Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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Someone mentioned that this wasn’t a case about TSJ’s character but given his future, that was equally important. There are many sexual assault cases where a not guilty outcome still results in the perception of guilt in the public eye. I think most of us on here expected that to a certain extent. We don’t know the true extent of the damage done since his life took a different route after the accusation but it’s possible that this was a situation so serious that it brought the players and staff together and reminded everyone that there’s more to life than just basketball. Kudos to the team for handling the adversity as well in the weeks following the charge. Even with hindsight, it’s incredible to see everything play out and everyone respond almost as perfectly as they could have given the serious of the charge. The fact that this team made it to the Elite 8 is just incredible and speaks volumes about everyone involved in the program. ILL!
Happy I Love You GIF by Uninterrupted


Winged Warrior
I absolutely can't wait to see the NBA TSJ chapter begin!

With that being said...:sneaky:.......I kinda wish he had one more year like CoHawk just to see how boosters and fans would absolutely FILL his NIL for a year.

I'd personally throw $$$ at that!

Congrats TSJ!! Can't wait to see you cook in the NBA (*cough*fortheMavericks*cough*)!!! Get him Cubes!!
Question for the attorneys here: will the accuser or her friend face any legal consequences for the crimes they admitted to during the course of this trial? or is there some kind of immunity they receive from this or something? Off the top of my head, they admitted to 1) possessing a fake id, 2) underage drinking, 3) driving while intoxicated, 4) possible perjury (changing their statements throughout the course of the trial while under oath)?
All those people in hostile arenas who were yelling Not Nice Things to Shannon and calling him nasty names can now line up and offer him sincere apologies.

But that just sets the cosmic ledger back to level. Next, they have to offer him restitution and ask to be forgiven. Each, individually.

And all those media outlets who framed this trial and accusation against him in a certain way can likewise offer apologies and restitution. And blaring headlines that clear his reputation.

And now, Shannon can get on with his life without this episode to burden him down any further.

And Illini Nation can look forward to seeing Ayo and Shannon (and Hawkins) on the court together in the future – either as teammates or as friendly rivals that will speak on a nightly basis to the quality and integrity of the great roundball that’s played in the Prairie State... and the young men who take the court wearing Illini Orange.


Twin Cities, MN
Question for the attorneys here: will the accuser or her friend face any legal consequences for the crimes they admitted to during the course of this trial? or is there some kind of immunity they receive from this or something? Off the top of my head, they admitted to 1) possessing a fake id, 2) underage drinking, 3) driving while intoxicated, 4) possible perjury (changing their statements throughout the course of the trial while under oath)?
The one to charge them would be the DA that just had them offer the details up for this case. If they were serious about defending sexual assualt victims, they wouldn't dare then go after a victim for things that happened in the course of the events. A fake ID is significantly less serious than a sexual assault. That would set a terrible precident that you have to have behaved perfectly prior to an alleged assault to ever come forward.

Also, let's try to be careful on trying to pile on the alleged victim. It's still reasonable to believe she was assaulted that night, just not by TSJ. The only ones to pile on is the DA for even charging the case with such flimsy evidence, and perhaps the detectives for not doing their level best to investigate. Wishing that the victim be punished for every little thing is just petty when viewed through the lens of an assault victim that happened to misidentify her attacker and a vindictive DA that ran with the narrative that a famous basketball player must have done it because he's an entitled superstar
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The one to charge them would be the DA that just had them offer the details up for this case. If they were serious about defending sexual assualt victims, they wouldn't dare then go after a victim for things that happened in the course of the events. A fake ID is significantly less serious than a sexual assault. That would set a terrible precident that you have to have behaved perfectly prior to an alleged assault to ever come forward.

Also, let's try to be careful on trying to pile on the alleged victim. It's still reasonable to believe she was assaulted that night, just not by TSJ. The only ones to pile on is the DA for even charging the case with such flimsy evidence, and perhaps the detectives for not doing their level best to investigate. Wishing that the victim be punished for every little thing is just petty when viewed through the lens of an assault victim that happened to misidentify her attacker and a vindictive DA that ran with the narrative that a famous basketball player must have done it because he's an entitled superstar
Additionally, this DA specifically would never prosecute.


orange county CA
Its amazing the defense allowed the police officer to serve on jury. Maybe it was because they felt the police work was so slipshod.

I was in jury pool for drug dealer criminal trial and first people who were eliminated by defense was anybody who was associated with law enforcement (including family members which got me off). The first people eliminated by prosecution were people who had family members who had criminal history etc.
The one to charge them would be the DA that just had them offer the details up for this case. If they were serious about defending sexual assualt victims, they wouldn't dare then go after a victim for things that happened in the course of the events. A fake ID is significantly less serious than a sexual assault. That would set a terrible precident that you have to have behaved perfectly prior to an alleged assault to ever come forward.

Also, let's try to be careful on trying to pile on the alleged victim. It's still reasonable to believe she was assaulted that night, just not by TSJ. The only ones to pile on is the DA for even charging the case with such flimsy evidence, and perhaps the detectives for not doing their level best to investigate. Wishing that the victim be punished for every little thing is just petty when viewed through the lens of an assault victim that happened to misidentify her attacker and a vindictive DA that ran with the narrative that a famous basketball player must have done it because he's an entitled superstar
This is a tremendous post. Clearly it is possible the accuser was assaulted that night. The DA in this case? That is another matter. I pay taxes in my home state and I would hope our DA’s do their homework and look at obvious things such as Morris’ presence?

I was at TD garden listening to ISU fans chant rapist, almost got into an altercation with one of them. Things are just not fair, the legal system takes time, and unfortunately in todays society we won’t allow that prior to passing judgement.
It's pretty clear that those who responded negatively to my post greatly misunderstand me and/or what I'm trying to say. I know from experience that I tend to hedge on things that most people are comfortable saying they're "100%" certain about. And I wasn't talking about legal innocence or whether I'm convinced of reasonable doubt (that's a completely different threshold on the other end of the scale). Of course he's 100% innocent in the eyes of the law, and based on what I know, if I had been on the jury, I would have voted not-guilty without hesitation. I'm merely hedging that sliver of uncertainty regarding a possible incident about which I have no first hand knowledge and some third hand knowledge of the trial/evidence. If you don't like thinking that way, that's fine, just move on or respond respectfully please.

The irony about attacking me for that tendency to hedge is that, as many here have agreed, we prefer a system where many guilty people go free rather than 1 innocent person is convicted. So people like me, who are less inclined to feel 100% convinced of something, would be more likely to vote "not guilty" if serving on a jury. And people who think this way are less likely to hurl insults at someone based on accusations or charges alone.
He is 100% innocent. This never should have went to trial. There is not even .01% chance he did this. She did this for money. That was all.


Des Moines, IA
This is a tremendous post. Clearly it is possible the accuser was assaulted that night. The DA in this case? That is another matter. I pay taxes in my home state and I would hope our DA’s do their homework and look at obvious things such as Morris’ presence?

I was at TD garden listening to ISU fans chant rapist, almost got into an altercation with one of them. Things are just not fair, the legal system takes time, and unfortunately in todays society we won’t allow that prior to passing judgement.
You could have just asked them to bet on it, as a bunch of ISU players were busted for gambling. They got off on a technicality related to Iowa's version of the state bureau of investigation not properly obtaining a warrant before getting cell phone data as evidence.



Land O Insects between Quincy-Macomb-Jacksonville


Chicago, IL
Is this something that would sometimes be brought up? Like if I’m the defense I’m telling the jury, the DA offered my client no jail time to admit guilt. If she actually thought he was guilty, do you think she’d offer him the option to walk at all?
If you understand one thing about our actual criminal justice system, understand that it is a system of plea bargaining, it is not a system of trials.

It's not always pretty, it's not always just, but that is the system that exists.

Regardless, both sides benefit from that not being something that can be discussed in front of a jury.


Urbana, IL
Ffs man, nobody involved in the case gives a s#$% about the first three and there isn't any evidence of lying under oath. What there was evidence of did not commit this crime and the prosecution had a terrible and shoddy case. But, in this case the system worked and everyone involved can move on and put this behind them. It would be a terrible waste of energy to pursue anything with this case henceforth.
The one to charge them would be the DA that just had them offer the details up for this case. If they were serious about defending sexual assualt victims, they wouldn't dare then go after a victim for things that happened in the course of the events. A fake ID is significantly less serious than a sexual assault. That would set a terrible precident that you have to have behaved perfectly prior to an alleged assault to ever come forward.

Also, let's try to be careful on trying to pile on the alleged victim. It's still reasonable to believe she was assaulted that night, just not by TSJ. The only ones to pile on is the DA for even charging the case with such flimsy evidence, and perhaps the detectives for not doing their level best to investigate. Wishing that the victim be punished for every little thing is just petty when viewed through the lens of an assault victim that happened to misidentify her attacker and a vindictive DA that ran with the narrative that a famous basketball player must have done it because he's an entitled superstar

But we don't know this to be true. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.


Urbana, IL
Did a internet search on the DA Suzanne Valdez and briefly fell into a rabbit hole, this ain't her first rodeo ride of shame....

Yeah, this isn't new information. Her track record has been brought up and talked about since we heard about the charges. I would hope she is not re-elected.


Chicago, IL
This tactic to get a conviction when they shouldve had a good idea that he wasnt guilty is just gross.
Again, offering plea deals is absolutely 100% universal in criminal law, from driving school to keep it off your insurance record for a speeding ticket, to avoiding the death penalty in cold blooded murder. From cases with no evidence to cases that literally have the person on camera committing the act.

It is the system we have, there was never any doubt at any point of the process that TSJ had the opportunity to plead to something lower, that is how criminal prosecution works.

Is that justice? Different question.
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