Your Big Ten Basketball Dislike Rankings

Oh...well I have had a f@%king Loyalty After Dark version, they can all die.

Die of Natural Causes
Rutgers, Minnesota, Washington

Die Naked in a Freak Shower Incident
Penn St., USC, UCLA, Michigan St.

Die in a Horrific Train Derailment Caused by a Falling Buckeye Tree
Purdue, Ohio St.

Murdered by Swarms of Rabid Zombie Turtles, Kittens, Ducks, and Badgers
Maryland, Northwestern, Oregon. Wisconsin

Tortured to Death Over The Course of 13 Days by a Clown Named Bobby

It's Seriously So Dark That I Won't Post it Here But It Is Complex And Involves Being Forced to Eat Chili That Contains Certain Humans
Iowa, scUM

Special Mention

A Week In A Cabin With a Beady Eyed Bald Kid And A Banjo Because It's My List

Sweet Dreams B1G.
Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon
Oh...well I have had a f@%king Loyalty After Dark version, they can all die.

Die of Natural Causes
Rutgers, Minnesota, Washington

Die Naked in a Freak Shower Incident
Penn St., USC, UCLA, Michigan St.

Die in a Horrific Train Derailment Caused by a Falling Buckeye Tree
Purdue, Ohio St.

Murdered by Swarms of Rabid Zombie Turtles, Kittens, Ducks, and Badgers
Maryland, Northwestern, Oregon. Wisconsin

Tortured to Death Over The Course of 13 Days by a Clown Named Bobby

It's Seriously So Dark That I Won't Post it Here But It Is Complex And Involves Being Forced to Eat Chili That Contains Certain Humans
Iowa, scUM

Special Mention

A Week In A Cabin With a Beady Eyed Bald Kid And A Banjo Because It's My List

Sweet Dreams B1G.
If I could buy you a couple of rounds right now, I would. :)
Not counting the 4 teams coming in...

Tier 1: IU, Iowa, scUM
Tier 2: PU, MSU, WISC, OSU, MD
Tier 3: PSU - just can't fathom losing a 7 pt lead with 35 sec
Tier 4; NEB, RU, NU, MINN

I will say...a lot of this animosity stems from being so bad in the Webber, Groce, early BU era.

Teams in tiers 3&4 - bad teams now...bad teams back then as well - owned us. Teams in the top 2 tiers were literally unbeatable.

Going winless for 9 straight years vs WISC...

9 STRAIGHT YEARS!?! Not to mention having to play them twice every fricken year? This ain't OSU it? Or I guess it might have been compared to us back then...

We're currently at five years...would simply be a treat to run this up to 9 if it ever really really would be...
Last edited:
Iowa Satan
Michigan 89
North Carolina Cheaters. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
Penn St. As far as I can remember we haven't beaten them since 2005.

Hate and despise
Everyone else

Kind of like
Seriously ???? I already hate the teams who are just now joining.
Oh...well I have had a f@%king Loyalty After Dark version, they can all die.

Die of Natural Causes
Rutgers, Minnesota, Washington

Die Naked in a Freak Shower Incident
Penn St., USC, UCLA, Michigan St.

Die in a Horrific Train Derailment Caused by a Falling Buckeye Tree
Purdue, Ohio St.

Murdered by Swarms of Rabid Zombie Turtles, Kittens, Ducks, and Badgers
Maryland, Northwestern, Oregon. Wisconsin

Tortured to Death Over The Course of 13 Days by a Clown Named Bobby

It's Seriously So Dark That I Won't Post it Here But It Is Complex And Involves Being Forced to Eat Chili That Contains Certain Humans
Iowa, scUM

Special Mention

A Week In A Cabin With a Beady Eyed Bald Kid And A Banjo Because It's My List

Sweet Dreams B1G.
Just put them all in a canoe after meeting the beady eyed bald-headed kid with a banjo.
Fun thread. I'll keep it simple. I absolutely despise everything about Michigan. The only BIG team that just kills me to lose to is Northwestern. Having said that, there are only 2 teams that I root against and hope fail miserably every single game in every single sport: Notre Dame and Pitt (not going to bother explaining, but I'll give you a hint: I'm from Pittsburgh where all my family still live as sports fans, including some that root for ND for absolutely no good reason).

Michigan State
Ohio State

Penn State

I’m in agreement with this and the only way I can think of that I realized it was when my wife was watching a movie and I thought that the lead actor looked very much like Fred Hoiberg. (Sorry for not knowing the name of the actor or movie—maybe someone else can help with that.). But at that point, I realized I could live with Nebraska getting to the top part of the conference, and that could happen as I understand that the recruiting has picked up. But in the NIL Era, who really knows until the basketball is thrown out there!
May you fly on 737Max planes.
Indiana - Undeserved blue blood attitude and not firing Knight for years after multiple allegations surfaced.
Michigan - 89, and Muck Fichigan. Yeah we were bad. That sort of insult starts generational feuds.
Iowa - Pearl, Fran
Michigan State - Izzo moved from "Respect" 20 years ago to "Whiny !!!!" now. His teams used to be great to watch.

If anyone ever deserved a weekly snipe hunt staring in Chandalar.
Nebraska - A third rate "academic" institution whose FB team was in a long downward spiral was going to strengthen our conference? Ditch 'em already.
(Iowa would join this group, if not for the worse offenses.)

Despised (unfairly). I know it is the conference and sports writers who keep trying to will the rivalry into existence. It grates.

Forgiveness is easy. Just start all of your games 1-2 hours later.
I understand their addition. I've certainly held my nose and done certain jobs for the pay.

Pass the Lansoprazole. The Pac10 is the enemy. At least we didn't take AZ.

No hard feelings. Just so long as you lose to us.
Minnesota - Please get rid of that dangerous raised floor. I wish the conference would step in.
Ohio State
Penn State
Wisconsin - I respected Ryan. He worked miracles with what he had. I can't stand Gard. I expect him to be out soon.

Purdue - Keady, Painter
(Wisconsin will likely rejoin this set after Gard gets canned.)
think my love/hate is based on coaches and fans

Indiana: Hate coaches and fans back to Bobby Knight
Iowa: Hate Coaches and fans
Michigan: Hate in the Howard era Liked Beilein and think Fisher was ok Fans are meh
Purdue: hate the fans Never liked Keady while coaching but then liked him when he retired. Painter seems cool.
Northwestern: Always liked the coaches that I can remember, fans are annoying but really hate loosing to them.
Penn State: Really like the last few coaches, dont think they have many fans to hate lol
Michigan State: Neutral on Izzo, kinda hate the fans
Minnesota: I like Ben Johnson, neutral on previous coaches
Wisconsin: No hate for either. Always liked Ryan and fans have always been pretty cool
OSU: liked the recent coaches especially Matta. Fans are meh
Rutgers: I like Steve Pikiell, cant remember previous coaches. Neutral on fans
Nebraska: coaches I like the last couple recent coaches. neutral on fans. Asian player annoyed me
UCLA: not a big fan of Cronin, seems like an !!!.
Dont know much more about the rest of the newbies
Iowa Satan
Michigan 89
North Carolina Cheaters. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
Penn St. As far as I can remember we haven't beaten them since 2005.

Hate and despise
Everyone else

Kind of like
Seriously ???? I already hate the teams who are just now joining.
This is exactly the way.

To quote the Mandalorian, “This is the way.”
Most to least hated
  1. Michigan
  2. Iowa
  3. Wisconsin
  4. Indiana
  5. Michigan State
  6. Minnesota
  7. Maryland
  8. Nebraska
  9. Penn State
  10. Purdue
  11. Northwestern
  12. Rutgers
  13. USC
  14. UCLA
  15. Oregon
  16. Ohio State
  17. Washington
Ordered from most disliked to least with slightly adjust tiers:

Rivals I've hated for extended periods
1. Indiana- There is no college basketball team I have hated more in my lifetime. Whether it was the Knight era, the Gordon incident, Sampson or Crean I've hated every iteration of that program and they're the one B10 team I'd want to lose every single game every single season. Shame we couldn't have taken that "last undefeated season" mantle from them in '05.
2. Iowa- I remember those Davis teams in the 80s with Marble and Horton and Armstrong. God I hated that team. I remember when unruly fans filled Carver-Hawkeye to the brim. I remember Bruce Pearl. And I can think of no better B10 rivalry than Illinois-Iowa in the past 5 years. Almost a shame Todd Lickliter destroyed their program and fanbase. Almost.

Teams I've hated for isolated periods
3. Michigan- Mainly for '89 and the Fab Five. But John Beilein making that program actually relevant again, and then the obnoxiousness during the Juwan and Hunter years adds to it as well. Couldn't have cheered louder when Chris Webber called that timeout and lost them the championship. Still cheering that Juwan called a timeout on their program turning it into a dumpster fire

Teams I plain do not like, bordering on hate
4. Maryland- Eff them and their fans, the absolute worst in college basketball. They haven't been in the B10 long enough to get to that hate tier, but they're close. Real close.

Teams I plain do not like
5. Purdue- They were pretty neutral to me for quite a while mainly because they irked Indiana and I enjoyed that. And Keady was good competition but I can't say I ever truly hated him. But they and their fanbase have gotten too big for their britches recently and the obnoxiousness is getting to me as is their recent success against us. They need to be taken down a peg
6. UCLA- They may be the most likable blueblood because their fans are no shows, but they're still a blueblood and both their success and hype each season is obnoxious in that fake "California cool" way

Rivals who I do not like, but respect and enjoy watching us play against because they make for great games
7. MSU- Since 2000, they've been our best benchmark for success, and for a long time were our biggest competition for B10 titles. Games are always close and hard fought, though in recent years have featured some dirty less enjoyable play. But whoever wins these games feels like they've been coronated as B10 champion through much of the 2000s
8. Wisconsin- The Kohl center doesn't rock like it used to, and they've fallen off since Bo Ryan left, but this is a team who always used to give us tough close games. Winning another BTT title against them was sweet. I enjoy playing them and beating them, especially in front of their own fans

Teams I dislike for 1 very specific reason
9. Minnesota- Their deathtrap floor. They need to burn the barn down to the ground. Also any year they've actually been relevant (and they had to cheat to do it no less) their fanbase is absolutely obnoxious
10. Oregon- Their court makes my eyes bleed. I'm glad the B10 forced them at gunpoint to change it, but they need to do even more
11. Penn State- They're so bad and yet seemingly have our number. I don't get it.
12. Ohio State- Ruining our perfect '05 season
13. Washington- Brandon Roy and Justin Dentmon being gifted 857 free throws in 2006 in a game we should've won to make it to the Sweet 16

14. Rutgers- Have no issue with them. If they get better year in and year out, they could rise up this list, but for now, they're down here
15. USC- While their football team immediately ranks Top 2 in dislike, their basketball team is a big yawn

Teams that have a soft spot in my hatred hardened heart
16. Northwestern- Generally they stink and there's no rivalry here no matter how much they believe there to be one. We should beat this team year in year out no problem. I look at them as your much younger little brother who you're supposed to beat on, but secretly smile when you see them beat someone else while still telling them they suck
17. Nebraska- They've only beaten us when we've had a terrible team and their huge upset win over Wisconsin actually gave us a B10 Championship. And hard not to have a soft spot for a team that has a fanbase I respect, that gifts you titles, and that you beat like a drum otherwise.
The OR floor is definitely less obnoxious than before: It's merely kind of obnoxious now
Thank you for the WA dislike for that 2006 game. What a travesty! What a sh*tty way to end brilliant college careers for Dee and Augustine. Can't believe it's been 18 years+
Wisconsin is #1 for me, mostly for the same reasons someone stated earlier. They scream new money d-bags. I had an Illini license plate holder and I was up there visiting a friend who lives in Madison and I got a nice big W carved into my windshield.

I don't particularly care for Michigan or Ohio State and their holier than thou attitudes.

But I have good friends that went to a some of the other Big Ten schools and we all root for each other's teams when they're in a big game.

I dislike UNC more than any team in our conference.
I’ve generally softened my stance on Iowa, probably going back to Garza’s senior year. Fran’s team play a style of basketball that is fun to watch, but generally not a threat to win anything. I’ve also softened on Wisconsin given our recent run of success against them.

MSU has been a program that has shifted for me into outright hate category. Going back to the foul on Ayo and hacking Kofi. Factor in Izzo’s self righteous whining in the NIL era and they’re top of my list.

I liked @redwingillini11 introducing the football school tier. That probably sums up my OSU dislike due to the arrogance of their fans carrying over from football.

I’d put Nebraska and Rutgers in my “Little Engines That Could” category where they’ve been down so long, I like to see them beat anybody but the Illini.