Your Big Ten Basketball Dislike Rankings

Intense Levels of Burning Hatred...
Indiana - Because of B Knight. v Lou. Since Knight they have been mostly the punchline of a bad joke, but I still can't stand them and their clown pants.
Iowa - The whole Satan thing was the start. A never ending stretch of punchable faces + Francon keep it going.
MSU - The whole Ayo thing still gets me. It felt like a bounty then, and still does.
scUM + ahOleSU - They just royally suck and that extends beyond hoops.
UCLA - Because Bill Walton (RIP)

Annoy The %$#@ Out Of Me Because They Have Had Too Much Unexplainable Success Against Us....

Penn St & Turtleland. They s@ck. Enough said.

I've Always Liked Them And I Will Get NO Likes For This Post Because Soooooooo Many HATE Them.....

Purdue - Keady was a tough SOB, And Painter is just a helluva a coach. I root for them when it doesn't effect us.

Looking Forward To Hating Them With Every Fabric Of My Being.......

USC & Ohtheygon. Just because I know they suck.

I Kind Of Like Them........

Nebby & Rutgers. They don't chafe me.

Hard To Hate Them When I Mostly Feel Kind Of Sorry For Them.....

Northwestern. It's tough being in our big @#$ shadow.

If It Weren't For One Grinchy Man, They Would And By All Rights Should S@ck........

Wiscy. Good heavens they should be awful.

Don't Care....

Washington? Are they in the B1G now?

Anybody I missed, but I think I got them all.
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I was in the house for the Eric Gordon game so Indiana will always be up there for me. The Michigan fiasco in 2021 pushed them up a tier for me too.

And I'll probably be in the minority here but Wisconsin is probably close to #1 in hate for me recently, simply due to the fact that in the 2010s they acted like they're some historical basketball program and Illinois is trash and will always be, when in reality they were an effing doormat before Bo. They'll continue to slide into irrelevance with Gard so that hate for me will probably dissipate with time. I rooted so hard against them in 2015 because I don't know if I could've handled the fact that Wisconsin would be winning a Natty before Illinois.

1. Indiana
2. Wisconsin
3. Michigan

4. Iowa (hard to hate them as much since we've whooped them and they've consistently failed to achieve anything even with some amazing players the last couple years. Garza and the Murray twins and all you have to show for it is just one B1G tourney title? LMFAO)
Hate to be a bearer of bad news but UW won the 1941 Natty
Thanks, Nightman. Sort of a fun challenge.
Indiana - Knight, yes still
Michigan - Fans
Iowa - Fans + Satan

Northwestern - "Chicago's Big Ten Team".
Michigan State - Izzo telling us how to treat Bruce
Penn State - child abuse
Maryland - never wanted them
Oregon - a different Knight (yes, I'm jealous)
USC - attitude

Another opponent
Ohio State (basketball answer only)

Sort of like
Purdue - Painter
Nebraska - Hoiberg
Rutgers - irrelevant once but making something of selves
Oh...well I have had a f@%king Loyalty After Dark version, they can all die.

Die of Natural Causes
Rutgers, Minnesota, Washington

Die Naked in a Freak Shower Incident
Penn St., USC, UCLA, Michigan St.

Die in a Horrific Train Derailment Caused by a Falling Buckeye Tree
Purdue, Ohio St.

Murdered by Swarms of Rabid Zombie Turtles, Kittens, Ducks, and Badgers
Maryland, Northwestern, Oregon. Wisconsin

Tortured to Death Over The Course of 13 Days by a Clown Named Bobby

It's Seriously So Dark That I Won't Post it Here But It Is Complex And Involves Being Forced to Eat Chili That Contains Certain Humans
Iowa, scUM

Special Mention

A Week In A Cabin With a Beady Eyed Bald Kid And A Banjo Because It's My List

Sweet Dreams B1G.
Oh...well I have had a f@%king Loyalty After Dark version, they can all die.

Die of Natural Causes
Rutgers, Minnesota, Washington

Die Naked in a Freak Shower Incident
Penn St., USC, UCLA, Michigan St.

Die in a Horrific Train Derailment Caused by a Falling Buckeye Tree
Purdue, Ohio St.

Murdered by Swarms of Rabid Zombie Turtles, Kittens, Ducks, and Badgers
Maryland, Northwestern, Oregon. Wisconsin

Tortured to Death Over The Course of 13 Days by a Clown Named Bobby

It's Seriously So Dark That I Won't Post it Here But It Is Complex And Involves Being Forced to Eat Chili That Contains Certain Humans
Iowa, scUM

Special Mention

A Week In A Cabin With a Beady Eyed Bald Kid And A Banjo Because It's My List

Sweet Dreams B1G.
I love this list. Good work; and sorry you had a crummy day.

My only question(s): How natural are we talking here? Are we going by the traditional definition of natural causes? Or, are we going by what is apparently considered the norm/natural in New Jersey…i.e. mutation and toxic sludge?
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Want to see tortured silence of the lambs style:
Iowa - started with Pearl and now the infection has spread
Michigan - because.. well Michigan. Oh and ‘89

Want to see have to live for eternity in a cabin w/ Kathy Bates:
Indiana - they actually became less honorable after Bobby left
PSU - just so much bad Karma there

Want to see traded to the Russians in a prisoner exchange:
MSU - I’m convinced that Tom planting Bruce with us was a secret mission to destroy us

Because that are annoying they should be forced to listen to a loop of Kamala laughing:
Maryland, OSU,

Want to see stuffed into middle seats flying East every week:
Every school from a dying conference that made a $ grab

Just would be happy to stop rooting for them from time to time:
NW - cause sometimes you show your little brother some pity
Rutgers - always the underdog
Minnesota - have to root for someone during hockey season
And Purdue - another engineering school stuck in a cornfield..

And for anyone I forgot, you never did enough to get some mind space:
Maryland, Nebraska
Genuinely Dislike/Rivals: Teams we have had historical animosity with for decades and most Illini fans get excited to beat. The matchups generally remain "exciting" even if one or both teams are down.
"Historic" Animosity: Teams I have disliked more or less at certain points over the years, but I generally find a matchup with them especially "relevant" to Illini basketball.
"Specific" Animosity: Teams that I dislike for more specific and/or recent reasons (e.g., Northwestern treating TSJ like crap or Maryland being a royal pain in our !!!).
Generally Relevant: Teams we have a real history with for one reason or another, but they generally don't spark the same level of animosity for me as the teams above here.
Very Little Feeling: Teams I of course want to beat (and might even dislike during the game), but they don't stir up too many emotions from me.
Begrudgingly Like: Teams that I, for one reason or another, am at least mildly fond of. Since this category is just Rutgers for me, I will explain that I kind of like them due to their similar dynamic as us (big state university between two pro sports metros that they rely on and are constantly battling for fan engagement), the RAC atmosphere and RU being the birthplace of the Pizza Hut Parking Lot legend.

Iowa- because McCaffrey
Indiana- their fans are intolerable no matter how good or bad they are
Purdue- Fans again and ticket prices are ridiculous

Michigan- Dickinson brought back this rivalry, hope it grows again
Michigan State- Who doesn't wanna beat Izzo? It will be a sad day when he is gone

Northwestern- Instate school that thinks its a rivalry but has been terrible for generations
Penn State- 2005, never forget being there and them ruining the party.

Ohio State- Good every 4 years or so and their fans realize they have a team
Maryland- Always a tough place to play even when they are bad
Rutgers- Top 10 arenas to play and a win there always matters

Minnesota- outside of the fans outfits, mehh
Nebraska- Will never be a basketball school
UCLA- One of the most overrated programs every single year
Oregon- Stupid basketball court
USC- Very little feeling now, but they are a monster that is coming quickly.
Washington- Irrelevant to me and should be to everyone. Until they prove they can compete every year, they could be a Rutgers situation for awhile.

Wisconsin- This one is controversial, but I admire how they assemble their teams. They rarely are the most athletic team on the floor and they always compete. They are consistently underestimated and always prove everyone wrong. That being said, I hate losing to them just as much as anybody.

As someone who is from central Illinois and living in Indiana, it honestly shocked me when I moved here how little the rivalry with Indiana meant to their fans. In their minds, there is only Purdue. Gone are the days of Knight and Henson. I have always said that if we only win 2 games in a season, and those wins are against Mizzou and Indiana, I am good with that. Indiana fans think nothing of Illinois basketball and I love rubbing it in their face when we beat them repeatedly. I wish it would become a rivalry again, because that was peak rivalry.
Intense Levels of Burning Hatred...
Indiana - Because of B Knight. v Lou. Since Knight they have been mostly the punchline of a bad joke, but I still can't stand them and their clown pants.
Iowa - The whole Satan thing was the start. A never ending stretch of punchable faces + Francon keep it going.
MSU - The whole Ayo thing still gets me. It felt like a bounty then, and still does.
scUM + ahOleSU - They just royally suck and that extends beyond hoops.
UCLA - Because Bill Walton (RIP)

Annoy The %$#@ Out Of Me Because They Have Had Too Much Unexplainable Success Against Us....

Penn St & Turtleland. They s@ck. Enough said.

I've Always Liked Them And I Will Get NO Likes For This Post Because Soooooooo Many HATE Them.....

Purdue - Keady was a tough SOB, And Painter is just a helluva a coach. I root for them when it doesn't effect us.

Looking Forward To Hating Them With Every Fabric Of My Being.......

USC & Ohtheygon. Just because I know they suck.

I Kind Of Like Them........

Nebby & Rutgers. They don't chafe me.

Hard To Hate Them When I Mostly Feel Kind Of Sorry For Them.....

Northwestern. It's tough being in our big @#$ shadow.

If It Weren't For One Grinchy Man, They Would And By All Rights Should S@ck........

Wiscy. Good heavens they should be awful.

Don't Care....

Washington? Are they in the B1G now?

Anybody I missed, but I think I got them all.
Yeah, I'm right there with ya.

Purdue you have to respect. Their fans in the state of Indiana are annoying, but 99% is focused against IU fans.

Can't hate on UCLA yet, but I am sure that happen quickly. I'd put them down there with Oregon & USC

IMO the new teams 15-18, will have a tough time adjust to B10 basketball - winter travel, physicality, crazy fans, tough venues ..... It will take a few years.
Any B10 team that's playing Illinois......
Season 3 No GIF by Paramount+
I agree with @OnlyOrange that when you started following the Illini, will have a lot to do with where you put them. For example, I really started following College Basketball in 1979, and my first memory of the Illini was Eddie Johnson beating Michigan St and Ervin Johnson. So here is my list.

Indiana - Bobby Knight, need I say more
Iowa - Bruce Pearl aka Satan
Michigan - 1989 Final Four

Dislike (mostly due to being a pretty good team in my memory)
Michigan State
Ohio State

Little Brother that is annoying

Mostly don't care but seem like they always play us tough
Penn St.

Still contemplating, but my list is definitely going to resemble yours. I can absolutely relate.
Genuinely Dislike/Rivals: Teams we have had historical animosity with for decades and most Illini fans get excited to beat. The matchups generally remain "exciting" even if one or both teams are down.
"Historic" Animosity: Teams I have disliked more or less at certain points over the years, but I generally find a matchup with them especially "relevant" to Illini basketball.
"Specific" Animosity: Teams that I dislike for more specific and/or recent reasons (e.g., Northwestern treating TSJ like crap or Maryland being a royal pain in our !!!).
Generally Relevant: Teams we have a real history with for one reason or another, but they generally don't spark the same level of animosity for me as the teams above here.
Very Little Feeling: Teams I of course want to beat (and might even dislike during the game), but they don't stir up too many emotions from me.
Begrudgingly Like: Teams that I, for one reason or another, am at least mildly fond of. Since this category is just Rutgers for me, I will explain that I kind of like them due to their similar dynamic as us (big state university between two pro sports metros that they rely on and are constantly battling for fan engagement), the RAC atmosphere and RU being the birthplace of the Pizza Hut Parking Lot legend.

Iowa- because McCaffrey
Indiana- their fans are intolerable no matter how good or bad they are
Purdue- Fans again and ticket prices are ridiculous

Michigan- Dickinson brought back this rivalry, hope it grows again
Michigan State- Who doesn't wanna beat Izzo? It will be a sad day when he is gone

Northwestern- Instate school that thinks its a rivalry but has been terrible for generations
Ohio State- 2005, never forget being there and them ruining the party.

Penn State- Always seem to sneak up and win some big games here and there.
Maryland- Always a tough place to play even when they are bad
Rutgers- Top 10 arenas to play and a win there always matters

Minnesota- outside of the fans outfits, mehh
Nebraska- Will never be a basketball school
UCLA- One of the most overrated programs every single year
Oregon- Stupid basketball court
USC- Very little feeling now, but they are a monster that is coming quickly.
Washington- Irrelevant to me and should be to everyone. Until they prove they can compete every year, they could be a Rutgers situation for awhile.

Wisconsin- This one is controversial, but I admire how they assemble their teams. They rarely are the most athletic team on the floor and they always compete. They are consistently underestimated and always prove everyone wrong. That being said, I hate losing to them just as much as anybody.

As someone who is from central Illinois and living in Indiana, it honestly shocked me when I moved here how little the rivalry with Indiana meant to their fans. In their minds, there is only Purdue. Gone are the days of Knight and Henson. I have always said that if we only win 2 games in a season, and those wins are against Mizzou and Indiana, I am good with that. Indiana fans think nothing of Illinois basketball and I love rubbing it in their face when we beat them repeatedly. I wish it would become a rivalry again, because that was peak rivalry.
Here's my list:

Strongly dislike/hate

Iowa. Bruce Pearl forever. Enough said
Indiana - Bobby Knight


Wisconsin - I've just never liked their style of play
Maryland - Can't stand Willard
Northwestern - whiny little brother

Grudging respect

Purdue - Like and respect Painter, but their fans are annoying
Michigan State

No major feelings one way or another for everyone else, particularly the new arrivals
Ordered from most disliked to least with slightly adjust tiers:

Rivals I've hated for extended periods
1. Indiana- There is no college basketball team I have hated more in my lifetime. Whether it was the Knight era, the Gordon incident, Sampson or Crean I've hated every iteration of that program and they're the one B10 team I'd want to lose every single game every single season. Shame we couldn't have taken that "last undefeated season" mantle from them in '05.
2. Iowa- I remember those Davis teams in the 80s with Marble and Horton and Armstrong. God I hated that team. I remember when unruly fans filled Carver-Hawkeye to the brim. I remember Bruce Pearl. And I can think of no better B10 rivalry than Illinois-Iowa in the past 5 years. Almost a shame Todd Lickliter destroyed their program and fanbase. Almost.

Teams I've hated for isolated periods
3. Michigan- Mainly for '89 and the Fab Five. But John Beilein making that program actually relevant again, and then the obnoxiousness during the Juwan and Hunter years adds to it as well. Couldn't have cheered louder when Chris Webber called that timeout and lost them the championship. Still cheering that Juwan called a timeout on their program turning it into a dumpster fire

Teams I plain do not like, bordering on hate
4. Maryland- Eff them and their fans, the absolute worst in college basketball. They haven't been in the B10 long enough to get to that hate tier, but they're close. Real close.

Teams I plain do not like
5. Purdue- They were pretty neutral to me for quite a while mainly because they irked Indiana and I enjoyed that. And Keady was good competition but I can't say I ever truly hated him. But they and their fanbase have gotten too big for their britches recently and the obnoxiousness is getting to me as is their recent success against us. They need to be taken down a peg
6. UCLA- They may be the most likable blueblood because their fans are no shows, but they're still a blueblood and both their success and hype each season is obnoxious in that fake "California cool" way

Rivals who I do not like, but respect and enjoy watching us play against because they make for great games
7. MSU- Since 2000, they've been our best benchmark for success, and for a long time were our biggest competition for B10 titles. Games are always close and hard fought, though in recent years have featured some dirty less enjoyable play. But whoever wins these games feels like they've been coronated as B10 champion through much of the 2000s
8. Wisconsin- The Kohl center doesn't rock like it used to, and they've fallen off since Bo Ryan left, but this is a team who always used to give us tough close games. Winning another BTT title against them was sweet. I enjoy playing them and beating them, especially in front of their own fans

Teams I dislike for 1 very specific reason
9. Minnesota- Their deathtrap floor. They need to burn the barn down to the ground. Also any year they've actually been relevant (and they had to cheat to do it no less) their fanbase is absolutely obnoxious
10. Oregon- Their court makes my eyes bleed. I'm glad the B10 forced them at gunpoint to change it, but they need to do even more
11. Penn State- They're so bad and yet seemingly have our number. I don't get it.
12. Ohio State- Ruining our perfect '05 season
13. Washington- Brandon Roy and Justin Dentmon being gifted 857 free throws in 2006 in a game we should've won to make it to the Sweet 16

14. Rutgers- Have no issue with them. If they get better year in and year out, they could rise up this list, but for now, they're down here
15. USC- While their football team immediately ranks Top 2 in dislike, their basketball team is a big yawn

Teams that have a soft spot in my hatred hardened heart
16. Northwestern- Generally they stink and there's no rivalry here no matter how much they believe there to be one. We should beat this team year in year out no problem. I look at them as your much younger little brother who you're supposed to beat on, but secretly smile when you see them beat someone else while still telling them they suck
17. Nebraska- They've only beaten us when we've had a terrible team and their huge upset win over Wisconsin actually gave us a B10 Championship. And hard not to have a soft spot for a team that has a fanbase I respect, that gifts you titles, and that you beat like a drum otherwise.
I love this list. Good work; and sorry you had a crummy day.

My only question(s): How natural are we talking here? Are we going by the traditional definition of natural causes? Or, are we going by what is apparently considered the norm/natural in New Jersey…i.e. mutation and toxic sludge?
Kidney failure, Brain aneurysm, coronary artery disease, etc.... and I guess their family can be there.

Edit: Hahaha...I literally forgot about Nebraska!!


Die Alone Abandoned In a Grain Silo
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I try to hold a grudge, I just can’t.

I hate teams based on who’s good / who’s beating us in the present moment.

My most hated team a few yrs ago was Michigan because of that Covid season.

Right now it’s Purdue (because they’ve been the best team in the B1G the past few yrs), Penn St (because we can’t beat them), and Maryland (see Penn St.).

The one team in the B1G I genuinely like is Nebraska. They’ve been fun to watch and aren’t a real threat to us.
Despise/Deep Hatred:
** Indiana (Bobby Knight)
** Michigan (1989 Final Four & their 2022 football last minute victory, and their 67-65 football victory in 2010)
** Wisconsin (for being absolutely nothing in Big10 football in the 1970's/1980's) when my fandem began --- and then rising from the ashes
** Iowa (see Wisconsin, above)

Soft Spot:
** UCLA -- John Wooden, Lew Alcindor, Bill Walton, Lucius Allen, Sydney Wicks, Keith Wilkes. (Gotta love a college coach who utilizes a full court zone press)

** All others

And I should add that it irks me that OSU and Michigan football are just handed 5* recruits. I really wish the NCAA would limit the number of football five stars at any single school to two per year. Let's create a level playing field that relies more on coaching strategy and coaching chops.
I could not possibly agree more with this post. 89 grad - those scumbags took our ring that year.
While I agree with you for 1989, Iowa and Bruce Pearl took away our chance to be an Arizona-style national power. At the time, we were looking at Illini games on WGN, which was national at the time. That would have made Illinois a national brand. And that lying sack of s*** and the morons at the NCAA took that from us.

Remember, "Just because we can't prove anything doesn't mean it didn't happen."