Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (August 2019)

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Good thing this is baseball season still...strikeouts all round!!!
Why are we missing out on top 5-8 lists nowadays? It was frustrating when we kept coming in 2nd or 3rd, but now we're struggling to even make it to visits. Is this an improvement in resource management (hanging on when we will almost certainly not land the kid) or failure in our pitch?
Why are we missing out on top 5-8 lists nowadays? It was frustrating when we kept coming in 2nd or 3rd, but now we're struggling to even make it to visits. Is this an improvement in resource management (hanging on when we will almost certainly not land the kid) or failure in our pitch?

You could read this either way. Either this staff isn't as good at getting into these players' lists of finalists, or this staff is better at reading a recruit and deemphasizing when they feel they are out of it.

Who knows, really?
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Ten years ago I would have agreed. The way the game has changed, Kofi will need to some serious adapting.

Nobody said NBA but Kofi will play professionally. You just can't teach 7' 285+. There's a place for him somewhere, and hopefully it's the NBA
You could read this either way. Either this staff isn't as good at getting into these players' lists of finalists, or this staff is better at reading a recruit and deemphasizing when they feel they are out of it.

Who knows, really?
BU always said, “I want guys who want to be here.”
Which really doesn't mean a whole lot of anything. Does anyone want "someone" who doesn't want to be there?
Some people go because they think they will be catered to, that it will be about them, and while no one wants people who don't want to be there, many schools "cater" to their star athletes.
Some people go because they think they will be catered to, that it will be about them, and while no one wants people who don't want to be there, many schools "cater" to their star athletes.
I wouldn't say that we're completely opposed to catering and I don't think THT would see it that way either. But I would guess that we do less of it.
Which really doesn't mean a whole lot of anything. Does anyone want "someone" who doesn't want to be there?

Which really doesn't mean a whole lot of anything. Does anyone want "someone" who doesn't want to be there?
It's a more nuanced phrase - but I would suggest that the thought is that if you have to 'oversell/pressure' someone to be anywhere - it may not work out in the long term. Witness sleazy used car 'row the boat' guy up north and the number of defections over time as one example.
It's a more nuanced phrase - but I would suggest that the thought is that if you have to 'oversell/pressure' someone to be anywhere - it may not work out in the long term. Witness sleazy used car 'row the boat' guy up north and the number of defections over time as one example.

Do Fleck's defections occur before or after they've already been in the program for a year?
Who was the tall white kid that had a bad attitude that a lot of people were enamored with but ended up going elsewhere. I cant remember his name, but have not seen it either since then.
Who was the tall white kid that had a bad attitude that a lot of people were enamored with but ended up going elsewhere. I cant remember his name, but have not seen it either since then.

Nick Rakocevic?
Yes, that is who I was thinking of. Thanks!
Yep. Unfortunately, Underwood is looking like a small timer.

Funny thing is that Weber got a lot of guys that the fans wanted, put it together and it turned to mush. Wood is getting guys that he thinks fit his system. I don't think he blows smoke up these kids' backsides either. That may not always go over very well with some, thus the "we want guys who want to be here." Proof will be in the pudding.
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