Game Thread: Illinois vs Murray State

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Don't care about the opponent at this point. More interested in seeing how the new regime has put its stamp on our team in its very first game.

The style of play on the defensive end is really exciting.
Ugh, these games where the team looks amazing against weak opponents. Such a tease.

Yes, but there's a lot to like here not accounting for the level of competition. We're getting to ball so much quicker. I'm not seeing guys out of position which was a Tim Banks signature. Lunt looks chock-a-block with confidence. These things could definitely carry over to UNC. Whether its enough is another question.
They say the biggest improvement comes from week 1 to week 2. That's exciting to think about. UNC is such a big game.
Whoever said the quarterback was the best part of this team was mistaken.
Now, what I am looking for, is the in-game adjustments that were non-existent the past few/several years.
Now, what I am looking for, is the in-game adjustments that were non-existent the past few/several years.

You mean you grew tired of the deer in the headlights response to what was being thrown at us?
I'm not a fan of the metallic orange helmets. I wish they were a brighter, glossier orange.

That's my only gripe thus far... lol
I forgot how nice it is to watch a well coached, prepared football team. We aren't world beaters yet, but they look solid and disciplined.

I know its Murray State - but the pursuit to the ball at the proper angles is nice to see. You could still have bad technique against a weaker team - we're not showing that.
So far, only worried about our O-line. Hopefully Spencer back next week and it improves.
Well, glad we could help them out on that play. :eek:
We are playing a pretty good game, but still some things to work on for sure.
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