Illinois 50, Purdue 49 OT Postgame

The big boosters at Purdue are over him and his attitude and how he treats people … They’ve caught on …

His days are numbered is what I’ve been told …

And it’s got way more to do with his personal actions than it does winning and losing …
Sorry Fake Cry GIF by Trevi Moran
So what.

We have to be able to overcame variables like that. (Football has been around a lot longer than the common practice of keeping game film.) What did the teams of past eras ever do? Oh yeah, they relied on scouting; and had to be adept at adjusting on the fly.

I agree that unpredictability is an effective weapon…But come on. I mean if unpredictability really is the biggest difference maker…should we do that too? Have someone else throw the pigskin every week so there’s no video evidence…? Should we contract hire a different, random high school coach as an OC on a weekly basis? Maybe. We’d $ave some dough. But, I don’t see that Hairclub for Beards, Info-commercial looking mug at Ohio State taking that approach.

I agree with you about Henry. The “Fire Henry” stuff is silly. But our DL was complete and utter slop. It just was.
Hi; we did. 50-49.
It's sort of funny- you see a game like this coming from a mile away and yet it still catches you by surprise every time. I'll say what I said in the pregame, plain and simple, this was a trap game. I need to do some research on this but just based on feelings it seems that in over 80% of games where you play a bottom feeder between 2 ranked opponents with a huge opportunity the following week, the game becomes a dogfight. While I can't say I ever saw us giving up 43pts in regulation to this team coming or us blowing a 27-3 lead, the game did in many ways play out like I thought it could.

As such, it seems to me like a waste to focus on the negatives. We came out flat and ill-prepared on defense and then played like we thought the game was over up 27-3. Stuff like this honestly happens a lot, and not just to Illini fans. Thankfully Luke and our offense made sure we didn't lose and we were able to clutch up for one single defensive snap to end it.

All I'll say is this, despite our defense having severe issues stopping the run, and the poor overall effort today, we got the W, and a game like this is what's needed to get the defense amped up for a huge game against Michigan. The last time our Dline was talked about ad nauseum about how badly they were going to get their teeth kicked in and dominated in the run game was at Nebraska. We know what happened there. A week of being told the same leading up to Michigan and letting Michigan think they'll just stroll in here and run for 400yards is the motivation you need for a game like that.

I hated what happened today outside of the outcome and the play by the offense, but I will take a million of these games if it means we'll play lights out against Mucking Fichigan and those whores of Ann Arbor. There is very little that gives me more joy than beating Michigan. Having a NYE bowl/playoff contender is one of those things. Let's do both next week.
I’ll reserve judgment on this until next week. Even the best teams usually have at least one “stinker” game. Come out and beat Michigan, and all is forgiven. However if today’s defensive performance becomes a trend, then we have a problem.
And in honor of our amazing win,

We’re John Tyler, Purdue is Plano East. Their colors even match.
One of my coworkers was on that Plano East team. For you hoops junkies, Plano East went 40-0 and won the texas 6A state championship last year.

Earl Campbell went to Tyler High. He has his own section in their trophy case outside the gym.
Vintage ESPN+/Early BTN cluelessness about what was going on was bad, yes (and was a failure of the entire production team), but I just have less and less patience for the way announcing crews treat games as their own "performance" in terms of style and content.

Literally no one asked for this.

First time hearing the announcer and wow was that obnoxious.
There’s a LOT more that upset him than what he stated publicly …

I won’t get into super detail other than it’s a lot more personal than just two guys talking smack at a press conference and on twitter … Walters crossed the line …
I feel like this might be a silly question, but does it have to do with Purdue running onto the field during the 3-in-1?
This was a troubling victory. Have the same feeling when the Cubs blew a big lead in the WS.

Walters is a winner, his offense play calling gave our DC issues. He is welcomed back if the time ever comes IMHO.

We are 5-1 that is unexpected and awesome. Need to win the ones we are expected to and not play with our food.

Altmeyer is statistically one of the best QBs we ever had. His QB rating, completion rate and yards/catch is top 1-3.
Probably not as welcomed back as you’d like to think.
Considering that Brett hired Ryan to coach at Illinois...was Ryan a bad guy when he was here or did he become a bad guy after he went to Purdue?
I feel like this might be a silly question, but does it have to do with Purdue running onto the field during the 3-in-1?

Oh that certainly didn’t help …

But what I’m talking about is way, way more personal than that … Josh is aware of what happened … Bret is aware of what happened…

If you saw Bret’s press conference … It’s probably the most public he’s been about the level of frustration and anger he has … I’m shocked he held it together as well as he did in the moment … Credit to him …
Oh that certainly didn’t help …

But what I’m talking about is way, way more personal than that … Josh is aware of what happened … Bret is aware of what happened…

If you saw Bret’s press conference … It’s probably the most public he’s been about the level of frustration and anger he has … I’m shocked he held it together as well as he did in the moment … Credit to him …
Oh, this sounds goooood! And yeah, I saw Bret's press conference and the end of it definitely piqued my interest. I understand you can't say too much, but any chance whatever it is comes out in the next couple days?
Considering that Brett hired Ryan to coach at Illinois...was Ryan a bad guy when he was here or did he become a bad guy after he went to Purdue?
He was definitely a villain in Misery. Then he came to the promised land and became a good guy. Then he had a heel turn toward the dark side again; when he seized power in Purdue.

That is my very objective, accurate view as an Illini fan.
One thing that has always impressed me about Bielema is how respectful and professional he is towards everyone in this business. He's always thoughtful, always gracious.

whatever happened between them must have been really bad to have him this pissed off. does this also give more context to The Peoria charter situation?
It all went to his head when he got the HC job …

I can share this and everyone can interpret it however they want … Whitman was never a giant Walters fan …
I gotta say, between this and the fact that (in my relatively uninformed opinion/knowledge) Bret is pretty well respected amongst his peers so I'd assume his beliefs are not uncommon amongst the coaching ranks...

I might venture a guess that this could very well be Walters' only power conference HC opportunity for a while.