Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Well - he did make an announcement today - maybe that is what our insiders were hearing. Maybe people close to him wanted to make it into a thing - you only get to do this once - I don't blame him for wanting to enjoy it with friends and family around.

It's scheduled for 90 minutes so it sounds like they want to make it a real event surrounding the announcement
there's even a raffle!
on cue, the gloom and doomers are back. who would've thunk it?

I'm not a gloom and doomer at all. I like what we've brought in so far, and I think we'll be a good team even if we don't get Riley. But I avoid penciling in guys that haven't committed (let alone signed) yet. IMO 10 days is a long period of time where sh!t can happen. We'll probably get him, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near 100%.
Well - he did make an announcement today - maybe that is what our insiders were hearing. Maybe people close to him wanted to make it into a thing - you only get to do this once - I don't blame him for wanting to enjoy it with friends and family around.

It's scheduled for 90 minutes so it sounds like they want to make it a real event surrounding the announcement
The doomers have it completely wrong ... this is absolutely great news for us.
Celebrating TSJ acquital today. Can wait 10 days to celebrate Riley commitment. Good things just keep on happening!

Any slight adversity and we just launch off the cliff no hesitation.
discovery channel lol GIF
Riley made a change to his top five options, with Illinois taking the place of Arkansas. The other options are Kentucky, Alabama, Arizona, and the NZ Breakers.

Recently, a crystal ball was logged for Riley to pick Illinois, but nothing is set in stone yet in this recruitment. Riley still hasn't made a decision on whether or not he will reclassify, and this will likely make a big difference in the recruitment.

Kentucky landing Jaxson Robinson after he pulled his name from the 2024 NBA Draft likely hurt the Wildcat's chances of landing Riley if he does indeed reclassify, but if he stays in the 20205 class, Coach Pope is still in this.

Anybody check out the Kentucky basketball board(s) to see if they think Riley is a lock to Kentucky?
Kentucky landing Jaxson Robinson after he pulled his name from the 2024 NBA Draft likely hurt the Wildcat's chances of landing Riley if he does indeed reclassify, but if he stays in the 20205 class, Coach Pope is still in this.

LOL thanks for sharing!

Coach Pope is wildly known to be a lockdown recruiter; it's rare that he leaves a potential recruit's home without a commitment, on account of his amazing personal skills and ability to relate his journey and experience to these young men. (/s)
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