Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Louis Johnson on bass *chefs kiss*
Gotta contribute when Thunder Thumbs and Lightning Licks come up... Louis also provided the bass lines for some Thriller tracks, including Wanna Be Starting Something and Billie Jean. A lot of people have heard him play, they just don't know it.

Oh, yeah, basketball. Morez can be thunder and Jasper lightning. We can leave out the thumbs and licks.
I didn't say he isn't elite at what he does, compared with the competition. I said the bar in S&C in D-1 sports is pretty low and coaches leave a great deal of performance on the table in basketball. ;)
Nice to see you post Altgeld88.
You took some heat on the Fletch post, but there are many of us, myself included, that recognize your contribution to this board and your takes.
Keep posting brother.
Now let’s debate how the NBA isn’t what it used to be
I didn't say he isn't elite at what he does, compared with the competition. I said the bar in S&C in D-1 sports is pretty low and coaches leave a great deal of performance on the table in basketball. ;)

I can respect the take ... I just don't think Fletch is in that category ...

Look around CBB though ... Uhh yeah ... Totally agree with you ...
Regarding grade 13 in Canada….
I am a dual citizen of Canada and US. I attended HS in Waterloo, Ontario and HS back then went through Grade 13 to attend traditional University, or you could also graduate after grade 12 if you went into a trade type program.
Grade 13 was intended to be a prep year for University which for a standard degree took just three years back then.
I would have graduated in 81 after grade 13, but left after grade 12 to move back to the states where I’ve been ever since.
I was able to take the GED since I had completed coursework through grade 12, which would be equal to my peers in the US, which I did.
Many years (a couple decades ago I believe) Ontario did away with grade 13.
Regardless, Uncle Google told me that Will Riley attended a prep school in PA. (
Based on their website, and the strength of the educational system in Ontario (typically very good schools) I would assume he met the requirements of graduation.
All speculation regarding his achievements academically, but Phelps School looks like an excellent prep school.
Either way….there’s no grade 13 anymore and who cares how he got here…..
I L L . . .
The talent this next season is insane... If things click it'll be a special season.
"Insane" talent is what goes all the way in the end.

Yes, elite coaching (wink). Yes, great character. Yes, good fortune. But we Illini are just a little fuzzy in our recollection -- owing to wandering for so many years in the wilderness with non-elite coaching -- regarding how the best Illini teams have gone far: "insane" levels of talent.

Coach Underwood has his eyes on the prize, is my feeling. That man is not screwing around. Good.
Remember when this year's class was supposed to be like Certa, Brown, Morez, Nodrus & Carlos Harris?

Get Down Dancing GIF by Sony Pictures Television
If Riley becomes the player we expect him to be - averages double digits, becomes a high quality piece to this team, etc - he's a one and done right?
Someone please educate me. Why on earth is Purdue projected to be a top team next year? I'm not saying they will fall off a cliff, but Braden Smith seems to be the only very good option on that team and we will see what his production looks like without Edey.

Genuinely asking as the national media seems to be considering them a title threat again...
The biggest reason I think his game will translate immediately is look at how many of these shots are off-balance and from janky angles. He doesn’t need to be set to get his. He has the ability to take what the defense gives him and use it against them. Just a pure bucket getter.
No joke. I see Larry Bird mentality, size, and skill from LB’s beginning Indiana State days
Someone please educate me. Why on earth is Purdue projected to be a top team next year? I'm not saying they will fall off a cliff, but Braden Smith seems to be the only very good option on that team and we will see what his production looks like without Edey.

Genuinely asking as the national media seems to be considering them a title threat again...
Because at least one B1G team is overrated preseason to cast judgement on the conference being overrated as a whole.
Someone please educate me. Why on earth is Purdue projected to be a top team next year? I'm not saying they will fall off a cliff, but Braden Smith seems to be the only very good option on that team and we will see what his production looks like without Edey.

Genuinely asking as the national media seems to be considering them a title threat again...
Recency bias
I was down on this roster throughout the offseason, most recently prior to KJ’s commitment. Even with KJ, I was a bit concerned given the less than stellar track record of European freshmen just last season… though it’s fair to say UCLA in particular (which had quite a few of those underperformers) was pretty dysfunctional beyond just who the players on the floor happened to be.

In any event, with both KJ and Riley added, there’s a fascinating collection of talent on the roster. Not every piece will hit, but not every piece needs to. If Kasparas’ game doesn’t translate right away, you have Boswell/DGL/White/Riley right there to soak up some of that offensive responsibility. Same can be said if any one of that group of four isn’t quite what we want—just plug in another piece. Who knows, maybe Rodgers makes a leap. Many options.

We’ll be spoiled with another high-floor team next season, and likely the following year as well. As for the ceiling… :oops:
Someone please educate me. Why on earth is Purdue projected to be a top team next year? I'm not saying they will fall off a cliff, but Braden Smith seems to be the only very good option on that team and we will see what his production looks like without Edey.

Genuinely asking as the national media seems to be considering them a title threat again...
People trust Painter and his staff’s ability to develop talent, so they’re baking in big jumps for guys like Colvin and (especially) Heide. I’m not so sure.
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