Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Illinois has the best opportunity for Will Riley and they sold that well. Still, 18 year old kids don't always do the most logical thing.
I don't think it's fair to label a potential decision to spurn us illogical. Our logic might be different than his logic. He may value playing on a team with more proven players on it or a program with better history than ours more than guaranteed playing time. Who knows what his decision will be or exactly why he'll be making it? We only know that our coaches put their best foot forward and that they couldn't have sold our program and what we have to offer any better.
Yeah I've wondered about their scholarship count, too. If he does in fact reclass, would Alabama just make Riley (or I guess someone on their roster, maybe doesn't matter exactly who) a preferred walk-on and cover the $$ difference with extra NIL?
They seriously got the $$ for that?

Marc Sears likely got a BAG...same with Cliff...same with Youngblood - AAC POY...

they also had to spend to keep guys like Nelson and others...
Horror 1980S GIF by filmeditor
That's not what she said.
And don't forget, we have Fletch.

Can someone explain why we are all so convinced Fletch is so good? I have no reason to doubt that he is, but he is up there with Bill Brasky as far as legends go, and I'm not sure what the empirical evidence is. We don't seem to avoid injuries any better than anyone else. We don't seem to have guys who simply overpower our opponents (except Terrance, and I think he has been that way for a while). Plenty of other kids cut baby fat and add muscle.

Are there rankings for S&C coaches? Is there data people use to evaluate success or skill?
They seriously got the $$ for that?

Marc Sears likely got a BAG...same with Cliff...same with Youngblood - AAC POY...

they also had to spend to keep guys like Nelson and others...
If you haven't noticed we've spent a fair amount in the last two months. Maybe not as much as Arkansas, Bama, Kentucky, Indiana, & a few others but we're pretty far up there.
Can someone explain why we are all so convinced Fletch is so good? I have no reason to doubt that he is, but he is up there with Bill Brasky as far as legends go, and I'm not sure what the empirical evidence is. We don't seem to avoid injuries any better than anyone else. We don't seem to have guys who simply overpower our opponents (except Terrance, and I think he has been that way for a while). Plenty of other kids cut baby fat and add muscle.

Are there rankings for S&C coaches? Is there data people use to evaluate success or skill?
Most posters go off of player testimonials and insider information (he’s well regarded in the industry). Recruits see him as a plus as well.

I’d also just like to note we were very healthy in ‘19, ‘20, ‘21, ‘23, & ‘24 (sans CH).
I think we've all seen the positive results of Fletcher's work. I remember a good U of I video of him working hard with Kofi and spelling out what his training regimen was. The results speak for themselves.
Can someone explain why we are all so convinced Fletch is so good? I have no reason to doubt that he is, but he is up there with Bill Brasky as far as legends go, and I'm not sure what the empirical evidence is. We don't seem to avoid injuries any better than anyone else. We don't seem to have guys who simply overpower our opponents (except Terrance, and I think he has been that way for a while). Plenty of other kids cut baby fat and add muscle.

Are there rankings for S&C coaches? Is there data people use to evaluate success or skill?
For me, it's pretty obvious just based on the eye test that he's awesome. Last year, we often only rotated 6-7 guys and it was always the other team that looked gassed at the end of games while are guys were barely breathing. Also, he did amazing things to big guys like Kofi and Dainja, making them leaner and landing softer. Ayo got way bigger and stronger. Shannon got healthy. Domask got leaner. The list goes on, and those guys have all publicly credited Fletch.
Can someone explain why we are all so convinced Fletch is so good? I have no reason to doubt that he is, but he is up there with Bill Brasky as far as legends go, and I'm not sure what the empirical evidence is. We don't seem to avoid injuries any better than anyone else. We don't seem to have guys who simply overpower our opponents (except Terrance, and I think he has been that way for a while). Plenty of other kids cut baby fat and add muscle.

Are there rankings for S&C coaches? Is there data people use to evaluate success or skill?
If you look at the Boswell pictures, that was a dude who was in a different S&C program for 2 years…at another top tier program.
Alabama wouldn't waste their time hosting Riley if they didn't have a way of welcoming him into their squad.
They are hosting him as a 2025 recruit right now, he hasn’t said he’s reclassifying yet.

But to your point, if he does reclassify they will make room for him- but with Sears being the national player of the year front runner another 5 star guard in Reid coming in and Wrightsell as an experienced backcourt guy who played 24 min a game last year - it’s not clear how much of the offense and playing time will go to Riley- I’m sure they will tell him what he wants to hear but if Riley reclasses to ‘24 - Alabama and Kentucky really don’t make sense if he wants a large role next year

In comparison, he would likely be our leading scorer next year - I think he’s that good
If you look at the Boswell pictures, that was a dude who was in a different S&C program for 2 years…at another top tier program.
Not trying to take anything away from Fletch, but those pics that he posts are mostly from playing with the lighting, posture, and taking them after a workout as opposed to before.
Wow. All the more reason to land him. Tomorrow morning I want to open up this forum and see "Riley commits to Illinois," courtesy of Dan.
If you look at the Boswell pictures, that was a dude who was in a different S&C program for 2 years…at another top tier program.
I think the big pull that Fletch has is that he gets guys to buy into his system and believe in him and that trust pays off.

TJ had a video where Fletch was personally massaging him after his early morning workout and getting his meal prepped by the kitchen. He personally caters to this team and creates specific routines and meal plans for a each team.

Anyone here ever complete a workout regimen you don't believe in? It generally fizzles out over time.
Incorrect. Tim Anderson said on Bardo's Breakdown earlier today that they are expecting major progression from DGL
Big difference between saying something to the media vs. coaches' views behind closed doors (and what that translates to in minutes played). Hence asking Indy his thoughts. After all, DGL was listed like 8th or 9th on the hypothetical depth list.
Big difference between saying something to the media vs. coaches' views behind closed doors (and what that translates to in minutes played). Hence asking Indy his thoughts. After all, DGL was listed like 8th or 9th on the hypothetical depth list.
I think we can all be on the same page here. DGL could improve tremendously as a 3-star sophomore, and still be getting only 10 minutes a game on a top-10 team.

In terms of just $$, we still should be able to out-bid Bama who...

1: Has spent a lot more than us

2: Has to offer a higher check than usual in order to make up for not having any scholarships left.

Also, pretty sure Indy confirmed a few days ago that we are in the best situation $$ wise of the 3 - in terms of the offer and all that?
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