Illini Basketball 2024-2025

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Well, I don't know. Based on a few posts here, TA is already in the upper echelon in all of College basketball pay-wise. He isn't, ever, going to garner the pay that OA will. He doesn't have the International pull, the HC experience, the track record, the UK experience, etc.... that Antigua has. Not sure what the % was of what he was asking, but based on what's happening here, I'd say he's overshot that mark. Too bad, I'd love to keep/have him on staff. Memphis isn't the answer for him. I think that is a bad career move. One badly chosen move can derail, and sometimes kill, ones career ascension altogether. I know he's got his charitable/community stuff, as well as the skills academy thing going on, perhaps taking a hands on approach there will backfill the UI staff salary??? Wish him the best of luck whichever path he takes.
I will say….we started the OA process before Chester left if that tells you anything about that situation.
Hard to believe that Brad and Josh decided at some point to give up their Meanstreets connection with all of the outstanding '26 and especially '27 players coming through the club.
Hard to believe that Brad and Josh decided at some point to give up their Meanstreets connection with all of the outstanding '26 and especially '27 players coming through the club.
Well...I'll just say thanks TA for your time and service with the Illini basketball program, it was greatly appreciated...good luck with your future plans....hope they work out well for you and your family....really, really do
Does anyone know who all on the Illinois men’s basketball team is receiving NIL money? I didn’t know how that worked as far as who is eligible to get paid like I’m sure that Kylan Boswell is getting paid and the two guys from overseas and Will Riley but who else on the team would be getting paid will Morez Johnson get NIL money?
I'd think everyone gets some sort of NIL money.
It is possible to ignore those in your ear when your totally happy/satisfied. But when you feel your contributions aren't valued like they should or their is a new shiny rock (OA) that is getting the recruits, pay and HC's ear it becomes harder to ignore those internal and external voices.

Might feel better to be in the inner circle of a lesser program, than being on the outside looking in. A similar situation happens in corporate America
Hard to believe that Brad and Josh decided at some point to give up their Meanstreets connection with all of the outstanding '26 and especially '27 players coming through the club.
You think they just sat down and decided yeah lets get rid of TA and his connection to a top IL AAU program? lol. If they thought they had the money to give Tim what he wanted and not worry about the future revenue sharing they would have done it. They also aren't worried about it hurting recruiting you have 2 IL guys in the league making millions, coming off an E8 appearance, OA coming back, Geoff with a strong foothold overseas. The Illinois brand might be the strongest it's ever been.
You think they just sat down and decided yeah lets get rid of TA and his connection to a top IL AAU program? lol. If they thought they had the money to give Tim what he wanted and not worry about the future revenue sharing they would have done it. They also aren't worried about it hurting recruiting you have 2 IL guys in the league making millions, coming off an E8 appearance, OA coming back, Geoff with a strong foothold overseas. The Illinois brand might be the strongest it's ever been.
At this point in time I understand waiting until next year to replace TA's position as most likely the people we really want are not available right now....just wondering how much extra work this will put on our assistants this year with extra practice duties, recruiting, advanced scouts, etc....I'm sure BU and staff will get it all done, just would be nice to have someone fill that role for this coming year to spread out all the duties
At this point in time I understand waiting until next year to replace TA's position as most likely the people we really want are not available right now....just wondering how much extra work this will put on our assistants this year with extra practice duties, recruiting, advanced scouts, etc....I'm sure BU and staff will get it all done, just would be nice to have someone fill that role for this coming year to spread out all the duties
With the 2 extra assistants allowed to recruit, not to mention all the other staffers we have, doesn't sound like a big issue
Does anyone know when tickets go on sale for the Duke game and how much I need to be contributed to the I-fund to get access to illini tickets
Does anyone know when tickets go on sale for the Duke game and how much I need to be contributed to the I-fund to get access to illini tickets
I found this in the game's announcement on Ticketing information for the SentinelOne Classic will be announced soon. I FUND members and Men's Basketball season ticket holders will receive an email from the Illinois Ticket Office with instructions on how to order tickets within Illinois' designated sections.