Game Thread: Illinois vs Murray State

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I think our D has the chance to be really (sneaky) good this year. All our offense has to be is adequate and we could have a nice season.
Kinda looks that way after a drive and a half on defense, doesn't it?
So, any number wizards have a figure on total interceptions in the Beckman era? Are we gonna pass it up with our opener today?
So uh, that was just a really bad decision
We are going to make the turnover fairy our...well, you know. :clappy:
must have better gloves this year - the ball is actually remaining in our hands on both sides
Sweet Fancy Moses!!
It's great to see Wes Lunt play with a real coaching staff
Ugh, these games where the team looks amazing against weak opponents. Such a tease.
The Fighting Illovies are looking sharp. The defense looks much faster than previous years, credit has to go to previous staff as well (hard to say).

Who remembers the years where we had 0 or 1 interception the whole year?
I'm happy J got to do this game.
Offense not doing their job. Only on the field for 1 play - no time for the defense to rest.
Ugh, these games where the team looks amazing against weak opponents. Such a tease.

Don't care about the opponent at this point. More interested in seeing how the new regime has put its stamp on our team in its very first game.
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