Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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hehehe , he said willy.............yeah , he really really did........TP for my ...............................................................................
GIF by Giphy QA
While the story is certainly possible, it’s still a bad look to air your dirty laundry in public.
Matt Painter is a very matter-of-fact guy. There have been a lot of questions around this from Purdue media, and he answered them matter-of-factly. He has a program culture/standard to uphold, one that’s still more developmental rather than portal dependent, and he’s setting the tone that he isn’t kowtowing to player demands. Seems reasonable to me.
So does Brad guarantee: "Your starting for us" or "you'll play X amount of minutes" to land recruits but they don't have to earn it? e.g. Boswell, KJ, Riley, Big T, Humrichous... (I think for all of these it's been stated: "they aren't coming to IL to sit on the bench"). - I thought Brad was always a "earn your spot" coach? Maybe to land BIG fish you have to guarantee at least something. 🤷‍♂️
Watched him on the U18 Canada team and he's completely unplayable right now despite his impressive height and strength. Right now he has no lateral movement, no positioning, no post moves, no shooting, and no ability to finish. If he can change that he'll be great, but to say he is a deep deep deep development project is an understatement if anything. I project him as Nick Smith with a much much much better body but with less basketball skills and shooting.

Let’s keep this kid away from Painter please.

Will Riley choose Illinois?
Will Riley, choose Illinois.

Commas save commitments
Matt Painter is a very matter-of-fact guy. There have been a lot of questions around this from Purdue media, and he answered them matter-of-factly. He has a program culture/standard to uphold, one that’s still more developmental rather than portal dependent, and he’s setting the tone that he isn’t kowtowing to player demands. Seems reasonable to me.

IMO the best move is to do what Underwood did re: Skyy and Jase: don't comment anything negative in the media......and maybe hope that the negative rumors about a player get laundered through online message boards instead ;)
Speaking of fickle and alienated HS coaches, whatever happened with Simeon? Recently read that Roberto Smith retired last year....but they haven't had a great prospect since THT and that was almost 7 years ago now (!)

In what a move by BU to choose Ayo over THT....
After surfing a few podcasts, I feel confident Riley is ours. He's very young and skinny. If he wants to be a starter, he'll have to get acquinted with Fletch right away. Right now I don't think--as talented as he is--that he's a lock for that. My starting lineup as of right now would be:
PG. Boswell
Wing White
Wing KJ
PF Humrichrous
Center. Morez

Major minutes off the bench: Riley, DGL, Booth, Ivisic,, Rodgers (not necessarily in that order)
I probably forgot someone; there are just too many new guys. Jake Davis may surprise us all.
After surfing a few podcasts, I feel confident Riley is ours. He's very young and skinny. If he wants to be a starter, he'll have to get acquinted with Fletch right away. Right now I don't think--as talented as he is--that he's a lock for that. My starting lineup as of right now would be:
PG. Boswell
Wing White
Wing KJ
PF Humrichrous
Center. Morez

Major minutes off the bench: Riley, DGL, Booth, Ivisic,, Rodgers (not necessarily in that order)
I probably forgot someone; there are just too many new guys. Jake Davis may surprise us all.
This is going to be really fascinating to see how this plays out. That’s 11 talented players you just listed. Combo and I batted this around a week and a half ago. He’s correct in asserting that no college coach plays 10 players. I argued for a 9 man rotation given the roster depth. Let’s say for argument’s sake that happens, who do you leave out of the rotation?

For this exercise let’s just assume Davis redshirts. I think we have 8 guaranteed rotation spots accounted for. Who gets the last spot?

Man, practice is going to be a blood sport.
Eh, when you lose your highest rated recruit in a long time, its comforting to spin yarns to the media when no one knows if they are true or not. No reason to burn bridges, especially with how fickle HS and AAU coaches are nowadays.
This was my thought exactly. No problem with Painter letting the kid know you aren't getting any guarantees. I just don't think it does you any good to air that to the media. Take the high road.
Watched him on the U18 Canada team and he's completely unplayable right now despite his impressive height and strength. Right now he has no lateral movement, no positioning, no post moves, no shooting, and no ability to finish. If he can change that he'll be great, but to say he is a deep deep deep development project is an understatement if anything. I project him as Nick Smith with a much much much better body but with less basketball skills and shooting.

He's got a similar neck to Nick Smith.
By the tournament, the rotation will be cut down to 8. My starters + 3 off the bench are:

1: Boswell
2: KJ
3: Riley
4: Humrichous
5: Ivisic

Off the bench: Rodgers, White, and Morez

I feel like this starting 5 seems to be the most common and the 3 guys off the bench provide the best help to that 5.

I think this is right, but I’m trying to reconcile it with Piper/LaTulip comments about White potentially being the alpha next year and Werner thinking he might be the steal of the portal on bang for your buck basis.

Also how do you keep upper class Ty out of the starting lineup?

Good problems to have. Can’t wait to see how Underwood attempts to maximize this roster.
I think this is right, but I’m trying to reconcile it with Piper/LaTulip comments about White potentially being the alpha next year and Werner thinking he might be the steal of the portal on bang for your buck basis.

Also how do you keep upper class Ty out of the starting lineup?

Good problems to have. Can’t wait to see how Underwood attempts to maximize this roster.
No Booth or DGL?


Chicago, IL
Matt Painter is a very matter-of-fact guy. There have been a lot of questions around this from Purdue media, and he answered them matter-of-factly. He has a program culture/standard to uphold, one that’s still more developmental rather than portal dependent, and he’s setting the tone that he isn’t kowtowing to player demands. Seems reasonable to me.
Yup, you do what it takes to win, and every program may not have the exact same version of that.

Painter has a firm grip on credibility that his way works.

Tom Izzo, by contrast, is seeing that grip loosen by the season.
He doesn't give a damn and nor should he. He's built that program on getting solid guys(not highly ranked) and proper development. Players/kids vocally want their money, they'll move for a nickel and want instant gratification on top of it. It's ok if he speaks to it. Glad he did.

We've said it here, Riley isn't coming here to come off the bench and I agree with that. He's not. Our way of doing this is different, thus mass turnover YoY.

Painter doesn't roll with that and nothing wrong with making his current guys and future recruits know it. He's always been one of the class acts, especially in defeat. If he steps out like that, there's a reason and there's a message sent. He's got the resume to back it up.
Just following the logic here- the only thing Painter saying this accomplishes is to make himself look good and throw the kid under the bus and make it sound like you broke up with him

Which can only mean -> Painter is still pissd that he lost his highest ranked recruit ever

Which probably means -> It didn’t go down exactly like this. If he was truly ready to move on from the kid, what is the point to airing this?

When Skyy left in the middle of the season, literally quit on his team - Brad never said a bad word about him, in fact made sure he got his NIL still, which he didn’t have to do

I’ll take Brad’s approach every time rather than pump your chest to the media to make a kid look bad
I think he’s advertising the program. He essentially saying that, if you have set expectations coming in to school, think again. But if you’re the type of kid that wants to be on an egoless team of players that get rewarded for hard work (and not rewarded for politic-ing), then come to Purdue.
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