Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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Once he's convicted in a criminal trial or took a plea deal, she could have launched a civil case for damages. (That second part is important - a plea deal would have left him open to a civil suit he probably would have lost or been forced to settle.)

Also if you're found guilty in criminal court, you're guilty in civil court effectively speaking.

The chain of events she was hoping for was he got suspended, once that happens he's desperate to play again so he agrees to a plea deal (at the time a misdemeanor), then gets found guilty or settles in civil court because the bar is much lower.

The suspension was the key to this plan, that's what triggered the text. Without being suspended, he has no reason to make a deal. They couldn't imagine he'd take the University to court and win for his right to play.
He couldn't take a plea and still play for Illinois. If he would have plead to a misdemeanor he would have been dismissed from the team.

His only path to playing was the charges being dropped or the legal injunction.
"She" will no longer be in the legal field. Re-election for a DA that is spurned by judges? Karma is a bi*ch, as she will find out first hand
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I just now learned that cameras were allowed in the courtroom for TSJ’s trial. WTF didn’t one of the Champaign stations cover it wall to wall? People would’ve watched that. Or at the very least live stream it if they didn’t want to bust up three days of regularly scheduled programming?
With this cloud no longer casting shadow... TSJ is absolutely in the All Time Illini starting 5 right?

No necessarily career, stats, achievements, etc... but just purely making a starting 5 of the best players to ever wear the uniform..

Disclaimer before I say mine.. I am of an age where the 05 run was my first die hard following so my list is only 2000-current but...

1 Ayo
2 Deron
4 Cook
5 Kofi

I obviously know of all the other all time Illini greats, particularly the 89 group but don't have the memories of actually watching them play. Would be interested to hear others opinions that include all(or more) of the history
Solid list of 21st Century Illini best. Going back as far as the 1960's (as I do), would include Nick Weatherspoon, Dave Scholz, Dave Downey, Nick Anderson and Deon Thomas. Lots of other greats could be added to this list.
I just now learned that cameras were allowed in the courtroom for TSJ’s trial. WTF didn’t one of the Champaign stations cover it wall to wall? People would’ve watched that. Or at the very least live stream it if they didn’t want to bust up three days of regularly scheduled programming?
Unfortunately it's up to the court to decide what gets streamed and they really reduced their coverage since opening up from COVID. If you go to their YouTube they just stream some public hearings every week. As I understand it there was a livestream for the media but I didn't see any method for the general public to gain access, and believe me I looked.
Curious: Does anyone know how TSJ's legal team received access to the accuser's text messages?
I imagine it was either in the documents they received from the prosecution during discovery or they submitted a subpoena for the information themselves. Both sides are allowed to do that to help build their cases. They just generally have to share what they find with each other so there aren't any Perry Mason like surprises in court
Is this something that would sometimes be brought up? Like if I’m the defense I’m telling the jury, the DA offered my client no jail time to admit guilt. If she actually thought he was guilty, do you think she’d offer him the option to walk at all?
Discussions having to do with a potential settlement are never admissible. To allow such discussion to see the light of day in court would create a chilling effect on any potential for resolution of the case outside of the verdict itself.
I don't believe that's correct, or at least it varies. Guilty verdicts of unrelated cases aren't always admissable but being found guilty of the case you're being tried for again generally is.

"First, the criminal case must be completed. In other words, there must be a final judgment. A final judgment in a criminal case is a verdict of guilty or a plea of guilty. Secondly, the defendant in the criminal case must also be the defendant in the civil case. Finally, the judge must weigh the level of unfairness of allowing the plaintiff to use the defendant’s prior conviction against preventing the defendant from defendant his or her case at a civil trial."

Taken from this- https://www.steinshulman.com/can-a-criminal-conviction-be-used-in-a-civil-trial-in-illinois/
Right from a plaintiff attorney web site. They are referring to collateral estoppel which is an evidentiary issue so a conviction can have some possible evidentiary issues but that is not the same as a guilty plea which is considered an admission and you essentially automatically lose. What if you have a rogue jury? Happens plenty of times. What if this jury found him guilty on the same evidence? Can you imagine the uproar if she could use an obviously flawed decision to automatically win her civil case?
While the fact of the conviction may, in rare circumstances, not be admissible in a subsequent civil proceeding against the defendant, the statement he made at the guilty plea proceeding acknowledging the factual basis for the plea would be admissible as a statement by a party opponent.

And yes, a conviction even for a misdemeanor sex offense makes one a sex offender, required to register as a sex offender wherever one lives.
Big yikes there. Even IF this thing was entirely made up as a cash grab (as infuriating as that is to think about), doxxing the accuser and her friend could have a seriously negative impact when it comes to real victims of crimes when deciding to come forward, and I can't even imagine the strength necessary to do that under the best of circumstances.
TSJ and his lawyers are big boys and girls, they can make up their own minds on how to move forward, they don't need twitter randos trying to white knight for them in some attempt at retribution against a young girl who very well may have had something horrible happen to her (by some other perpetrator)
A guilty plea is admissible In civil action a jury finding of guilty is not. The only question to me is the motivation early on. Was this a money grab from the beginning or was there really an assault. I originally thought the later but then that money text. That was concerning. If she tried the shakedown and was told no way she is stuck. Criminal trial has to proceed so she has to testify and be as convincing as possible. The last mystery of the saga and probably best left that way
That's why I love @IlliniFan42 's explanation (that you replied to above). It satisfies all possible avenues from "seeking monetary damages from an actual act" to "100% premeditated and falsified money grab". It almost doesn't matter whether the 'incident' (which shall forever be in air quotes for me) happened or not, this was her path forward from the time she left the Martini Room.
I personally don’t think you’ll find a single fan or former player/coach that would be upset if they put his jersey in the rafters.
@KC_Illini As the family member of an Illini whose honored jersey does hang in the rafters, I can totally agree with your statement. Speaking on behalf of my family, we all think Terrence would have been a First Team All-American, and at the very least, a consensus Second Team, and his jersey deserves to go up there. We believe Josh should make the exception and are writing him to tell him how we feel. Do it, Josh!
:chief: :hailtotheorange::chief:
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During the NCAA it was mentioned during Illinois' game and otherwise that there were no other guards that looked, were built like, or played like TSJ. Considering all the top talent in the NCAA, to have that honest conversation amongst broadcasters during a time when often times they were avoiding TSJ discussions is to show how obvious he was a 1st Team AA. To be a top 5 scorer in the NCAA and lead your team to the Elite 8 also shows that you are that player.
If I'm a juror I'm viewing complete incompetence and strong bias by the DA as malice. I think there will be a civil suit on those grounds that despite clear evidence it wasn't TSJ or lack of evidence a crime occurred or that it was TSJ.
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