Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Kentucky transfer Dajuan Wagner Jr has reportedly committed to Arkansas. Certainly not a surprising move. (Other than taking so long to make it official.) At one point in time, I was wondering how a backcourt of Kylan Boswell and DJ Wagner would've compared to the Deron Williams and Dee Brown backcourt back in the day. Just idle speculation on my part. :unsure:
Do I like the counting posts no. Do I get the point, no. Do I really care about them, no. Do I skip them and most other posts to only read the insiders posts, yes. I have a demanding job and 4 kids, and I come here for actual recruiting news.

Do I realize other people come here to discuss other things, yes. Does it bother me, no.

I made the post yesterday as a joke. Then people started posting the gifs afterward and I commented just messing with them as a joke. I’m sarcastic. I’m sorry you can’t handle that.

I never said your bolder words bothered me. I said you were obviously very sensitive because you felt the need to use them.

I’m not bothered by any of this. I’m not digging through past posts trying to find something to convince me that what I said is wrong. I think it’s hilarious and kind of fun. I’ve been laughing about this whole time. Probably the same way your mom laughs at you when you come up from your parents basement to tell her you posted the first gif on the new recruiting thread.

This is the last thing I’m saying on this, so don’t expect a reply. You obviously cant handle anyone joking around.
KGU… you’re a solid poster and I enjoy your contributions. Keep it up… you’re a valuable member of the community.

However, having reviewed this thread at nobody’s request, I’m afraid I must cite you with the following newly created violations:

1. Improperly critiquing the count: the 96 GIF and the 101 Dalmatians GIF were both in their proper position. 96 is post #97 and 101 is post #102. The count always refers to the reply, as the “first” reply is always post #2 behind Dan’s post #1

2. Misuse of the sarcasm symbol: sarcasm is saying something like “oh, I TOTALLY respect the post count” when you totally do not. Generally speaking, it is an exaggerated statement conveying the opposite of words stated. This body (me) finds nothing meeting that standard in your alleged sarcastic statement.

3. Illegal revision of history: this body (again, me) does not believe you made earlier posts “just messing with them as a joke.” It is this body’s contention that you made a mistake on the 96 and 101 critiques and created an elaborate, but grossly problematic back story which you hope would be believed at best or, at worst, ignored. Sadly, we are here at this tribunal because neither of those outcomes occurred.

Your punishment? I’m afraid that will have to be left up to Dan, who will no doubt see this ruling and ask “why the f#&k did I leave these children alone?!?” He will no doubt find this entire debate and/or discussion as inanely absurd as he will my efforts to research, recap and prosecute them. In short, he will roll his eyes at all of us.

I trust this concludes the matter, or in the alternative, escalates it. 😉
Do I like the counting posts no. Do I get the point, no. Do I really care about them, no. Do I skip them and most other posts to only read the insiders posts, yes. I have a demanding job and 4 kids, and I come here for actual recruiting news.

Do I realize other people come here to discuss other things, yes. Does it bother me, no.

I made the post yesterday as a joke. Then people started posting the gifs afterward and I commented just messing with them as a joke. I’m sarcastic. I’m sorry you can’t handle that.

I never said your bolder words bothered me. I said you were obviously very sensitive because you felt the need to use them.

I’m not bothered by any of this. I’m not digging through past posts trying to find something to convince me that what I said is wrong. I think it’s hilarious and kind of fun. I’ve been laughing about this whole time. Probably the same way your mom laughs at you when you come up from your parents basement to tell her you posted the first gif on the new recruiting thread.

This is the last thing I’m saying on this, so don’t expect a reply. You obviously cant handle anyone joking around.
Will Ferrell Movie GIF by filmeditor

I just want to say I love all my Illinois brethren. From the executives to basement dwellers
KGU… you’re a solid poster and I enjoy your contributions. Keep it up… you’re a valuable member of the community.

However, having reviewed this thread at nobody’s request, I’m afraid I must cite you with the following newly created violations:

1. Improperly critiquing the count: the 96 GIF and the 101 Dalmatians GIF were both in their proper position. 96 is post #97 and 101 is post #102. The count always refers to the reply, as the “first” reply is always post #2 behind Dan’s post #1

2. Misuse of the sarcasm symbol: sarcasm is saying something like “oh, I TOTALLY respect the post count” when you totally do not. Generally speaking, it is an exaggerated statement conveying the opposite of words stated. This body (me) finds nothing meeting that standard in your alleged sarcastic statement.

3. Illegal revision of history: this body (again, me) does not believe you made earlier posts “just messing with them as a joke.” It is this body’s contention that you made a mistake on the 96 and 101 critiques and created an elaborate, but grossly problematic back story which you hope would be believed at best or, at worst, ignored. Sadly, we are here at this tribunal because neither of those outcomes occurred.

Your punishment? I’m afraid that will have to be left up to Dan, who will no doubt see this ruling and ask “why the f#&k did I leave these children alone?!?” He will no doubt find this entire debate and/or discussion as inanely absurd as he will my efforts to research, recap and prosecute them. In short, he will roll his eyes at all of us.

I trust this concludes the matter or, in the alternative, escalates it. 😉
I disagree with all 3 of your points and can 100% tell you that you are incorrect about the third. They are your perspective though and I respect that you presented them in a reasonable way.

I am comfortable agreeing to disagree if you are.
Georgia Tech guard Miles Kelly has transferred to Auburn. At one point in time, it seemed like Illinois was interested in Kelly, but then cooled on him.
If you're ignoring someone, the post count will appear to skip. If you're ignoring the person with the first reply (post #2), you'll see post #3 right after post #1

I’m shaking my head and also literally laughing out loud. (My wife just asked me what was so funny)
Really? Seriously? (Still laughing by the way)

I feel like we need to answer just a few serious questions right now.
This discussion is relevant to Loyalty. It’s important to fan boards worldwide. As grown men and women, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends and families, this is important. It’s an election year which makes it all the more important. The worlds eyes are upon us at this very moment. It’s our reputation. Our character. It’s who we choose to be…right now…that’s important.

So, in regard Competitive First Post Response Competitions worldwide:

You know, the super cool game that’s played every morning around 5 am cst (even though my iPad says Dan’s post is at 3 cst.)

Who is the actual maker of the rules?
Who decided it’s a first response game?
Why not who’s the second person to post on the thread?
Why does Dan have to be excluded from playing? I mean, it’s his board. That doesn’t seem fair.
Who is keeping track of results? (Soupy cannot take on another project)

To be fair, I can see why there are some that oppose the very structure of this competition.

Case in point, young parents that have infants that need to sleep. Legitimate beef.
Or, now the added twist of whether or not “ignores” show up in the count.
That in of itself is a bit unfair as there are countless Loyalty members that recommend others to use the “ignore” button.
Could this be considered a ruthless tactic that is solely intended to throw off the count of others? That appears to be quite unsportsmanlike if that’s the case. Of course, there will denial.
Could this be why some Loyalty members are frustrated that they aren’t receiving the results they believe they’ve earned throughout the competition?

While I will not personally say that others would be lying, the fact is that the ruthlessness is obvious, so what other tactics might be utilized?
Now we are all going to need a governing body to ensure the game of Competitive First Post Response Competitions is fair to all.

(Side note: I’ve not used the “ignore” feature. Honestly it’s just easier to scroll to the next post than try to figure it out, go through that process…Maybe it was just a dumb post? We all have them. Heck, the whole board might ignore me after this post….whatever.)

Back to my post if you haven’t yet ignored me….
It’s all such a massive issue right now in Competitive First Post Response Competitions.

I have no answers.
Just simply SMH and LOL at the absurdity that some resort to when involved in life changing, high level posting competitions.

Carry on.

PS…Dan already said the new recruiting thread will be Tuesday. Set your alarms, review who you’re ignoring and cross reference if they participate in the competition, type fast so your five doesn’t actually become a seven….and GOOD LUCK!!!
I’m shaking my head and also literally laughing out loud. (My wife just asked me what was so funny)
Really? Seriously? (Still laughing by the way)

I feel like we need to answer just a few serious questions right now.
This discussion is relevant to Loyalty. It’s important to fan boards worldwide. As grown men and women, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends and families, this is important. It’s an election year which makes it all the more important. The worlds eyes are upon us at this very moment. It’s our reputation. Our character. It’s who we choose to be…right now…that’s important.

So, in regard Competitive First Post Response Competitions worldwide:

You know, the super cool game that’s played every morning around 5 am cst (even though my iPad says Dan’s post is at 3 cst.)

Who is the actual maker of the rules?
Who decided it’s a first response game?
Why not who’s the second person to post on the thread?
Why does Dan have to be excluded from playing? I mean, it’s his board. That doesn’t seem fair.
Who is keeping track of results? (Soupy cannot take on another project)

To be fair, I can see why there are some that oppose the very structure of this competition.

Case in point, young parents that have infants that need to sleep. Legitimate beef.
Or, now the added twist of whether or not “ignores” show up in the count.
That in of itself is a bit unfair as there are countless Loyalty members that recommend others to use the “ignore” button.
Could this be considered a ruthless tactic that is solely intended to throw off the count of others? That appears to be quite unsportsmanlike if that’s the case. Of course, there will denial.
Could this be why some Loyalty members are frustrated that they aren’t receiving the results they believe they’ve earned throughout the competition?

While I will not personally say that others would be lying, the fact is that the ruthlessness is obvious, so what other tactics might be utilized?
Now we are all going to need a governing body to ensure the game of Competitive First Post Response Competitions is fair to all.

(Side note: I’ve not used the “ignore” feature. Honestly it’s just easier to scroll to the next post than try to figure it out, go through that process…Maybe it was just a dumb post? We all have them. Heck, the whole board might ignore me after this post….whatever.)

Back to my post if you haven’t yet ignored me….
It’s all such a massive issue right now in Competitive First Post Response Competitions.

I have no answers.
Just simply SMH and LOL at the absurdity that some resort to when involved in life changing, high level posting competitions.

Carry on.

PS…Dan already said the new recruiting thread will be Tuesday. Set your alarms, review who you’re ignoring and cross reference if they participate in the competition, type fast so your five doesn’t actually become a seven….and GOOD LUCK!!!
I would argue that the “young parents that have infants that need to sleep” pass be given only to those who offered similar grace to Quincy Guerrier when he had subpar games following the birth of his child. One cannot allow such unabashed hypocrisy to go unchallenged.
I would argue that the “young parents that have infants that need to sleep” pass be given only to those who offered similar grace to Quincy Guerrier when he had subpar games following the birth of his child. One cannot allow such unabashed hypocrisy to go unchallenged.
Oooh, this is an extremely valid point and will no doubt reduce the pool of participants.
Do I like the counting posts no. Do I get the point, no. Do I really care about them, no. Do I skip them and most other posts to only read the insiders posts, yes. I have a demanding job and 4 kids, and I come here for actual recruiting news.

Do I realize other people come here to discuss other things, yes. Does it bother me, no.

I made the post yesterday as a joke. Then people started posting the gifs afterward and I commented just messing with them as a joke. I’m sarcastic. I’m sorry you can’t handle that.

I never said your bolder words bothered me. I said you were obviously very sensitive because you felt the need to use them.

I’m not bothered by any of this. I’m not digging through past posts trying to find something to convince me that what I said is wrong. I think it’s hilarious and kind of fun. I’ve been laughing about this whole time. Probably the same way your mom laughs at you when you come up from your parents basement to tell her you posted the first gif on the new recruiting thread.

This is the last thing I’m saying on this, so don’t expect a reply. You obviously cant handle anyone joking around.
Monty Python Elderberries GIF by Fresh Interactive

This was their championship game I think...? Great game. Hugo Gonzalez is real good.

People were talking about Traore being really good...he probably is not doubting that...but he didn't look too good in the clutch. Dribbled the time out and left only about 3 seconds on both the last possessions in Reg. and OT - didn't seem too smart...

As much as we wanna say Kasparas is better...Egor's pretty darn good. His D on the last possession and in this game was great. Had a great offensive game as well. Looks like a 6"8 cheat code at times. Def. lottery pick good - no doubt about that.

Hope Kasparas can prove to be a valuable consolation prize...
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