Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Some people, including an insider, were pining for Sean Miller prior to the Elite 8 run. This board went off the rails after losing to Arkansas in the tournament two years ago, then again after losing RayJ.

The NCAA tournament was defining Brad, which to me was ridiculous, but that's the weight it carries. Glad that's done(hopefully).
I don't believe BU is the best coach out there, but I wouldn't trade him for anyone save Oats. (No Miller under any circumstance for me) Good things are happening and stability is a positive thing for a program.

But to the extent people "went off the rails" after the Arkansas game, it was less about the game itself but about the whole season with overblown expectations. The tournament was the chance to redeem the underperformance and obviously it didn't happen.
Some people, including an insider, were pining for Sean Miller prior to the Elite 8 run. This board went off the rails after losing to Arkansas in the tournament two years ago, then again after losing RayJ.

The NCAA tournament was defining Brad, which to me was ridiculous, but that's the weight it carries. Glad that's done(hopefully).
Yea I mean we all want more of course, but an elite 8 that got stopped by one of the best teams ever definitely earns Brad some slack on the tournament
I would guess that poll only takes into account reported dollars spent. While this is over the table money, has a significant amount more changed hands under the table?

From reported payouts and asking prices… that looks pretty accurate. Is there money being “laundered” or back channeled? Who knows. I bet the NCAA doesn’t even really care anymore. Kind of like weed being legal on the state level but still illegal federally. It’s not illegal until you get caught by the wrong people.
I get most of the colleges listed. Who/Whom are the big $$$ donors with Kansas State? They were the only real surprise to me on that list. Yeah yeah, C Hawkins..... got a bag. Just not a school I would have expected to be that high. Some Oil/Farm/Ag money in there?
Not really completely sure what if you are referring something specific, but if we're just comparing and setting the two side by side this past year...completely opposite I guess I would word it...?

Finished like 16-18 while we had a 3 seed, BTT title, E8...record actually might look better than how it looked at times tbh. Lost a lot after that 3 seed season in 22-23, but for any Sean>Brad talks...boy was Xavier was a disaster this past year...not all too far off of Georgetown/DePaul zone...
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I get most of the colleges listed. Who/Whom are the big $$$ donors with Kansas State? They were the only real surprise to me on that list. Yeah yeah, C Hawkins..... got a bag. Just not a school I would have expected to be that high. Some Oil/Farm/Ag money in there?
Nope, it is all Gordon Jump. WKRP and Maytag paid better than you think.
The NCAA tournament was defining Brad, which to me was ridiculous, but that's the weight it carries. Glad that's done(hopefully).
This was only the case after demonstrating he could win...

How to evaluate a coach (specifically for NCAA Basketball):
Step 1: Can you win?
Step 2a: Can you win in the postseason?
Step 2b: Can you win in the NCAA Tourney?
Step 3: Can you win the NCAA Title?

Brad was stuck on getting past step 2b which is why so many fans were wanting to see tournament success. Some coaches have it, some don't.
Brad excelled at steps 1 and 2a, but if that was all he showed for an extended period of time, then that more than likely was his ceiling and we need to find a coach who has step 3 capability.
The only thing that matters is can you win and have a good team that gives you a chance in March. BU does that. My only issue with him as a coach is he is stubborn to a fault. He didn’t seem to make adjustments in the Loyola game Houston or UCONN game until it was too late. Only the Loyola game was one we should have won. there are more games to list that he makes adjustments that win the game. There are not many coaches who can build a program like he has

How many conference championships has Hurley won?
How many NCAA tournament games did he win prior to winning a championship?

I get most of the colleges listed. Who/Whom are the big $$$ donors with Kansas State? They were the only real surprise to me on that list. Yeah yeah, C Hawkins..... got a bag. Just not a school I would have expected to be that high. Some Oil/Farm/Ag money in there?
That was the one that stumped me. I’m also a little surprised to see Texas Tech over Texas. Maybe it’s the % going to football.
Some people, including an insider, were pining for Sean Miller prior to the Elite 8 run. This board went off the rails after losing to Arkansas in the tournament two years ago, then again after losing RayJ.

The NCAA tournament was defining Brad, which to me was ridiculous, but that's the weight it carries. Glad that's done(hopefully).
No one was pining to fire Brad and Hire Sean, they simply were saying Brad is entertaining other jobs and Sean is the first call.
What about the bull semen guy?
trees aka GIF
I have a feeling this list will be volatile year to year…
I am curious if this is an estimate of how much was paid out, or how much available? I am guessing how much paid this past recruiting cycle.

Money cannot make up for bad coaching, bad culture, and bad team building
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