official, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request may be in play. But I don’t know how that applies to legal cases.

I’d be interested to see if one or more of the C-U area media outlets either individually or jointly make this request. I do feel like the real motivation behind why this case was prosecuted should be out in the open.
This is my last piece for now, but I just have to get this off my chest. Something I never forgot.
I like Robbie Hummel and the B1G network, but a big, big F!!! you to the way you handled what you felt TJ deserved from the crowd and the pause and air you gave it all for America to hear at Northwestern. F!!! you for that! You do nothing but talk and fill the air, but made it a point to single out the bashing the crowd was going to give TJ. You can’t take that stuff away. It is stuff he’ll needlessly hear from the uniformed the rest of his life.
Completely agree. I was at the Northwestern game and will never forget the unrelenting abuse TSJ took from their student section as he lay on the floor after a particularly hard foul right in front of them. Such an ugly moment.
Do we really expect more from NU students? While the school may be good, the students clearly were not educated on this topic.
I may be wrong but the state of Kansas has to pay his legal fees now.
No they do not. And not worth the effort to sue the accuser unless she is heir to a large fortune. No malicious prosecution because the court found probable cause. Best shot is a 1983 action against Douglas County. I am troubled with their conduct but not disclosing the Morris situation/investigation put me over the top. As someone else suggested what should be done is pour every resource into making sure she does not get re-elected. Don't know much about Douglas County but they deserve better
The cost just went up to $1000/hour per lawyer if that's the case.

It was being done Pro Bono until the verdict came back!
Inspiring testimony to TSJ’s character regarding how he handled himself throughout what is one of the most tragic things one could go through in life. The powers that be will ultimately decide on where his jersey ends up. Regardless, there should be an annual award every season within the MBB program at UIUC for character, resilience, perseverance, or something like that to honor how TJ carried himself throughout this process.

Even UK coverage:

But still no espn updates.
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