Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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A while back I saw he might re class? Will he stay 25 or move to 24?
kiefer sutherland fangirl challenge GIF
Better ball handler, better passer, better shot blocker. I don't see the comparison.
Wow - given we have Ty 6 ppg 5 rbg and DGL 2 ppg coming back plus 7 transfers (Tre, Kylan, KJ, Cary, Davis, Humrichous, Ivicic) and 2 freshman (Morez, Janks) that is expecting alot. I would be thrilled if we are in top 5 of B10 and peaking by end of season for the NCAAs.
I don’t think it’s a stretch. There’s just a lot of unknown. I would say as a whole this roster has more talent than last years, it’s just unproven. How they gel and play as a team will play a huge role also. I mean last year at this time everyone was flipping out because we didn’t have a point guard and we’ve added two guys that could facilitate the offense this offseason.
Good luck to Phoenix Gill as long as he doesn’t light us up every time we play them.
That one hurts a little. I know we are after bigger fish, but I was really hoping he would end up here. With that said, Northwestern is a team that is generally easy to root for (except when they are playing us), so I'll be watching closely!
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