Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Ahrens and Lee: FWLIW, I'm quite good with taking development preps that have promise, which both of the guys have. The looming roster expansion to 15 kind of makes taking development kids a no-brainer. Now, whether or not they'll meet muster (break into the rotation eventually), who knows? But only ten guys, at most, are gonna play meaningful minutes. As long as staff is honest with these kids (and I have no doubt they are), bring 'em on
The additional 2 scholly's just means more portal activity.../s ...or maybe not /s.....

Could mean 300-400 additional names in the portal...
The additional 2 scholly's just means more portal activity.../s ...or maybe not /s.....

Could mean 300-400 additional names in the portal...
I'm curious if it also means a few more package deals with friends of studs getting the ride along for big time programs. Likely most teams high majors won't need more than 12 or 13 rides. But there are now more spots to be had and money to go around.
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