Illini Basketball 2024-2025

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Hiring Luke Yaklish would cause some issues, IMO. Don't see it happening. I guess we'll see.

Think if anyone is going to be able to navigate those issues … It’d be Brad …

I just was told another name we’re gonna at least contact …

it's funny how far UI has come in 2024. 6 months ago this board would have been in total meltdown mode if TA was leaving. Now? Good luck, TA! This train is going to moving! Choo Choo!

major GIF
Regarding the staff situation … Think Brad could roll with the current staff for this coming year … He’s open to hiring someone if it’s the right guy and right fit … But at this stage of the game, a lot of guys are not as willing to move and if they are, it’s going to cost a lot more $$$$ now than it would next off season …

Tyler & Hamer have already been leading the charge on some of our recruiting efforts due to the new NCAA rules so nothing would really change …

Definitely not a done deal we roll with what we got … But I’d say it’s highly likely … Would take just about the perfect situation on our side and theirs …
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