Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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So we didn't want those guys we missed out on! I knew it! That's sort of like me with women.
I’m assuming he means when there is a consensus on wanting a recruit, then they win. Do you consult others on your women? :)
To those who were just so darn frustrated in April and early May that the roster wasn't finalized, how are you feeling now? Kinda seems like it wasn't worth all the consternation. But also, interestingly, a lot of those posters suddenly seem to be MIA. Funny that.

Roster construction is a long game. We now have the level of success and recruiters to get us in the door to places we couldn't a few years ago. This is why it pays to save some money and have some roster flexibility, just in case. No matter how this works out, it's pretty darn nice to be in serious contention for this one.
I’m still here! But I’ll be the first to say that if they get Riley, that’s a grand slam of an offseason. Program-changing prospect.
To those who were just so darn frustrated in April and early May that the roster wasn't finalized, how are you feeling now? Kinda seems like it wasn't worth all the consternation. But also, interestingly, a lot of those posters suddenly seem to be MIA. Funny that.

Roster construction is a long game. We now have the level of success and recruiters to get us in the door to places we couldn't a few years ago. This is why it pays to save some money and have some roster flexibility, just in case. No matter how this works out, it's pretty darn nice to be in serious contention for this one.
I guess I missed the consternation. I did notice that during brief lulls in recruiting this Spring there were a tiny number of wild, the-sky-is-falling posts by visitors from the outer rings of the solar system. In reaction to those posts (which I thought were honestly pretty amusing), there were buckets of posts suggesting that the extraterrestrial doomers should learn to trust Brad and, further, that critiques in general should be muted (which I again found amusing.)
I’d rather be first than in the middle. (We all know the inherent value of “first”)
You get to set the standard by which the rest will be judged. I don’t know how many of you watched the Charlie Villenueva recruiting video, where he talked about Self nailing his initial visit, 1st time on a private jet, etc… leading to his immediate decision to commit to Self. The rest of his visits were similar, thus less remarkable. He was all in on Illinois until self left.
Regarding Hawkins, again, the kid has a black belt in Underwood basketball. No one is going to ask Coleman to be a primary scorer. Best case for him is that a good team takes him late in the 1st next year. Proving he is adaptable may be more important than proving he can score. He’s a role player in the NBA. How quickly they think he can contribute may be the difference between late first or second round.
Tim Anderson was on Bardo’s YouTube show and talking about recruiting told him if we really want you we really don’t miss. ...
No Way Laughing GIF by grown-ish
Just making sure...

We are the frontrunner...right?

Edit: A lot of my posts either go through the day after I posted...or don't go through at all. I'd say around 50-60% don't go through at all. I had several not go through yesterday. Anyone know why this happening?
Kentucky has Jaxson Robinson, Koby Brea, and Oweh so I don't see it happening but they are Kentucky. Alabama, it seems like he is competing minutes with two freshmen, one 5 star and one 4 star so I can see it. My guess is between us and Bama is he reclasses.
To those who were just so darn frustrated in April and early May that the roster wasn't finalized, how are you feeling now? Kinda seems like it wasn't worth all the consternation. But also, interestingly, a lot of those posters suddenly seem to be MIA. Funny that.

Roster construction is a long game. We now have the level of success and recruiters to get us in the door to places we couldn't a few years ago. This is why it pays to save some money and have some roster flexibility, just in case. No matter how this works out, it's pretty darn nice to be in serious contention for this one.
I noticed that this board immediately changed from much doom & gloom to much gleefulness upon the KJ commitment. Kind of wild how one guy silenced the naysayers here. Just my humble observation.
That was last year though. I think they (especially TSJ) would get a lot more this year.
agree that inflation has impacted NIL amounts. However it was mentioned that the staff wasn't willing to give 2nd team all B1G player the same amount or more than TSJ.
While I agree staff probably hasn’t soured on DGL, what was TA gonna say. Plus, he only spoke about returners by name, so not saying something about one of the only two would have been weird.

I didn’t listen to quite all the interview, but the two most interesting things for me were his praise for Goode and that while he acknowledges he “went to the other side,” Luke is an Illini having graduated from the beloved and been a part of so much winning. The second thing was that a former player who transferred from Illinois to Louisville had a big impact on Tre White coming to Illinois. And said player and his father believe leaving Illinois was a huge mistake. They didn’t fully realize what Brad was trying to do with his coaching.
To be honest, transferring from anywhere to a Kenny Payne led team would probably have me full of regret, too, lmao.
agree that inflation has impacted NIL amounts. However it was mentioned that the staff wasn't willing to give 2nd team all B1G player the same amount or more than TSJ.
I assume you're referring to Storr? If so, I think he's a big step down from TSJ, and apparently the staff agreed (despite a lot of Storr hype on this board). Plus that was early in this recruiting cycle- inflation wasn't just year-to-year, but month-to-month.

I can still agree that 2M for Hawkins seems high (edit: just not outrageous as it would appear when compared to last year).
Kentucky has Jaxson Robinson, Koby Brea, and Oweh so I don't see it happening but they are Kentucky. Alabama, it seems like he is competing minutes with two freshmen, one 5 star and one 4 star so I can see it. My guess is between us and Bama is he reclasses.

"Projected scholarship count (as of May 29, 8:45 p.m. CT): 13 (NCAA limit is 13)"

0 scholarships open?
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I assume you're referring to Storr? If so, I think he's a big step down from TSJ, and apparently the staff agreed (despite a lot of Storr hype on this board). Plus that was early in this recruiting cycle- inflation wasn't just year-to-year, but month-to-month.

I can still agree that 2M for Hawkins seems high (edit: just not outrageous as it would appear when compared to last year).
Definitely. What seemed ridiculous two months ago doesn't now. If Storr had waited, he might have gotten even more. And the other thing is little of the info out there is verified. Nobody knows for sure what player x actually got or will get.

"Projected scholarship count (as of May 29, 8:45 p.m. CT): 13 (NCAA limit is 13)"
Yeah I've wondered about their scholarship count, too. If he does in fact reclass, would Alabama just make Riley (or I guess someone on their roster, maybe doesn't matter exactly who) a preferred walk-on and cover the $$ difference with extra NIL?
If a five star recruit comes in(especially top 10), he's starting immediately. That's just what comes with the territory and I'm sure was part of the discussion/expectation. We're not Kentucky where if we miss a guy like this, we have four more lined up. It might not be fair, but unless he's God awful in practice....he starts.
Maybe so. Even if that's true, I think Tre White needs to be one of our wing starters. We need a lineup that includes at least one starterrwho's been through the wars (other than Boswell) for a couple of years against tough competition.
Illinois has the best opportunity for Will Riley and they sold that well. Still, 18 year old kids don't always do the most logical thing.
I agree, but don't forget these 18 year old kids have agents.
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