Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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I saw a lot of commentary on the defense going after the testimony of the victim. Unfortunately, that has come as a result of a flimsy case from the DA. I think the attorney did a good job of not accusing the victim of lying as much as he did lay out the inconsistency of that testimony. It's not the majority of the defense argument either.

The whole point is to establish reasonable doubt. It doesn't have to be the same doubt for all jurors. It just has to be there for one of them?

Agreed. Cover the bases. Some jurors will respond to the DNA evidence, others will respond to the retelling of events.
It occurs to me that I may be biased, or perhaps because nothing else makes sense...
I know that these things can't be rushed, but it has already taken them an hour longer than it would have taken me!
It'll take some time so long as the jury does their due diligence. They should be taking time to go over relevant testimony and that should take a few hours. It's a nervous wait, but I know any of us in TSJ's position would want the same- and if the jury does that, it should be a non-guilty verdict.
well of course it doesn't prove anything, and the things you suggest are of course possible explanations for the other male DNA. But another possible explanation is that a different man assaulted her, so it does seem relevant to say that the investigation should have included other men as well, besides just TSJ.
Right, but then the other poster (and perhaps TSJ's attorney, depending on how it was worded) is embellishing when they said "The science shows that the DNA certainly belongs to 5 other men" if the "science" is ambiguous on what it means given the thresholds.


Des Moines, IA
I’ll just also put this out there for any lurker fans of other teams. Replace TSJ with any player from another school, and my opinions would be exactly the same. There is no case here, and it doesn’t matter what uniform is worn on the court. This is a young man’s future on the line when it should have never got to this point.
I’ll just also put this out there for any lurker fans of other teams. Replace TSJ with any player from another school, and my opinions would be exactly the same. There is no case here, and it doesn’t matter what uniform is worn on the court. This is a young man’s future on the line when it should have never got to this point.
Unless if it was Arterio Morris. They might've been onto something there.
Criminal court meals are absolutely nothing like the movies, haha. Trust me when I say that when it's deliberation time, they make sure you wished you brought your lunch that day. Locked in a small hot room, awful food. They make sure you want to reach a verdict.

Absolutely not my experience. Yes, small room, but lunch provided by a local diner.
I’ll just also put this out there for any lurker fans of other teams. Replace TSJ with any player from another school, and my opinions would be exactly the same. There is no case here, and it doesn’t matter what uniform is worn on the court. This is a young man’s future on the line when it should have never got to this point.
Kinda like the Duke lacrosse case. I HATE Duke. But once the facts were known, my heart was broken for the irreparable damage those kids had to deal with.
The DA's closing arguments make me wonder if there is an undercurrent of enmity between the "townies" and the students, or more specifically the athletes, in Lawrence. Imagine being an average resident (juror) and being viewed as lower-class by students your entire life. The athletes would be at the top of the student social hierarchy, so they would be automatic targets. Now add in millions in NIL being thrown at what is already perceived as a villain. I could see that being a bias that the prosecutor is trying to exploit.

Or they could just be utterly incompetent. Or both.


Paducah, Ky
If I were ever in TSJ's shoes today , I would want and EXPECT my attorney to use whatever is at his disposal to get me a NOT GUILTY verdict.............Now is the time to put the BIG BOY attorney pants on and slaughter all those who brought this charge and trial against me..............

He would attack the investigation as shoddy at best......✅
He would show DNA was of other men and not TSJ.......✅
He would bring up many character witnesses for TSJ.....✅
He would point many discrepancies in testimony
by the accuser and her friend.............................................✅
He would question the reasoning of the emoji's $$$....,,✅

and so on and so on.........................................

This trial should be a nationwide poster video for all the reasons why NOT to bring a trial to court...........

JMHO........................BTW , if I lived in this county where the trial is happening , I would really really really be worried about the intelligence of local election authorities and the police department and my personal safety...............................


Cary, IL


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Mitch Gilfillan

UPDATE: The bailiff just indicated to the judge and the parties that the jury has returned a verdict. Waiting for the judge to come in. Jury is still in jury room. Packed courtroom. Alleged victim and alleged defendant both present.

Edit - beat by just a moment.
3:34 PM · Jun 13, 2024
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