Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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It looks like Watkins is visiting Michigan this weekend and St. Johns and Michigan are the two favorites right now - I would certainly hate to see him go to Michigan for obvious reasons

I love KJ's potential, but Watkins would have been such a great fit for our team this year
Kasparas (or Demin) would have a greater impact on Illini success and also make their teammates better..
A couple of the insiders referenced that we aren’t done potentially- so I’m intrigued by who we can add as well- I think it either needs to be a home run type guy that will take someone’s spot and we will have to just deal with the fallout or a developmental guy who has multiple years left

If it’s Riley I would put him in the Homerun camp and he will play right away - just less time for others to go around

If it’s Mongolian Mike or someone, I think it has minimal impact on this year
war ball GIF by South Park
china knife GIF by South Park
I'm utterly confused by the number of reversals to college in this year's draft which is weaker than most. Are these kids all just trying to grab from the most lucrative pot because they're not being told of guaranteed contracts or are the NBA guys saying they rather take flyers on international guys versus some of the older college guys.
It will be interesting to see how Hawkins does with a different coach. Brad pushed him hard, jumped on him when he went brain dead, yet stuck with him and defended him when he was struggling. Was that combination of tough love and undying support necessary for his success? We shall see.
I wonder how the Trollman Hawkins persona will play with a fanbase that's not so familiar with him as we are
“I know someone just became the highest-paid player, and I wouldn’t want to have that label,” He added. “I’d be making a good amount, but that’s a lot of added pressure when you label yourself that. … I’ve had lots of offers. I’ve had offers to sign with agencies. I’m not a person who is moved by money, and if I’m being honest with you, to have that label (as highest paid player) is just an unwanted amount of pressure because as soon as you do something wrong, as soon as anything happens, as soon as you have a bad game, people are just going to question all that money. So even if I did come back to school, I’d let you guys guess whatever amount I got. I would never share that information because, I mean if I’m being honest, it’s kind of selfish. Not only for yourself but for your teammates knowing what you made. I wouldn’t have those conversations with my teammates. I wouldn’t want anyone to know what I made.”

Hmmm.........My BS meter is maxed out with that statement :poop:
Agreed, but this offseason feels like we’re loading up for the 2025 season not this upcoming season as much. Insiders can correct me if I’m wrong but if we keep most of the core players after 2024 (which in todays college bball is a thing if it’s own) we will have:

Kylan: a 20 y/o senior PG with tons of experience
KJ: Incredibly talented lead guard next to Kylan with now a year experience playing and adjusting to basketball in the US
Ty: Senior, leader, menace
Booth: 6’10 stretch 4 and NBA prospect
Big T: 7’1 MAN with year of experience playing basketball in US

DGL: Junior, bigger, stronger, offensive prodigy
Fears: 5 star, future of program without a ton of pressure playing with these other lead guards
Morez: Year of experience and fine tuned his offensive game, absolute beast rebounding and defensively
Tre White: Reached his potential playing on a much better team than Louisville
Davis: 3 point specialist with beautiful locks

Now I do want to say, I don’t think in todays college bball we would be able to keep all of Kylan, KJ, DGL, and Fears since there is only so much ball to go around and they’re all going to want the ball in their hands. May be a transfer or maybe one leaves or NBA or whatever, but I doubt we have all 4. I also doubt we have both Tre White and Ty. Different types players yes but same position and I have a feeling neither is going to want to be coming off the bench.

That being said, yes I’d love to win this upcoming season and think we will, but the team I just named in 2025 would be the best team in Illini history and I think easily the best team in the country.
I posted this in the other thread but here it is again. My illiniois philosophy degree says this is bad logic and precedent shows the next year only matters. Guys who we thought would stay,said they're staying left. Insiders have said multiple times more money can be made available so why not for Coleman a proven commodity?

I think the issue with the loyalists is that we never really got to see Hawkins play his true position with good pieces( legit pg and center) and this wild west of transfer portal mercenaries and duffle bags make us dream team up a nccaa finals team with him leading the ship with this current roster construction.
Fantasy land in my head is imaging him not having to play the 5 or play point forward.
It's been said on here before the coffers can be filled again so they should be, because as we all learned there is no guarantee any of these guys who have more than 1 year or eligibility will be here more than 1 year.
I'd rather ride or die with CH and make daddy Brad and Co earn their paychecks by managing a bunch of potential nba picks who want their playing time and shots.

You created this chaos. We funded it. Now make it work with Hawkins.

Everyone can jump ship next year so stop saying guys with more eligibility have more potential. That assumes they stay.
CoHawk is a proven commodity. I can't see someone filling the last scholarship that would add more versatility to lineup combinations and leadership than him. Pay him and make it work.
Agreed. He made a huge leap between 3rd and 4th year. If he makes a similar leap for year 5, he could help his NBA stock.

Best of luck to him (unless he's playing us).
We’re loaded.
My take is bro Hawk is best to go pro. Being a low 2nd round draft pick is not encouraging. He can do better $$$ wise in one year NIL deal.
After that ... the NBA try for a second time if his draft ability improves or,
more likely, play pro in Europe.
I'm calling it now. Prolly won't even have Booth next year. Wasn't a huge fan of CH but he is much better than Booth. Watkins is coming back and we go with Kasparas. Things May turn out great in the long, but the recruiting engine is not running on all cylinders. Who cares what I think tho. I don't think Riley will come to a place with so few minutes to go around, but I've been wrong before, and in that case my tone would change a bit.
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Even though I would have liked to see him play for the Illini, I understand he had many things to consider, and I certainly do not think he owes it to Illinois to stay. If he wants a different experience for his final year, live in a different city, experience a different coaching style, etc. then he should do it (especially considering the NIL opportunity). He certainly seems like a young man that can think and make good choices for himself.

I'm curious, as a person with limited understanding of the many subtleties of coaching/playing at this level. Do you believe that he could expereince something with a different coach/system that expands his game, just by seeing and playing a little differently than he is accustomed to? Or is his desire to improve his NBA position completely up to him regardless of where he plays? Sorry if this question is clumsy. I'm just interested as a fan of the game.
I think bro Hawk has little to prove with another yr playing college bball. Likely NIL $$$ will be good for the Hawk in yr 5
Then on to Europe for a pro career.
I posted this in the other thread but here it is again. My illiniois philosophy degree says this is bad logic and precedent shows the next year only matters. Guys who we thought would stay,said they're staying left. Insiders have said multiple times more money can be made available so why not for Coleman a proven commodity?

I think the issue with the loyalists is that we never really got to see Hawkins play his true position with good pieces( legit pg and center) and this wild west of transfer portal mercenaries and duffle bags make us dream team up a nccaa finals team with him leading the ship with this current roster construction.
Fantasy land in my head is imaging him not having to play the 5 or play point forward.
It's been said on here before the coffers can be filled again so they should be, because as we all learned there is no guarantee any of these guys who have more than 1 year or eligibility will be here more than 1 year.
I'd rather ride or die with CH and make daddy Brad and Co earn their paychecks by managing a bunch of potential nba picks who want their playing time and shots.

You created this chaos. We funded it. Now make it work with Hawkins.

Everyone can jump ship next year so stop saying guys with more eligibility have more potential. That assumes they stay.
CoHawk is a proven commodity. I can't see someone filling the last scholarship that would add more versatility to lineup combinations and leadership than him. Pay him and make it work.
He played his "true position" his first two years with fantastic pieces around him. Playing next to Kofi there wasn't much room to maneuver close to the basket.

And furthermore, even though he was technically our "5" this last year, he had complete freedom to pop outside and shoot 3s. And also handle the ball a fair amount.

The true position thing is way overblown here. Most college coaches love to play guys "up" a position. eg PF to C, SF to PF, and so on. It's generally a good thing to get more quickness, shooting, and handles on the floor in this day and age. Golden State won a few titles with lineups where their tallest guy on the floor was frequently 6'8.
I'm utterly confused by the number of reversals to college in this year's draft which is weaker than most. Are these kids all just trying to grab from the most lucrative pot because they're not being told of guaranteed contracts or are the NBA guys saying they rather take flyers on international guys versus some of the older college guys.
NIL has made staying in college financially competitive with the risk associated with not being selected in the first round. The best a second-round pick can hope for is a league minimum non-guaranteed salary of around $1.1M. Why do that when NIL is guaranteed?

Also this is the final year of players electing to take a covid fifth year, so that also adds to the number of people eligible to return to school.
I think in our "two-year window" methodology, the process works like this:

Year 1:

Load up on multi-year guys and see who develops
Get enough old talent to be competitive

Year 2:

Shed players that didn't develop
Pay the guys you want to keep
Get older stars to fill gaps
Year 1:

Load up on multi-year guys and see who develops: TSJ, CH, Melendez, Dain, SKYY, Epps, Rogers, Harris, Goode
Get enough old talent to be competitive: Mayer

Year 2:

Shed players that didn't develop: Skyy, Epps, Melendez
Pay the guys you want to keep: TSJ, Coleman
Get older stars to fill gaps: Domask, Guerrier, Harmon

Yup, seems about right.
PG: Kylan
SG: Kasparas/DGL
SF: Riley, Tre, Ty - Lord knows who starts here...
PF: Ben/Booth
C: Tomislav/Morez

This could very well end up being our starting five this year...

And are we sure Riley's a sure shot one and done? Probably likely it goes that direction...but not sure if that's a "sure shot", so to speak...

This could be the lineup next year...

Kylan, Kasparas, Riley, Tre, Tomislav/Morez

Larry David Hbo GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

The only downside might be that some guys might end up leaving - not happy with the minutes they got...

But just keep the main guys and things are nothing but AWESOME.

Just hope we are in good spot $$ wise for Riley. If that's not an issue, it seems like we're in a pretty good spot...?
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I for sure see it completely different. Coleman really wanted and believed he would get a guaranteed NBA contract. He did everything he could to let Brad build a team knowing he would not be in Champaign early. That was a huge favor Coleman did. If he knew 2 months ago he was coming back to college for sure I am thinking we don’t get hummdinger and Coleman is in that role.

In todays college game, I would say he is the epitome of what a great Illini legend should have done?
I think Coleman's value to next season's team would as a lightning rod for Underwood's temper. Who is he going to yell and curse at to get the entire team's attention? Ty? Dre? Ty is too hard-working to ever be yelled at and Dre may be too fragile. They need a whipping boy to get the message across. And that was CoHawk or Dain.
Now, who's it going to be? Guess we'll have to find out...
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I posted this in the other thread but here it is again. My illiniois philosophy degree says this is bad logic and precedent shows the next year only matters. Guys who we thought would stay,said they're staying left. Insiders have said multiple times more money can be made available so why not for Coleman a proven commodity?

I think the issue with the loyalists is that we never really got to see Hawkins play his true position with good pieces( legit pg and center) and this wild west of transfer portal mercenaries and duffle bags make us dream team up a nccaa finals team with him leading the ship with this current roster construction.
Fantasy land in my head is imaging him not having to play the 5 or play point forward.
It's been said on here before the coffers can be filled again so they should be, because as we all learned there is no guarantee any of these guys who have more than 1 year or eligibility will be here more than 1 year.
I'd rather ride or die with CH and make daddy Brad and Co earn their paychecks by managing a bunch of potential nba picks who want their playing time and shots.

You created this chaos. We funded it. Now make it work with Hawkins.

Everyone can jump ship next year so stop saying guys with more eligibility have more potential. That assumes they stay.
CoHawk is a proven commodity. I can't see someone filling the last scholarship that would add more versatility to lineup combinations and leadership than him. Pay him and make it work.
You’d be right if Coleman WANTED to come back, but he has made it very clear he wants to move on.
I posted this in the other thread but here it is again. My illiniois philosophy degree says this is bad logic and precedent shows the next year only matters. Guys who we thought would stay,said they're staying left. Insiders have said multiple times more money can be made available so why not for Coleman a proven commodity?

I think the issue with the loyalists is that we never really got to see Hawkins play his true position with good pieces( legit pg and center) and this wild west of transfer portal mercenaries and duffle bags make us dream team up a nccaa finals team with him leading the ship with this current roster construction.
Fantasy land in my head is imaging him not having to play the 5 or play point forward.
It's been said on here before the coffers can be filled again so they should be, because as we all learned there is no guarantee any of these guys who have more than 1 year or eligibility will be here more than 1 year.
I'd rather ride or die with CH and make daddy Brad and Co earn their paychecks by managing a bunch of potential nba picks who want their playing time and shots.

You created this chaos. We funded it. Now make it work with Hawkins.

Everyone can jump ship next year so stop saying guys with more eligibility have more potential. That assumes they stay.
CoHawk is a proven commodity. I can't see someone filling the last scholarship that would add more versatility to lineup combinations and leadership than him. Pay him and make it work.
What you’re saying is so simple I’m surprised the coaches didn’t think of it.

All you have to do is ruin the team chemistry.

“Hey, Booth, I know we told you that you’d be integral piece of this team, but you likely won’t see the floor.”

“Hey Humvee, I know we told you that you’d be an integral piece of this team, but you’ll likely only play 5 minutes a game. Coleman has the other 35.”

“Hey Boswell, I know we told you that you’d be the leader of the team, but this is Coleman’s team now.”

“Hey boosters, I know we told you that we wouldn’t need anymore money, but we now need an extra $1m-$2m to get Coleman back.”

And on top of that:

I believe the article was spot on and truthful and that's all I ever ask of journalists is to report facts.
I think the problem is people read:

"Hawkins was not projected to be drafted and now the former #Illini is one of the top transfers on the market"

and don't even bother clicking on the link to the free article. That is where Werner cited his sources. Also, the overall article is more like a puff piece praising Coleman Hawkins.

Werner could have committed the part about the draft projection from the tweet, and included it the linked article. Maybe he wanted to stir the pot?
What you’re saying is so simple I’m surprised the coaches didn’t think of it.

All you have to do is ruin the team chemistry.

“Hey, Booth, I know we told you that you’d be integral piece of this team, but you likely won’t see the floor.”

“Hey Humvee, I know we told you that you’d be an integral piece of this team, but you’ll likely only play 5 minutes a game. Coleman has the other 35.”

“Hey Boswell, I know we told you that you’d be the leader of the team, but this is Coleman’s team now.”

“Hey boosters, I know we told you that we wouldn’t need anymore money, but we now need an extra $1m-$2m to get Coleman back.”

And on top of that:

But what if we kidnap him and only let him play if someone gets injured? Seems to solve a lot of problems...
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