Illinois at Nebraska, Friday, September 20th, 7:00pm CT, FOX

Sums up a lot of today's priorities in one phrase

I believe classes weren't canceled but moved online for Friday.
That is correct, just the in person part of the classes were canceled, not the classes themselves. Well unless they're lab classes I guess, lol. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. However, Nebraska still did it specifically because of the football game, which is pretty incredible.
Sums up a lot of today's priorities in one phrase

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First of all, that's inaccurate. They have gone to an online format for Friday to accomodate 90,000 people coming on campus without the obvious headache of parking of commuters, instructors and other employees at the same time. Seems a very prudent decision, to me. I'd suggest you posting this says much more about your priorities than it does "a lot of today's..."
First of all, that's inaccurate. They have gone to an online format for Friday to accomodate 90,000 people coming on campus without the obvious headache of parking of commuters, instructors and other employees at the same time. Seems a very prudent decision, to me. I'd suggest you posting this says much more about your priorities than it does "a lot of today's..."
this is still prioritizing the accommodation of a football game over the normal function of a university. spare me the "this is good, actually" defense. and yes, they were moved online and not canceled. i'm sure all students will be planted in front of their laptops, and not face first in the ground after their 10th shotgunned beer.
this is still prioritizing the accommodation of a football game over the normal function of a university. spare me the "this is good, actually" defense. and yes, they were moved online and not canceled. i'm sure all students will be planted in front of their laptops, and not face first in the ground after their 10th shotgunned beer.
They'll all survive.
this is still prioritizing the accommodation of a football game over the normal function of a university. spare me the "this is good, actually" defense. and yes, they were moved online and not canceled. i'm sure all students will be planted in front of their laptops, and not face first in the ground after their 10th shotgunned beer.
I never said it was good, I said it made perfect sense. I assume you've never tried to move the traffic of 90,000 people into a relatively small area occupied by nearly 20,000 students, instructors and staff at the same time? I haven't, so I'd never imagine questioning why law enforcement, city planners and the university all decide it is the only logical choice they had. Friday night football in the Big 10 is stupid, but what I imagine would be much worse would be trying to figure out the flow of that many people for no reason, when a very smart, logical alternative is available. Insinuating there is something wrong with a university that prioritizes the sensible movement of that many people over a single day of classes is foolish. I ask rhetorically, where has common sense gone in this world?

And of course most the students won't go to class or probably attend online....SO WHAT? About 90,000 people won't go to a full day of work Friday either....SO WHAT? They will all survive. Lighten up for God's sake.
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The kids that were going to go to class no matter what will still attend….the kids that were never going to go to class still won’t….doesnt really matter if it’s online or in person.

They are actually making it easier for
Kids to learn by making it online….for the eastern game this year we had a ton of kids that had trouble getting to class because of the tailgating and parking/just more people on campus.
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I never said it was good, I said it made perfect sense. I assume you've never tried to move the traffic of 90,000 people into a relatively small area occupied by nearly 20,000 students, instructors and staff at the same time? I haven't, so I'd never imagine questioning why law enforcement, city planners and the university all decide it is the only logical choice they had. Friday night football in the Big 10 is stupid, but what I imagine would be much worse would be trying to figure out the flow of that many people for no reason, when a very smart, logical alternative is available. Insinuating there is something wrong with a university that prioritizes the sensible movement of that many people over a single day of classes is foolish. I ask rhetorically, where has common sense gone in this world?

And of course most the students won't go to class or probably attend online....SO WHAT? About 90,000 people won't go to a full day of work Friday either....SO WHAT? They will all survive. Lighten up for God's sake.
Common sense, like Elvis, has left the building
First of all, that's inaccurate. They have gone to an online format for Friday to accomodate 90,000 people coming on campus without the obvious headache of parking of commuters, instructors and other employees at the same time. Seems a very prudent decision, to me. I'd suggest you posting this says much more about your priorities than it does "a lot of today's..."
Breathe a little, man, it's ok, lol. It's great the school and fanbase is getting this excited for this Friday night football game, but you have to understand the humor other fanbases are going to see in this. It's a 7pm football game and most kids live on campus within easy walking distance to their classes. Is it prudent to account for 90,000 people coming around campus area for pregame and tailgate along with the traffic that brings? Absolutely. But prudent to move a full day's worth of classes online because of the football game? I mean come on now, the only reason that was done is they know students and probably multiple professors are going to be pregaming anyways.

In any case, enjoy the game, hopefully not too much though.
First of all, that's inaccurate. They have gone to an online format for Friday to accomodate 90,000 people coming on campus without the obvious headache of parking of commuters, instructors and other employees at the same time. Seems a very prudent decision, to me. I'd suggest you posting this says much more about your priorities than it does "a lot of today's..."
Which just shows another reason why weekday football games are not a good idea. I know this flies in the face of today’s major conference sports landscape, but these are academic institutions first and foremost.
I just checked out the Nebby fan site. The one is found was boring and hardly any comments. There may be a different site that I didn't find. By the way Dan.... thank you for such a great site. It always amazes me when I check out other fan sites and see how unsophisticated they are.
Let's not argue about whatever decisions Nebraska has made. I-L-L
Breathe a little, man, it's ok, lol. It's great the school and fanbase is getting this excited for this Friday night football game, but you have to understand the humor other fanbases are going to see in this. It's a 7pm football game and most kids live on campus within easy walking distance to their classes. Is it prudent to account for 90,000 people coming around campus area for pregame and tailgate along with the traffic that brings? Absolutely. But prudent to move a full day's worth of classes online because of the football game? I mean come on now, the only reason that was done is they know students and probably multiple professors are going to be pregaming anyways.

In any case, enjoy the game, hopefully not too much though.
Most students in fact do NOT live on campus. The parking around that campus and downtown on game day requires the lots that are used by faculty and commuters to be open otherwise it would create major issues for traffic flow, access to downtown and campus is already complicated on game days on Saturdays when there are no classes. This has nothing to do with pregaming for faculty and students. Stop with the internet boisterous criticism based on lack of facts and simplemindedness. Sure it is fun to poke the bear but doubling down on ridiculous accusations is juvenile. They are ensuring two things get accomplished... students have class remotely so no learning is lost and they are able to accommodate 90,000 people to get IN the stadium in time for kickoff.
I find their enthusiasm and frankly cockiness to be so odd and amusing, haha. Like, our basketball fans were rightfully cocky circa 2006 ... coming off of a National Championship appearance, 4 out of 5 Big Ten championships, 2 Elite Eights and 4 Sweet Sixteens in 5 years, etc. However, when we fell on hard times, it actually took a VERY long time for our fans to drop the chicken little nonsense even once we got good again. Pretty much before we made the Elite Eight this year, there was still a large voice within our fan base that made it sound like we were still long suffering.

Compare that to Nebraska right now. They have not been, in any real sense, an elite football program in almost 25 years. A new coach and a 3-0 start that is not any more impressive than ours on paper, and they're literally ALL hyper-confident in at least a two-score victory, lol. It's not like 60%+ are predicting a blowout, and there is a more pessimistic group saying it might be a close game ... it literally seems like over 90% are predicting an easy win. Was Nebraska football in its heyday more elite than Illini basketball? I mean, sure, of course. However, first of all, that is very much an apples-to-oranges comparison beating up on the Big Eight and being placed in a bowl that could crown you "National Champion" right away if that's how the AP voters feel like voting the next week ... not exactly comparable to a one-and-done basketball tournament where you have to win six straight to cut down the nets. Place the AP-ranked #2 Fighting Illini in the 2021 NCAA Tournament Championship Game right after the BTT, and we might very well have a "National Championship." Second of all, even if their heights were INFINITELY higher, any Husker fan old enough to have lived through that is honestly in his 50s right now and has watched a quarter century of football that should have humbled their fans a bit, lol.

I must admit, I admire the passion, and I frankly wish our fans had a more naturally optimistic outlook that promoted Illinois as the greatest thing since sliced bread even when we were down ... it would go a long way toward filling our stands more consistently and teaching young Illinoisans to be proud Illini fans. However, there is a line that any rational human being should draw, too, and I expected a bit more humility from a fan base that everyone is always slobbering all over about how polite and welcoming and nice they are. I do not doubt there will be many 70-year old gentleman dressed like Mr. Rogers tomorrow night in Lincoln who will graciously welcome Illini fans to come have an appetizer at their tailgate and ask them how they are enjoying Lincoln so far, lol ... but their online fan base is at least as nasty and combative and undeservedly arrogant as any out there that I have seen, personally.
I never said it was good, I said it made perfect sense. I assume you've never tried to move the traffic of 90,000 people into a relatively small area occupied by nearly 20,000 students, instructors and staff at the same time? I haven't, so I'd never imagine questioning why law enforcement, city planners and the university all decide it is the only logical choice they had. Friday night football in the Big 10 is stupid, but what I imagine would be much worse would be trying to figure out the flow of that many people for no reason, when a very smart, logical alternative is available. Insinuating there is something wrong with a university that prioritizes the sensible movement of that many people over a single day of classes is foolish. I ask rhetorically, where has common sense gone in this world?

And of course most the students won't go to class or probably attend online....SO WHAT? About 90,000 people won't go to a full day of work Friday either....SO WHAT? They will all survive. Lighten up for God's sake.
i know, just funnin' ya a little bit.

I hope being an underdog fires up the players!!! 💪🏻 Let’s have a good first quarter, settle in, and let it come down to the end and hope for the best.
I find their enthusiasm and frankly cockiness to be so odd and amusing, haha.

I read two separate Husker boards with predictions. The average was Neb 35ish to Illinois 10ish points (some were wild like 48-3). I kept reading page after page to see who gave respect and it was generally those who actually know football. For their top posters, scores were 21-17 or some variation.

At first I laughed, then I realized that they think they will steamroll us.

If/when we win, much of their fanbase will have to reconcile a lot of feelings. In my mind, I am seeing a slight Nebraska edge (TD or less), mostly because of the homefield advantage. Go Illini!