Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Yeah, Indy's list seems like it's by bench minutes as well. last year you had 7 players average ~20+. Adding Riley I think we get to 8 since Rez & Ivisic are going to have a timeshare

20+ mins

7-10 mins

This team would be so good & I could see DGL/Booth playing their way into the rotation if their shooting takes the next step.
You forgot Jake Davis. Personally, I feel people are really selling him short, but to their credit I’m not sure anyone can accurately predict the minutes for the team at this point.
Hey now. I grew up in the '70s wearing those tube socks.:ROFLMAO:

I'll grant you the latter (stadiums). Not so sure about the former (the game itself). I watched the Bill Russell documentary last year; those Celtics teams of the '60s seemed to match or exceed the best of the NBA today. Celtics, Knicks, Lakers of the late '60s were stratospheric in quality.

BTW, regarding that photo of Moses in the Salt Palace: the ABA ran on a shoe string but the Utah Stars drew well in that arena, sometimes the 12k+ capacity, and the Jazz played there until the early '90s after relocating from New Orleans in the late '70s.

My earliest NBA memories (~ 1971 or so) were of watching the Bullets v. Knicks epic playoff battles on TV. Baltimore (before the franchise moved to DC) played in the Baltimore Civic Center, which still stands. Check out a YouTube video of those games. That arena is a complete anachronism. (And those Bullets unis were absolutely bad a$$. I've still got basketball cards from that era with guys like Phil Chenier and Wes Unseld rockin' that kit.)

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How many fans are at the game? Looks very intimate..
If I'm Ty I'm working on developing a floater, and shooting free throws. If he can shoot 50% from the floor and 75% at the line with his ability to guard and rebound he's an NBA player.
Ty had a good floater during his U18 games , i think if he picks his spots where he can get it off uncontested he can be effective.
You forgot Jake Davis. Personally, I feel people are really selling him short, but to their credit I’m not sure anyone can accurately predict the minutes for the team at this point.
While I think he has potential because of his incredible shooting ability, he averaged single digits ppg on a not good Mercer team and is NOT good defensively. Even if we don’t get Riley I doubt Davis plays much, if we do I doubt he plays anything but garbage minutes (or none because of redshirt)
Yeah, I dont see whose minutes Davis takes.

Training camp & scrimmages will be a blood bath

Most of the recent lineups are assuming we get Riley which is a big assumption (Yes I know that's what fans do on these sites). If we don't get Riley, IMO we'll have nine guys fighting for minutes and I wouldn't think Davis would be in that group, but who knows. Injuries also could play a factor.
Yeah, I dont see whose minutes Davis takes.

Training camp & scrimmages will be a blood bath
Hot take but if Riley comes and is as good as advertised and Tre is that good then Boswell better get his !!!! together.

Jakuncionus can play the point too and you could run out a lineup that's all 6'5+.

I know this won't be popular because he is a Champaign kid and he was super highly touted as a recruit but Ive watched a lot of Arizona the last two years and Boswell has never really stood out to me outside of 3pt shooting. All that being said clearly has talent and last year should have been his true freshman season.

Edit: I've had too much to drink and thought this question was about White's minutes. Yeah Davis seems buried in this scenario.
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"If" Riley comes and "if" he is as good as advertised and "if" Tre is good....and "if" KJ's game transfers....

That's a lot of "ifs" that need to come to life before we should be focusing on one player specifically.
None of this past year's Illini with any reasonable shot volume exceeded 42% on mid-range jumpers:
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It's only a good shot if you have no other options, you might get fouled, or it's the end of the game and you only need 1 or 2 points. Even "keeping the defense honest" sounds like a bad reason, since they'll happily let you take that shot over and over and live with the consequences, so it isn't forcing an adjustment.
What is considered a "far 2"? Are floaters counted in this because I just don't remember Ty shooting much.
Hot take but if Riley comes and is as good as advertised and Tre is that good then Boswell better get his !!!! together.

Jakuncionus can play the point too and you could run out a lineup that's all 6'5+.

I know this won't be popular because he is a Champaign kid and he was super highly touted as a recruit but Ive watched a lot of Arizona the last two years and Boswell has never really stood out to me outside of 3pt shooting. All that being said clearly has talent and last year should have been his true freshman season.
Boswell probably - 99% likelihood of starting (if healthy). Same with KJ. Hum probably 95% likely. And if we get Riley, he's starting.
Hot take but if Riley comes and is as good as advertised and Tre is that good then Boswell better get his !!!! together.

Jakuncionus can play the point too and you could run out a lineup that's all 6'5+.

I know this won't be popular because he is a Champaign kid and he was super highly touted as a recruit but Ive watched a lot of Arizona the last two years and Boswell has never really stood out to me outside of 3pt shooting. All that being said clearly has talent and last year should have been his true freshman season.

Kylan looks to me like a man who's serious about showing up ready to play to his potential on the court.
What is considered a "far 2"? Are floaters counted in this because I just don't remember Ty shooting much.
I think far 2 is anything not considered at the rim (but I am not sure of that.) With Ty, I think his shooting is probably more mental than physical at this point.
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What is considered a "far 2"? Are floaters counted in this because I just don't remember Ty shooting much.
Good question. Bart Torvik says "it is based on descriptions in the play by play data. So "layups" "tips" "dunks" (etc) are counted as rim attempts, and all other twos are counted as mid-range. Obviously this is far from an exact science, as it relies on scorekeeper descriptions and play-by-play fidelity ... but it's the best I can do, which is good enough for me."
Based on what? A woman I work with likes to use the phrase, facts not feelings. Fans all too often go with feelings.

Ty Rodgers has played about 1,440 minutes. In that time, he has taken 1 3pt shot, and he missed it. I'd guess he has taken less than 10 shots from further than 6 ft. He has taken 96 FTs and hit 52% of them, and that's with a big improvement his Soph year. The guy is not a shooter, and it is unlikely he is going to go from essentially a non-existent shooter to a good shooter at this age.
Did we get those recruits when he was here before??? I've seen Ace recruiters go into much lesser programs than Illinois and reel in top 4 star and the occasional 5 star recruits. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it happen here..... but I'm waiting........
Can’t imagine an established program guy like Ty Rodgers would be too pleased an unproven reclass would be starting over him.
I’d like to see Will Riley get good minutes off the bench to start and if he’s really ‘that guy’ then give him the starting spot he deserves.

The reclass won’t be unproven after he shows it in practice. If he doesn’t prove it in practice, BU won’t start him.

If Ty gets moved to a bench role, he’s got options.

1. Bust his butt to get better and get his spot back. (Seems like a Ty thing to do)
2. Be a good program guy a la Goode, be an all star in his role for this team (seems like a Ty thing to do)
3. Whine, complain about his spot being taken by a freshman, become a cancer (does not seem like a Ty thing to do).
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