Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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White and Sixth
North Aurora
The accuser or DA? (Actually, I don't think that the DA can be, but I hope that I am wrong.)

It looks like he has a solid case for malicious prosecution....

To state a claim of malicious prosecution under Kansas law, a plaintiff must establish each of the following five elements: (1) defendant initiated, continued, or procured the proceeding of which plaintiff now complains; (2) defendant acted without probable cause; (3) defendant acted with malice; (4) the proceedings terminated in favor of plaintiff; and (5) plaintiff sustained damages.
There's a solid case about probable cause, and the main element it would turn on is acting with malice.


This is my last piece for now, but I just have to get this off my chest. Something I never forgot.
I like Robbie Hummel and the B1G network, but a big, big F!!! you to the way you handled what you felt TJ deserved from the crowd and the pause and air you gave it all for America to hear at Northwestern. F!!! you for that! You do nothing but talk and fill the air, but made it a point to single out the bashing the crowd was going to give TJ. You can’t take that stuff away. It is stuff he’ll needlessly hear from the uniformed the rest of his life.
She’s about to get counter sued so hard
I humbly suggest that each member of Illinois Loyalty do what I just did and make a political contribution to each of the 3 candidates who are running against the outrageously incompetent Suzanne Valdez for Douglas County Prosecutor in the upcoming election: Democrats Tonda Hill and Dakota Loomis and Republican Mike Warner as a way of further supporting TSJ and thanking him for the heavy burden that he so unfairly carried this season with such class and dignity.
This is my last piece for now, but I just have to get this off my chest. Something I never forgot.
I like Robbie Hummel and the B1G network, but a big, big F!!! you to the way you handled what you felt TJ deserved from the crowd and the pause and air you gave it all for America to hear at Northwestern. F!!! you for that! You do nothing but talk and fill the air, but made it a point to single out the bashing the crowd was going to give TJ. You can’t take that stuff away. It is stuff he’ll needlessly hear from the uniformed the rest of his life.
The way certain media members handled this was truly embarrassing. Everyone just assumes guilty these days. There should be consequences for this behavior.


Des Moines, IA
It looks like he has a solid case for malicious prosecution....

There's a solid case about probable cause, and the main element it would turn on is acting with malice.
I think 3) would be awfully hard to prove. I get it’s a civil trial and preponderance of evidence is the burden instead of beyond reasonable doubt, but you’d have to “prove” (whatever the term is for a civil trial) that the DA did that.

I will always maintain that the DA proceeded to get a high-profile case as a distraction for her misconduct issues. But I would imagine that would be hard to prove. It would take others in the office basically saying “this case isn’t on the merits, but it’s a big name and I need the positive press”. This DA team is dumb, but I can’t imagine they are THAT dumb.
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