Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (August 2019)

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Isn't Andres Feliz a point guard? Miller is the real thing and a true combo guard but it seems while a point guard
"in waiting" would be great, it seems maybe we could live without a freshman pg. a senior transfer might also help
us out there. recruiting is fluid.
Isn't Andres Feliz a point guard? Miller is the real thing and a true combo guard but it seems while a point guard
"in waiting" would be great, it seems maybe we could live without a freshman pg. a senior transfer might also help
us out there. recruiting is fluid.
Feliz is gone after this year... I would however be ok with another JUCO PG.
Isn't Andres Feliz a point guard? Miller is the real thing and a true combo guard but it seems while a point guard
"in waiting" would be great, it seems maybe we could live without a freshman pg. a senior transfer might also help
us out there. recruiting is fluid.
Feliz is gone in 2020 and Frazier is gone is 2021. They need a pg this year. Cant rely on just Hutcherson. Need some depth at pg.
I think Hutch Hamlin Grandison fill in the roster for this year, and also coaches won’t have to worry about spring recruiting next year (hopefully). Can focus filling 3 ships instead of possibly 6 if they were grad transfers. Can really focus on a few guys and not worry about having to fill 6 to make a roster again.
I really think Hutcherson and Grandison having a sit out year will work to our advantage. They get a year to learn BU's system and a year to assimilate to the team culture which by all accounts has improved. These two come in with experience which is very helpful and I think the year off will help them adjust to the B10 level of play since they will be practicing against some very good players.
Thought we should have a PG this year but we definitely have some ball handlers and it would seem to me to be much easier with an experienced team. Contrast that to Trent's first year as a freshman and a new system for all the players.
Talented freshman with Trent should suffice.
Funny thing is that Weber got a lot of guys that the fans wanted, put it together and it turned to mush. Wood is getting guys that he thinks fit his system. I don't think he blows smoke up these kids' backsides either. That may not always go over very well with some, thus the "we want guys who want to be here." Proof will be in the pudding.

Agreed. I think Weber was put in an unwinnable position with recruiting. At Illinois, he was suddenly expected to recruit higher-ranked players (a task at which he faced an obvious and undeniable learning curve), many of whom had expectations of early departures. On top of that, he had the unenviable task of making them fit into his system that required different players to function optimally (i.e., lower-ranked guys willing able to earn their way to playing time over the course of four years, - smart, tough players who know the system as opposed to more skilled players who can just "wing it" and be successful). I firmly believe that if Weber had only slightly altered his recruiting style/targets compared to his days at SIU, he and the program would have been far more successful than it was with him suddenly trying to recruit like he's Calipari or someone else that he isn't, and then at the same time, trying to adapt his system to fit a different style of player/personality than it required and/or trying to fit those same players into a system that doesn't work for them.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't. And here we are...
Agreed. I think Weber was put in an unwinnable position with recruiting. At Illinois, he was suddenly expected to recruit higher-ranked players (a task at which he faced an obvious and undeniable learning curve), many of whom had expectations of early departures. On top of that, he had the unenviable task of making them fit into his system that required different players to function optimally (i.e., lower-ranked guys willing able to earn their way to playing time over the course of four years, - smart, tough players who know the system as opposed to more skilled players who can just "wing it" and be successful). I firmly believe that if Weber had only slightly altered his recruiting style/targets compared to his days at SIU, he and the program would have been far more successful than it was with him suddenly trying to recruit like he's Calipari or someone else that he isn't, and then at the same time, trying to adapt his system to fit a different style of player/personality than it required and/or trying to fit those same players into a system that doesn't work for them.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't. And here we are...

Don't care to revisit Weber's failure, but I would be remiss not to vociferously disagree with your take.
Don't care to revisit Weber's failure, but I would be remiss not to vociferously disagree with your take.

I don't particularly care to rehash it all either, so inasmuch as a noncommittal, clinical, and substance-free single sentence notification of disagreement can be "vociferous," I thank you for your thoughts and opinions.

Good talk.
I don't particularly care to rehash it all either, so inasmuch as a noncommittal, clinical, and substance-free single sentence notification of disagreement can be "vociferous," I thank you for your thoughts and opinions.

Good talk.

By Re-Hash, that is too mean leftover corn beef? Jus checkin....;)
I don't particularly care to rehash it all either, so inasmuch as a noncommittal, clinical, and substance-free single sentence notification of disagreement can be "vociferous," I thank you for your thoughts and opinions.

Good talk.

Wrong word. Should've went with completely.
Feliz is gone in 2020 and Frazier is gone is 2021. They need a pg this year. Cant rely on just Hutcherson. Need some depth at pg.

Need a player with ball handling and distribution skills, doesn't have to be a PG. If those guys have those skills, it doesn't matter if they are 6'6".
I would like to point out that these are two very different things:

I think Weber was put in an unwinnable position with recruiting.
Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

I firmly believe that if Weber had only slightly altered his recruiting style/targets compared to his days at SIU, he and the program would have been far more successful than it was with him suddenly trying to recruit like he's Calipari or someone else that he isn't, and then at the same time, trying to adapt his system to fit a different style of player/personality than it required and/or trying to fit those same players into a system that doesn't work for them.

And also that I agree with the latter one. Weber could have been better here than he was, and the blame for his failure to do so rests squarely on his shoulders.

The guy has led quite a charmed life, both inheriting a team at Illinois that perfectly meshed with his style of basketball, and then when he spectacularly failed here, getting another Power Five job he really didn't deserve that AGAIN handed him a roster well suited to him, and enough time to figure out his Illinois mistakes.
Sounds like he really likes the State of Arizona if he is visiting two schools.
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