Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Me running to the comments when I see an Indy post on loyalty this late after a big time visit!! Let’s land this kid!
Running Man Abandon Thread GIF by MOODMAN
He's really good. But wings already on the roster include White, Davis, Kasparas, and Rodgers. He might not start right away. And none of those are seniors, so competition would be fierce. That said, I sure hope we get him. The visit is for sure encouraging.
Will Riley comparable is HS junior Michael Porter IMHO
I agree, this is a very good comparison especially after I watched the WR video highlites.

I saw MPJ play a couple times in person back in high school. Thought he was a brilliantly young talent back then. There was no doubt he would play in the league when he was just a sophomore.

I feel WR has the exact same trajectory. The talent with this kid just oozes out of his pores. He looks like he could literally play 3 different positions at any given time.

Incorrect. Tim Anderson said on Bardo's Breakdown earlier today that they are expecting major progression from DGL
While I agree staff probably hasn’t soured on DGL, what was TA gonna say. Plus, he only spoke about returners by name, so not saying something about one of the only two would have been weird.

I didn’t listen to quite all the interview, but the two most interesting things for me were his praise for Goode and that while he acknowledges he “went to the other side,” Luke is an Illini having graduated from the beloved and been a part of so much winning. The second thing was that a former player who transferred from Illinois to Louisville had a big impact on Tre White coming to Illinois. And said player and his father believe leaving Illinois was a huge mistake. They didn’t fully realize what Brad was trying to do with his coaching.
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He's really good. But wings already on the roster include White, Davis, Kasparas, and Rodgers. He might not start right away. And none of those are seniors, so competition would be fierce. That said, I sure hope we get him. The visit is for sure encouraging.
From that group, he and Kasparas would be the likely starters. Though I'd expect White and Rodgers to get plenty of minutes. Absent multiple injuries, IMO it will be tough for Davis to get much PT.

Our depth chart at the 3 is certainly much more open for Riley that that of Kentucky and Bama.
Based off what I’m hearing … And like I’ve stated on here …

O has put in freaking work in this recruitment … Brad is rolling out the red carpet for this visit and we are looking to close … Brad wants the kid …

There have been a few times I’ve seen Brad this locked in on a kid … When he gets in this mode … People on the trail do not wanna be against him …

Brad watched Riley live and texted O “get us an f’ing visit” … Per sources … 😂😂😂

Brad ain’t playing around …

Leonardo Dicaprio Reaction GIF
So we're mostly against UK?
Lot of Louisville fans unhappy online with the CoHawk rumors, specifically about the prospect of paying 2 mil for someone that "only scores 12 ppg and took 4 years to get to even that".

Shows the flip side of leaving for a better financial fans in a new place have no established relationship or bond with the words of Draymond: "They don't love you like that"

Hope Coleman goes somewhere they really appreciate him.
He's really good. But wings already on the roster include White, Davis, Kasparas, and Rodgers. He might not start right away. And none of those are seniors, so competition would be fierce. That said, I sure hope we get him. The visit is for sure encouraging.
If a five star recruit comes in(especially top 10), he's starting immediately. That's just what comes with the territory and I'm sure was part of the discussion/expectation. We're not Kentucky where if we miss a guy like this, we have four more lined up. It might not be fair, but unless he's God awful in practice....he starts.
Is this a case where you wish you had the last visit instead of the first? I’m crossing my fingers because this kid is big time 🤞
I often don’t feel graduating early is a good move for HS kids. Play out the senior year and come in with Jeremiah as a fearsome duo! We can keep a lot of guys too….
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems to me that our chances with him go up SIGNIFICANTLY if he reclasses, because the competing schools have much more already invested in the wing position. It would seem to me that if he doesn’t reclass, it’s unlikely we get him next year. (Not that it’s at all a sure thing even this year)
He's really good. But wings already on the roster include White, Davis, Kasparas, and Rodgers. He might not start right away. And none of those are seniors, so competition would be fierce. That said, I sure hope we get him. The visit is for sure encouraging.
Will Riley is a scorer and would be a great Shannon replacement as your go to guy. Don't see a way he wouldn't start unless injured.
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