Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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In HS one day the gym teachers decided to have my boys class play a co-ed BB games with the girls class. Some of the guys started complaining. I said, "Are you crazy? This is great"
Is the consensus Catchings over Riley? Riley is 5 months younger, seems to be a walking bucket and didn't just walk away from another B10 program after getting on campus.

Separately does this say anything about Ty & Tre's offseason that they're willing to make playing commitments Painter (supposedly) was not at the 2/3?
I'm guessing it's whoever wants to commit first. They're both likely 1st round talents.
Maybe is being more judicious with posting links to players, but during most of this process those guys have just meant we have interest not that they are likely let alone imminent. Not sure where that list of targets went to but it was pretty long and most of them never even visited. So I’m not getting excited about Catchings.

Not that it means anything, but I’d take Riley over Catchings. The way the former shoots, I’d guess Brad would too.
Maybe is being more judicious with posting links to players, but during most of this process those guys have just meant we have interest not that they are likely let alone imminent. Not sure where that list of targets went to but it was pretty long and most of them never even visited. So I’m not getting excited about Catchings.

Not that it means anything, but I’d take Riley over Catchings. The way the former shoots, I’d guess Brad would too.
Catchings has visited us (though quite a while ago) as Riley obviously has. No guarantee we'll get either, but we're very very much in the game.

I agree that Riley would likely have more of an immediate impact because his offensive skills are so advanced. But Catchings is a superb athlete who lots of observers predict 1st round in 2025.
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Since all these UConn players get thirty days to pick a new school, that
could really put a damper on Coleman's chances of securing a pay day.
it also could press Coleman into a destination he previously said he would never do?
My business partner once told me they discovered his mother-in-law was sending sympathy cards to friends that had just lost a loved one. She was signing them with "LOL". She thought is meant "Lots of Love".
She was right, it did mean Lots of Love. Especially in letter writing and cards. The internet changed that meaning.
that young man is every part of 6’10” or 6’11”.

I believe OA is 6’8”?
Catchings has visited us (though quite a while ago) as Riley obviously has. No guarantee we'll get either, but we're very very much in the game.

I agree that Riley would likely have more of an immediate impact because his offensive skills are so advanced. But Catchings is a superb athlete who lots of observers predict 1st round in 2025.
We’re definitely in the game on Riley. Catchings maybe. Everybody acts like something is imminent and starts penciling in a player when Indy links a player. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that is Indy’s intent. More a “here’s someone Brad and staff like so worth keeping an eye on.” Maybe in this case it’s different since late in the game. Not saying Catchings doesn’t have interest or that he doesn’t end up here, just slow the boat some.

I’d certainly take either him or Riley, I just prefer Riley. Seems to fit better for what we need.
Not that anyone would be surprised and not that this is revelatory, but my contact at IU has said IU has made contact w Catchings. As he had visited them, this is perhaps the least surprising scoop ever. Lol.
We’re definitely in the game on Riley. Catchings maybe. Everybody acts like something is imminent and starts penciling in a player when Indy links a player. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that is Indy’s intent. More a “here’s someone Brad and staff like so worth keeping an eye on.” Maybe in this case it’s different since late in the game. Not saying Catchings doesn’t have interest or that he doesn’t end up here, just slow the boat some.

I’d certainly take either him or Riley, I just prefer Riley. Seems to fit better for what we need.
Of course. It's never a good idea to pencil in a player we're recruiting, even if things look positive. We're not the only school after these guys and recruiting is always a war.
My business partner once told me they discovered his mother-in-law was sending sympathy cards to friends that had just lost a loved one. She was signing them with "LOL". She thought is meant "Lots of Love".
Same with my mother-in-law. She would send messages to the grandkids. 'So proud of you, LOL!'
and 'Congratulations on your latest achievement! LOL!"
Thought she was in on the lingo.
Well Geoff isnt in the photo, so I assume he had nothing to do with the recruitment and should be fired.

Just Kwa, Brad, OA, & @illini0440
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This picture cracks me up everytime I see it. It screams "my Mom and Dad made me come here, can I go home now!"

If this was another school visit we would be busting on them... :)
Is the consensus Catchings over Riley? Riley is 5 months younger, seems to be a walking bucket and didn't just walk away from another B10 program after getting on campus.

Separately does this say anything about Ty & Tre's offseason that they're willing to make playing commitments Painter (supposedly) was not at the 2/3?
Riley seems to be a much better shooter than Catchings at this stage- so for that alone I would think he would be the preferred player

But the staff should absolutely pursue both- that is what they are doing it seems

The rumors of demands Catchings made were just that - rumors. He was never on campus, whoever said that corrected themselves that it was a phone call between him and Painter. The request to be released was also not new, it was in the works for months according to some - that is why Painter over signed by one, he knew this was coming
FWIW in their playing days Antigua was listed at 6'7 and Underwood at 6'4.
Of course. It's never a good idea to pencil in a player we're recruiting, even if things look positive. We're not the only school after these guys and recruiting is always a war.
You say of course and yet we have numerous people creating starting lineups and dolling out minutes the second a name is dropped. Not to mention getting upset with our insiders if players don't sign as if it's their fault. Rinse and repeat every single year. Restraint, unfortunately, is not Loyalty's vibe.
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