Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

It'd be a bit insane for a program that generates ~14M in yearly profit for the University to try and nickle and dime talent.

There's tons of folks drafted every year that weren't top 100 recruits, taking a flyer on some kids isn't bad.
First, we don't have unlimited funds.

Second, as many of us know in business every time you add a body you increase the chance of drama and dissatisfaction.

We've had a two year lesson on chemistry. Let's hope the future pulls more from the successful chapter.
It'd be a bit insane for a program that generates ~14M in yearly profit for the University to try and nickle and dime talent.

There's tons of folks drafted every year that weren't top 100 recruits, taking a flyer on some kids isn't bad.
That 14M profit (28M revenue, 14M expenses), doesn't include any money for the Assembly Hall retrofit. That got pulled out as athletic department expenses.

The Assembly Hall remodel was 170M. At 5% interest, that would be 14M for 25 years.
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It'd be a bit insane for a program that generates ~14M in yearly profit for the University to try and nickle and dime talent.

There's tons of folks drafted every year that weren't top 100 recruits, taking a flyer on some kids isn't bad.
Maybe the following phrasing will make people happier: "What percent chance of success should we expect before we take the 80k/year risk on the student plus all the time investment?"

I'm curious to hear what percentages people believe are reasonable, and how many players per year they think can be taken at that percentage.
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should be pinned. the only thing I'd add/change is that taking a flyer on some kids (3-5) is the smart play. especially preps
Even if only one or two pan or stay in the program it's a net positive.

Also, if you can keep a couple for all 4 years it helps you build and sustain a culture while you can supplement with the transfer portal and potential 1 and done type talent.
That 14M profit (28M revenue, 14M expenses), doesn't include any money for the Assembly Hall retrofit. That got pulled out as athletic department expenses.

The Assembly Hall remodel was 170M. At 5% interest, that would be 14M for 25 years.
Assembly Hall renovations' were funded by donations. Without pulling the disclosures I would assume the profit is presumably post interest expenses.

just a reminder: this is a family program
gets a like from a poster with '69' in his (her?) name...

Assembly Hall renovations' were funded by donations. Without pulling the disclosures I would assume the profit is presumably post interest expenses.

Thank you for pointing out that the Assembly Hall renovations were funded by donations. I'm of a mixed opinion of whether this should count when considering if the program is profitable. Are you profitable if someone else pays your debt?

Wrt. the book keeping, the athletic department as a whole posted a 5M loss in 2023. It looks like they gave numbers for each sport, and then did "debt servicing" (18M) as a separate category.