Pregame: Illinois vs Wisconsin, Tuesday, January 31st, 8:00pm CT, BTN

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If you look at the original quote, it was "one of the reasons" not "the only reason".

Do you mean to imply that his pressers are good enough that they aren't contributing towards the fanbase's growing negative sentiments towards him being the coach of the Illini? If so, I'd like to see that argument. Please tell us how his pressers are helping him as the head coach of the team.

His pressers are fine. I do believe that the vast majority of the fanabase doesn't care at all what he says at his pressers. I don;t think that they move the needle either way. It is all about the results on the court.
His pressers are fine. I do believe that the vast majority of the fanabase doesn't care at all what he says at his pressers. I don;t think that they move the needle either way. It is all about the results on the court.

But, his pressers do speak volumes in regards to how he is out of his league at the current moment. It is true that 95% of Illini fans don't listen or watch the post game pressers or the pressers a day or two before the game. But, for those that do, like myself, his words and repetitive coach-speak has become more than nauseating to listen to. I can just imagine how the players feel. He says the right things but the on-the-court presentation is much different.
But, his pressers do speak volumes in regards to how he is out of his league at the current moment. It is true that 95% of Illini fans don't listen or watch the post game pressers or the pressers a day or two before the game. But, for those that do, like myself, his words and repetitive coach-speak has become more than nauseating to listen to. I can just imagine how the players feel.

I'm guessing the players don't listen to or watch the pressers. Even if they do, what the coaches say to them in practices and games is a million times more impactful.
I'm guessing the players don't listen to or watch the pressers. Even if they do, what the coaches say to them in practices and games is a million times more impactful.

Clearly not because the message has not gotten across to the players. The Illini do 1 thing well: Consistently play inconsistent. The coach's words are not getting through or not getting through consistently enough.
Yes, I will make that argument. I want to meet the person for whom "post game press conferences" cracks even the top 15 reasons they are dissatisfied with Groce.

It's like standing on a sinking Titanic and hassling a passing crewman about how your soup spoon had some tarnish on it.

Literal LOL.

In my best Allen Iverson voice: "we talking about pressers? Really, Pressers? GMAFB. Are you kidding me man? Pressers?"

I never listen to the pressers and can give a rats !!! what Groce says or doesn't say in them. If I did and IF he said everything I wanted him to say(or the people that adamantly care so much wanted) I would still want him gone if his team's results ON THE COURT were what they have been up to this point. It's all about wins and losses not what is or isn't said. Geesh.

"Pressers, are you serious"
That statement in bold (on top of the other numerous stupid things Groce said in that conference) really stands out.

Except it doesn't stand out at all, because these don't mean anything.

You guys understand that there is no obligation for him to deliver anything of meaning or connection to the actual management of the team here, right? He can say literally anything he wants. He could walk out of that room, become Mr. Hyde, and go read the team the riot act.

A press conference pretty much shows you one thing, which is a coach's ability to field questions he'd just as soon not answer. If that's a key metric for you in assessing what our coach is bringing to the table, bully, but I'm guessing you're on a sparsely populated island with that one.
So if they lose tonight is it all over or is it already over for Groce?

As a practical matter it's over, simply because of our impressive road record (hint, if you see a BIG game on the schedule with "Illinois at" that means we lost. A win at home, even an impressive one like Wiscy, isn't likely to change that.

The fat lady is scheduled to sing sometime around the second game of the BTT. If you like playing the lottery, put a few bucks down that we'll win the BTT and get an auto-bid. If you want to save a few bucks, start betting on who the next head coach of Illinois is going to be --that might pay off.
Except it doesn't stand out at all, because these don't mean anything.

You guys understand that there is no obligation for him to deliver anything of meaning or connection to the actual management of the team here, right? He can say literally anything he wants. He could walk out of that room, become Mr. Hyde, and go read the team the riot act.

A press conference pretty much shows you one thing, which is a coach's ability to field questions he'd just as soon not answer. If that's a key metric for you in assessing what our coach is bringing to the table, bully, but I'm guessing you're on a sparsely populated island with that one.

Eh, while you're right that press conferences have no formal meaning and we can all name the great coaches who are notoriously prickly and avoidant with the press, I think statements to the press are about as good as fans are going to get understanding what kind of communicator various coaches are, how they think about the game and what kinds of goals and expectations they have for their team.

I have certainly made myself familiar with the YouTube clips available of our various coaching candidates. That was the only way to have seen the Beckman disaster coming too, by the way. The resume was sterling. Take one look at his press conference after his failure to use timeouts cost them a game against NIU and you knew what kind of personality and intellect you were dealing with.

Groce is a great talker. But there are no words good enough to make up for a lack of results.
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Eh, while you're right that press conferences have no formal meaning and we can all name the great coaches who are notoriously prickly and avoidant with the press, I think statements to the press are about as good as fans are going to get understanding what kind of communicator various coaches are, how they think about the game and what kinds of goals and expectations they have for their team.

I have certainly made myself familiar with the YouTube clips available of our various coaching candidates. That was the only way to have seen the Beckman disaster coming too, by the way. The resume was sterling. Take one look at his press conference after his failure to use timeouts cost them a game against NIU and you knew what kind of personality and intellect you were dealing with.

Groce is a great talker. But there are no words good enough to make up for a lack of results.

But for as much as the Beckman stuff would've raised a red flag, the Groce stuff would've thrown you off the scent (and did, for lots of us, myself included). He comes off as a great communicator, but as it turns out we are in year five and he can't get upperclassmen to understand what he wants them to do on either end of the court.

Let's not fall into the trap of thinking this stuff is super insightful just because it's what we have access to - I think you and I both would rather watch a UNC-W practice every day of the week as opposed to some Keatts media availability, but that's what's out there. It's our equivalent of the man searching for his keys under the streetlamp because that's where the light is.
But for as much as the Beckman stuff would've raised a red flag, the Groce stuff would've thrown you off the scent (and did, for lots of us, myself included). He comes off as a great communicator, but as it turns out we are in year five and he can't get upperclassmen to understand what he wants them to do on either end of the court.

Let's not fall into the trap of thinking this stuff is super insightful just because it's what we have access to - I think you and I both would rather watch a UNC-W practice every day of the week as opposed to some Keatts media availability, but that's what's out there. It's our equivalent of the man searching for his keys under the streetlamp because that's where the light is.

Totally agree. Use the information you have while understanding the limitations of the information you have. :thumb:

as much as the Beckman stuff would've raised a red flag

Also, let it not be said that I did not point this out at the time. He was not one of my Top 5 choices specifically because of what that NIU incident spoke to. He was in my Top 10 though, because damn, how did he do so well at Toledo?
Caring about what a coach says in post game press conferences is about as silly as caring about what uniforms the Beloved wear for any particular game. IMHO.

My eyes tell me we're going nowhere; best guess is we beat PSU in the rematch but otherwise lose out. Will be watching all games regardless, and hoping for a miracle turnaround to get into the only tourney that matters. Lose tonight and we're doomed I fear. I think we lose. Pity, because my sense is Groce is a helluva good man, and going this many years without being in the tourney is definitely souring a big chunk of a generation of fans on Illini hoops.

We love no other.
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