Conference Realignment, Naming Rights, Financing

I might one of the view that B1G as decent but nothing special. Maybe I am an immature edge lord lol.
I stumbled upon this article a bit ago, sounds like ND might be talking with B1G, and ND is not pushing for Stanford to come with. Can anyone corroborate that ND and B1G are talking? The article also notes that Michigan, OSU, and others might want Texas A&M too, which I am open to. Thoughts?

any discussions between B1G & ND , if happening at all , will be done in strict confidence . we likely will never know until it’s a done deal . which may be never

they aren’t going to the SEC nor B12.

highly doubt the B1G has any interest in Stanford . they simply don’t add any value . ND can’t help that .

B1G would take ND , on their own , in a NY minute .

T A&M would be a valuable addition . No one knows if that talk, like the ND talk , has any serious merit .

This I know , the B1G will expand only if & when it’s a right fit in 3-4 respects , and there aren’t many schools not in the SEC that fit the bill . ND & A&M are two .
FSU maybe .
UNC also a maybe .
This post seems to use the same sources as the War Eagle article. We will see if B1G is talking with ND, eventually.


I agree with you, @Mr. Tibbs, that Texas A&M would be a valuable addition. FSU and UNC might be good adds and we would have to see who else makes sense - Kansas, UVA, Mizzou, ?
I stumbled upon this article a bit ago, sounds like ND might be talking with B1G, and ND is not pushing for Stanford to come with. Can anyone corroborate that ND and B1G are talking? The article also notes that Michigan, OSU, and others might want Texas A&M too, which I am open to. Thoughts?

Just out of due diligence with ACC lawsuits ongoing, ND would be negligent to not be talking’s to the SEC, B1G, and Big 12.
Will the B1G abandon its requirement that schools be members of the AAU (Association of American Universities, not the other AAU) to join the conference?
Will the B1G abandon its requirement that schools be members of the AAU (Association of American Universities, not the other AAU) to join the conference?
Everything publicly is pointing to it still being a requirement. If they drop that requirement and the ACC grant of rights is removed/reduced. I would bet the BIG would try too swipe ND, FSU, TAMU, and one of Clemson or UNC.
The B1G could also go the Nebraska route and admit a school but require them to be in the process of admittance to the AAU.
The B1G could also go the Nebraska route and admit a school but require them to be in the process of admittance to the AAU.
Well technically the Nebraska route would them being apart of the AAU then after a year in the B1G they get booted from the AAU. Nebby was removed from the AAU if I remember correctly after the AAU changed how they viewed their Med school not counting anymore for the main campus since it was/is at the Omaha campus.
Will the B1G abandon its requirement that schools be members of the AAU (Association of American Universities, not the other AAU) to join the conference?
I'm not sure their is a real requirement to be AAU, ND just recently added AAU & it seems pretty clear that wouldn't have stopped them from joining the B1G.
I'm not sure their is a real requirement to be AAU, ND just recently added AAU & it seems pretty clear that wouldn't have stopped them from joining the B1G.
I do not believe it is a requirement .
it’s simply preferred , as it confirms the institutions commitment to research .

it’s a major reason that the B1G & PAC were always closely aligned .
I do not believe it is a requirement .
it’s simply preferred , as it confirms the institutions commitment to research .

it’s a major reason that the B1G & PAC were always closely aligned .

Bolded for a reason.....
yup, A&M is probably better in the long run as you dont get all the negatives with Texas.

the B1G would take A&M in a heartbeat. A huge state to get into with regards to eyeballs for TV and for recruiting purposes
pretty good...also makes me wonder if the B1G wouldn't be better off with A&M than having to deal with Texas. Texas is easily the bigger fish, but A&M isn't bad & seems like a lot less of a headache.
Maybe you’re right. I dunno. (As I’ve learned from this board…)One potential strike against A&M might be their mightily bizarre and cultish fan-base tho. Lol. 😂
Saw this on Facebook. It's just someone's thoughts but I hope that B1G gives FSU a good look. If B1G raids the ACC, then we should be looking at getting ND, FSU, UNC, and UVA, IMO.

follow up: obviously, breaking into the Florida and Texas markets would be a major coup. Clemson and UNC aren't close.
Population (proxy for TV markets)

South Carolina 5 M (why Clemson ACC does not move the needle for B10)
Virgina 8 M - UVA ACC
N Carolina 11 M - UNC ACC
Florida 23 M - Florida SEC FSU ACC
Texas 30 M - TAM SEC UT SEC

If there was a dominant college football program for San Francisco metro B10 would be on it but Cal Berkley and Stanford don't draw enough fans.