Illinois 23, Kansas 17 Postgame

From the jayhawk fan page….

Posted on 55 mins, , User Since 202 months ago, User Post Count: 6918
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Only the most cockeyed optimist could find a silver lining in that game. It was an absolute travesty that we lost to that TERRIBLE Illini team. They'll be lucky to win 2 Big 10 games this year. I can't remember a KU loss in which I thought we outclassed the opponent in talent as much as we did in this one. It's a terrible indictment of the coaching on the offensive side of the ball because I thought the defense played well for the most part.
Delicious, nonsensical.

I mean, Jaden Daniels missed his receivers all day. Overthrows, underthrows (two of which we picked). Daniels may be more hurt than he lets on. Coaching was certainly a factor but Illinois did eventually stop the run in key spots in the second half. I think a healthy Daniels runs a lot more and that didn't happen. I won't complain.
Pardon me, what are the gong sounds all about during football games? Drives me crazy. Thanks.
From the jayhawk fan page….

Posted on 55 mins, , User Since 202 months ago, User Post Count: 6918
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Only the most cockeyed optimist could find a silver lining in that game. It was an absolute travesty that we lost to that TERRIBLE Illini team. They'll be lucky to win 2 Big 10 games this year. I can't remember a KU loss in which I thought we outclassed the opponent in talent as much as we did in this one. It's a terrible indictment of the coaching on the offensive side of the ball because I thought the defense played well for the most part.
I just hacked into hawkfanatic's computer camera:
I gotta say, I was as frustrated as everyone else with the stagnant offense throughout much of the game, but I definitely don't agree with post-game commentary that we should have been doing things differently starting with our third possession or whatever (passing on first down, opening things up, being less conservative, etc.)... I mean, we won the game doing what we did for four quarters.

There's no guarantee that had we "opened things up" earlier that we would have won.

Point being, if we go 7-5 by winning ugly with an unsexy offense, I'm all for it!

This was a huge win in terms of bowl prospects, recruiting, buzz, potentially national attention... I'm psyched.
I gotta say, I was as frustrated as everyone else with the stagnant offense throughout much of the game, but I definitely don't agree with post-game commentary that we should have been doing things differently starting with our third possession or whatever (passing on first down, opening things up, being less conservative, etc.)... I mean, we won the game doing what we did for four quarters.

There's no guarantee that had we "opened things up" earlier that we would have won.

Point being, if we go 7-5 by winning ugly with an unsexy offense, I'm all for it!

This was a huge win in terms of bowl prospects, recruiting, buzz, potentially national attention... I'm psyched.

It was clear from the beginning of the game that our strategy was to limit possessions. Run plays, even unsuccessful run plays, help to accomplish that.

With an explosive offense like Kansas has, you want to limit the amount of possessions they’re able to get in the game.

Obviously, I would’ve loved to have seen more first downs in those middle two quarters, but the game plan worked. We won. We beat a top 20 in front of a sold out crowd with a full crop of recruits in town.

No complaints from me.
From the O-Line...the pass blocking was fine no means was Luke running for his life like in Lawrence...

Might need to clean some things up in the run game though...both RBs and O-Line (and probably play calling).

Overall, a lot to feel great about...particularly the downfield passing.
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With 58 seconds to go the cameras focused on the Illini fans. You could see the apprehension on their faces.
There was too much time on the clock. What could possibly go wrong? Oh maybe roughing the passer. Pass interference. Fans daring to hope we could pull it off. Those same looks might have been spotted on the faces of those of us sitting on the edge of our seats at home or at our favorite watering hole.
I absolutely loved the blitz call on the final play. Victory! A good start toward helping we fans go from hoping to believing.
From the jayhawk fan page….

Posted on 55 mins, , User Since 202 months ago, User Post Count: 6918
  • 55 mins
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Only the most cockeyed optimist could find a silver lining in that game. It was an absolute travesty that we lost to that TERRIBLE Illini team. They'll be lucky to win 2 Big 10 games this year. I can't remember a KU loss in which I thought we outclassed the opponent in talent as much as we did in this one. It's a terrible indictment of the coaching on the offensive side of the ball because I thought the defense played well for the most part.
lol 😂
Just straight up, I could not be happier right now. Idc if there were issues, that's tomorrow's problem. Time to shower, go to bed, sleep in, and watch the Bears continue the success for the orange and blue tomorrow.

And for the couple people that asked about Kansas fan turnout, few thousand if I had to guess. Probably somewhere between 2k-4k (4k absolute max, at least in the vicinity of the SE corner). They filled up the "official" visitor section (I think like the first 20 rows or so of 109), and then were spread out thru 108 and 107 similar to what we've seen in the past from B1G west teams. For a sense of scale, I think most of them probably could have fit in the seats the high school bands were sat in for the first half. There were supposedly about 1800 high schoolers there and probably a good bit over 2k total once you account for their directors, staff, and chaperones who all got seats. Toss in the strangler Kansas fans that were scattered and you probably get
BB let the refs know before the game to watch for a pick play, which later happened, and reversed a touchdown:

I had this exact comment by BB earmarked to respond to when I caught up on all the posts! l am glad it worked. We, as fans, do not know one iota of the work and detailed minutiae these coaching staffs go through to develop a game plan. We often hear how a game can turn on a single play. It's the singular offensive or defensive play that often charts the course for the outcome of a late game drive. Xavier AND Miles Scott, both had interceptions that pushed the Illni to victory. I was mostly impressed by both of their post-game interviews where they deferred a ton of credit to one another and their teammates....
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