NBA Draft

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Terrence would look reeeaall good in that Orlando Magic blue!
Great fit for that team. Nick Anderson redux!

(yes I’m a magic fan)


Chicago via Central IL
I predict Shannon to Denver
As the self-proclaimed biggest Nuggets fan in Chicago, I would absolutely love that. Denver understands that their Championship window is open and they need to add players who are ready to contribute. TSJ is ready to be a rotation guy. This would be my dream scenario for tonight.
With the 14th overall pick the 2024 NBA Draft, the Portland Trail Blazers select Bub Carrington, G, Pittsburgh. As was mentioned before, his rights are being traded to Washington.


Land O Insects between Quincy-Macomb-Jacksonville
Will say this in advance on the TSJ pick, shut your dumb mouth Malika Andrews....
Why are teenagers SO much more coveted than early 20's? It's not the older players can't play for 10-15 years.
Average career length is 4.5 years. Less wear and tear, more time to coach during important development years. Players self-select where if they stay in the draft at a young age they're generally worth drafting compared to players that have exhausted their eligibility.
We just witnessed the basis for my tempered expectations from this season's truly outstanding Illini frosh class.

Ware struggled at Oregon as a frosh under a truly excellent college basketball coach.

He transfers to Indiana to play under a truly below avg. college basketball coach and becomes the 15th pick in the draft.

There is a lot to learn about playing college hoops at the highest level. I expect a lot of hand wringing, head shaking, hands on head, and yelling from BU this year. So much to learn about playing together and fitting the parts in place. But if he can keep these kids moving forward together, they should accept nothing less than a FF next year...and just may win it all. Big steps need to be made and will be...go coach!!
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