Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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The Boswell recruitment doesn't seem even remotely close to any of the 5 star misses that Illinois has had previous to Underwood. I have complete faith that this staff will land numerous prized recruits regardless of how many stars are next to those names and our valued insiders will be right more often than not. To anyone complaining or questioning what someone connected to the beloved posts, quite simply, hit the ignore button or log off completely. Their posts are part of what keeps me coming back. Countless times I have scrolled through pages of comments until a certain name pops up and only then stop and read a post. As stated before, you will have misses in big boy recruiting. How fun is it to finally have a coach and staff that can make a legitimate run at the big boys? As negative as some (maybe most) of my posts may come out, I wouldn't trade our current coaching staff for any other. One final note, apparently mom's don't like coaches who Pizza Hut
It isn't tampering if a player (or his camp) initiates contact. I'm comfortable that our staff knows the rules here and adheres to them.

Just to be clear, no idea if Roddy has put out feelers.
Correct me please if I am wrong. What I saw was a poster who joined that day posted Roddy's name. Another poster said some anonymous tweeter tweeted Roddy's name in some twitter dialogue about a transfer, and an insider posted his name only? Nothing else about connections or reasons, etc..
Correct me please if I am wrong. What I saw was a poster who joined that day posted Roddy's name. Another poster said some anonymous tweeter tweeted Roddy's name in some twitter dialogue about a transfer, and an insider posted his name only? Nothing else about connections or reasons, etc..
I see what you’re saying and think you may be onto something. David Roddy has interest in Illinois because that recruiting insider who sells hot dogs is his great uncle and he wants to be close to him. So, he joins this thread to start throwing out his name in hopes the insiders will ask the staff about this, which will pique their interest to put out feelers. In a legal way of course.

Consider the code cracked.
Let's manifest this fairy tale: Perhaps Kylan, being from the area with family ties to UI and all, has grown up hearing all the Illini fables and anecdotes. He knows the sagas of Livingston, Collins, Alexander et. al.

Now that he has the chance, he is making the most of his one opportunity to deliver Illini fans the most epic recruit announcement turn of events moment where contrary to all predictions and expectations we are chosen at end of day. First, make everyone think it's AZ, then at the last minute pull the hometown card choosing UI. The Illini rejoice! AZ rationalizes. He is our great 5* redeemer.

What is brilliant though, is it's also all part of a shrewd NIL maximization strategy to endear and mobilize Illini Nation. Fast following announcement day is a Kylan marketing blitz featuring the theme of home. There's no place like home, it's where the heart is... so forth and so on. Sponsorship inquiries are immediately made with Home Depot, Home Goods, and the Home Shopping Network. It's genius!

Well that was a fun diversion for a minute :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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You don't understand how the gods who govern Illinois basketball work, do you?

A statement like this inviting them to both be drafted in June.
The gods were awesome to us this summer, given how it started. Plummer for Miller is about all we could have hoped for, our new assistants were excellent replacements and Kofi coming back is the reason we are fighting for two straight top 2 seeds for what would be the first time in program history!
Remember this guy who we missed out on? Well, he ended up having to drop out of the season for KU because of the investigation of his mother's initiation of pre-NBA draft loan processing. Just giving some perspective for those who keep moping about all the recruits Illinois has missed out on.
We’re also lucky he didn’t come here because unlike KU, we would have gotten the death penalty.
But his parents live on the West Coast now.
Southern Arizona is in the Sonoran desert. Lucky to get nine inches of rain a year. Not a coastal climate, pretty ugly desert in many parts, unless you like dry dirt and tumble weeds, scorpions, and rattlesnakes. I lived there for 13 years. If he chooses AZ. it will be because he thinks his basketball future will be better there. The Illinois program just needs to keep winning, and maybe the next wave of Christies, etc. will see a program as capable as an MSU, or UofA to provide that future.
For a fun (because this isn't Illinois' problem), let's check in on how another Illinois miss is going down in Austin:

Jerry Seinfeld Popcorn GIF by Sheets & Giggles
Let’s not forget, we are in year 5 of Underwood. In year 1 and 2 we had a losing record (thanks JFGroce).

Years 3, 4 & now 5 we’re top tier B1G.

The Covid year we were poised to make a deep run. Year 4 we get upset/tough draw as 1 seed. Excited about this March.

We have talent on the roster now, we’ll continue to add great talent and start grabbing a few 5 stars along the way.

We will win.
Let’s not forget, we are in year 5 of Underwood. In year 1 and 2 we had a losing record (thanks JFGroce).

Years 3, 4 & now 5 we’re top tier B1G.

The Covid year we were poised to make a deep run. Year 4 we get upset/tough draw as 1 seed. Excited about this March.

We have talent on the roster now, we’ll continue to add great talent and start grabbing a few 5 stars along the way.

We will win.
Us: green bug
You: yellow mouse

Feel Better Cheer Up GIF
The only thing not to like is the relatively high TO rate (and mediocre Asst/TO ratio). One other observation, his 3 Pt % is up nicely this year, but he's definitely not a high volume 3 PT guy.
Possibility? Good News? Or diversion from bad news?
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