Conference Realignment, Naming Rights, Financing

if Stanford had any value , we would have added them already .

FSU is likely going thru the AAU application process in response to suggestions by the B1G commish.

long term , my money is 2 or 4 of the following

all of those schools are quite likely additive , financially . or at worst, break even . but we are likely 2-3 years away
that seems about right, except 2 of those schools may still be tied up for a long time w/GOR & A&M interest is purely speculative, so if ND wants/can effectively move & B1G wants a partner there may be an opening for a surprise.

Also with my bias living in NC & just not liking UNC, I think NC is overrated as an athletic add, sure they are blue blood basketball & carry some academic appeal...but I just don't see them ever really raising their football brand that much and in this area I think NC State & VA Tech both beat them as football schools & overall football support (& not arguing either would be a better take than UNC), just UNC would be on the bottom of those 4 on my list.
(I want to start by saying I absolutely agree that FSU is the best target left besides Notre Dame by a wide margin, and I am only including them below for a comparison, not to make some point that Illinois is anywhere near FSU in value, lol.)

I'll once again voice my opinion that we are WAY too hard on ourselves, and Illinois brings a lot of value to a conference. We have this perception that we are like deadweight because we have been bad in the modern era, but that seems like an - err- simplistic way to look at this. Does ANYBODY ever postulate that, for example, Michigan State would get left behind? No. Because they have earned a better image on the field because they have won more in the last 20+ years ... but this is about money. And Illinois just simply is not worlds apart from our Big Ten peers that probably don't worry about getting left behind and other schools often listed as targets, and we are a LOT further down from our ceiling than they are, IMO.

Michigan State: $170 million
Florida State: $169 million
Iowa: $167 million
Illinois: $148 million
North Carolina: $139 million
UCLA: $105 million

Florida State: $91 million
Michigan State: $90 million
Iowa: $87 million
Illinois: $70 million
North Carolina: $67 million
UCLA: $46 million

Florida State: 4.2 million
Iowa: 2.8 million
Michigan State: 2.8 million
North Carolina: 2.2 million
Illinois: 1.9 million
UCLA: 1.8 million

* Excludes small networks that drag everyone's ratings down like Pac-12 Network and Big Ten Network ... in other words, it tries to gauge the viewers a team is getting on the networks that the big decision makers actually care about.

1. Illinois still ranks toward the middle or bottom of those lists above, but fan enthusiasm (something that naturally fluctuates for all but a handful of programs) is still very low compared to what it could be. So, while you of course can't put all of your eggs in the "sleeping giant" basket, the fact remains that Illinois is sort of an anti-Iowa State ... we are not maxing out our viewership with a small state that mostly follows another team and a modestly sized alumni base because we have been good lately. Conversely, we have been terrible, and even our absolute floor of fan interest is drawing from such a large pool of potential fans that we are hanging in there with "bigger" programs that are in way healthier places. Which brings me to my next point...

2. Even if you think where we are at this very moment is sort of "meh," how can our own fans not acknowledge how much better it could be?? We've already seen another significant increase in season ticket sales this offseason, and we will play significantly more high-profile matchups next year (e.g., Nebraska on FOX, Michigan, at Oregon, etc.), and I predict our average viewer rating will go up again. I think it's entirely fair to look at us as pretty respectable (if lower than we'd like to be) as far as the money we bring in, AND acknowledge that on paper we have a lot more room to grow. How is Nebraska going to bring in more money next year? They sell out every game, and their fan base tunes in every week. I'm willing to bet a coach who had Illinois rolling would bring in revenue that starts to rival programs like that.

3. I am still not convinced that Ohio State and Michigan have this huge desire to replace Illinois with Georgia on their regular season schedules, lol. All of the professional sports leagues have "lower tier" teams that I am willing to bet the Chiefs enjoy getting to play every now and again. To the Big Ten commissioner, I'm saying Illinois is a win-win. They have the opportunity to turn into a legitimate cash cow, and for now they will pull their weight in the revenue and TV ratings department while providing my sacred cows like Michigan and OSU an easy win 9 times out of 10.
I hear a lot of YouTube commentators speculating that conferences may get rid of dead weight and kick teams out of the conference. They always bring up Illinois. I personally don't think the BIG 10 would ever kick Illinois out. This is about markets. Kicking out Illinois would be saying goodbye to the Chicago market. That's not going to happen (I don't think I have to worry about anyone in here saying Northwestern is Chicago's BIG 10 team, because we all know that's not true).
I hear a lot of YouTube commentators speculating that conferences may get rid of dead weight and kick teams out of the conference. They always bring up Illinois. I personally don't think the BIG 10 would ever kick Illinois out. This is about markets. Kicking out Illinois would be saying goodbye to the Chicago market. That's not going to happen (I don't think I have to worry about anyone in here saying Northwestern is Chicago's BIG 10 team, because we all know that's not true).

people (a lot of them, anyway) are idiots
The quiet part that the blue bloods don't want to say out loud is that in a 9-game conference schedule, they want 4 easy wins, three "they are going to make us work for it" wins and two (maximum) coin toss games. Does USC, Michigan, OSU, Oregon, PSU, want to play only coin toss games, and get beaten up playing (and maybe losing to), Michigan State, Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin? I don't care how blue the blood is at Ohio State, will the CFP take them at 8-4?

No, these teams need to have easy(ier) schools like Purdue, Indiana, usually Northwestern, and sadly Illinois on the schedule. Hopefully BB will get Illinois consistently into the second tier with some breakthrough seasons into the CFP.

Talking heads love to talk about European soccer-style relegation leagues for college football. It won't work. College football is a uniquely American game is not meant to work like that. Illinois brings a lot to the Big 10 - even during the Groce/Beckman nadir. Illinois isn't going anywhere.
The quiet part that the blue bloods don't want to say out loud is that in a 9-game conference schedule, they want 4 easy wins, three "they are going to make us work for it" wins and two (maximum) coin toss games.
This is the value that the Illini bring to the B1G.

Realignment is not about "markets" anymore ... that hasn't been a major consideration since the 2012 Rutgers/Maryland round. What matters now for realignment is brand names. What volume of eyeballs can a team consistently bring in to watch their televised games so the TV partners can sell ads / streaming subs to recoup their investment. Unfortunately, a game like Illinois vs. Purdue isn't a Tier 1 game in a potential TV partner's inventory; nobody cares if we're geographically located near Chicago anymore. They'd much rather have Oregon vs. Michigan or USC vs. Ohio State -- games that would bring more eyeballs and more revenue.

Our value in this current round of realignment is that we can be a punching bag for OSU, Michigan, Oregon, USC, and whatever other B1G contenders that year to have an easy win. The TV networks would drop and replace us in a second for a bigger program, but the quiet part is the conference itself won't want to lose the easy wins like what we've provided over the past few decades.
The Big has never really asked a team to leave since like 1906 when Michigan was caught cheating . They were allowed back in 4 years later .

so the conference has a 120 year history of not kicking anyone out and I have total faith they won’t start now - there are bylaws , and I highly doubt there is any consideration given for how good the football team is over any period of time .

those you tube blow hards simply want clicks . I’ve seen them too . some of those same guys want you to believe UCF has more value right now than Miami .

every conference has top tier, middle tier and lower tier teams . it’s up to the lower level teams to move into the middle or better , but the conference presidents know it’s not easy .

I believe very very little what these talking heads from “Locked on Somewhere” have to say . it’s 95% garbage
so the conference has a 120 year history of not kicking anyone out and I have total faith they won’t start now - there are bylaws , and I highly doubt there is any consideration given for how good the football team is over any period of time .
To be fair, I think the bigger argument is not the B1G kicking schools out, but rather why don't Michigan/Alabama/OSU/Georgia/Texas/...form their own super conference to the delight of some or all TV markets to maximize a current TV deal. Long term I agree with the argument that all those teams can't maintain there current mega football school status if half of them are going to fall below 500 beating each other up.
I believe very very little what these talking heads from “Locked on Somewhere” have to say . it’s 95% garbage
Agree, and it doesn't look like it will get better anytime soon, welcome to the day anyone can have a podcast & it is all about saying something controversial to get clicks and anything resembling real journalism is dying.
these insane money deals that pro sports & now college are currently getting will not last . it’s not sustainable .

things will plateau & reach a more normal progression

see Tulipmania , the Netherlands , circa 1635 , or bubble for examples

as Tom Jones so eloquently said in song “ what goes up, must come down “
This is the value that the Illini bring to the B1G.

Realignment is not about "markets" anymore ... that hasn't been a major consideration since the 2012 Rutgers/Maryland round. What matters now for realignment is brand names. What volume of eyeballs can a team consistently bring in to watch their televised games so the TV partners can sell ads / streaming subs to recoup their investment. Unfortunately, a game like Illinois vs. Purdue isn't a Tier 1 game in a potential TV partner's inventory; nobody cares if we're geographically located near Chicago anymore. They'd much rather have Oregon vs. Michigan or USC vs. Ohio State -- games that would bring more eyeballs and more revenue.

Our value in this current round of realignment is that we can be a punching bag for OSU, Michigan, Oregon, USC, and whatever other B1G contenders that year to have an easy win. The TV networks would drop and replace us in a second for a bigger program, but the quiet part is the conference itself won't want to lose the easy wins like what we've provided over the past few decades.
I’ll add, once again, that we aren’t JUST a punching bag … we’re a punching bag that brings way more viewers and money than we should for being bad as often as we are. And I don’t think that’s talked about nearly enough.

Status quo? We’re a punching bag that brings in B+ money. Ceiling? We become a 7-8 win program and bring in A money. Either way, we are ANYTHING but deadweight.
daylight at the end of the tunnel for FSU? ok, I'm not a lawyer and I don't take this as gospel, but...

not to beat a dead horse, but I'm pretty dubious about inviting Clemson (A&M is much more compelling, IMO)

on second thought, there's a lot of push back on this guy's GoR take.
There was a rumor that FSU is putting a lot of money into research and they are pushing to join the AAU. Even without that association, I think the B1G should give them a solid look, if the B1G expands again.

If Texas A&M wants away from Texas again, the B1G should strongly consider them. ND, we all know why. Going to a round number of 24x teams, UNC, UVA, Kansas, Missouri (I know they probably wouldn't leave the SEC), Colorado, and Stanford should be on the short list IMO.