Illini Basketball 2024-2025

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just bought tickets for the ILL vs AL in Birmingham.
Saw something about this on Reddit and came here expecting to learn more, but not seeing anything but this link (unless I'm missing something?)

Any insiders able to comment? Really hope we can keep him on staff. This feels like it would be a huge loss.
There has already been a discussion here. Starts around page 4 post 80 and goes on for a while.
Too bad about TA but as Brad always says, if teams are coming for our assistants, we must be doing something right.
TA: no inside knowledge, but this is mainly about best (e.g. fastest) path to the pot of gold (head coaching gig). with OA in the fold, Tim's second banana. he's looking for a top dawg post to be used as a springboard to a good head coach job in a few years.
It really just comes down to TA is upset he hasn't gotten an extension/raise. Him and Geoff are in the final years of their contracts.
This is old news. Tim was great but it's time to move on. We will be fine!
It really just comes down to TA is upset he hasn't gotten an extension/raise. Him and Geoff are in the final years of their contracts.
Unless he has some surefire awesome opportunity lined up this late in the game it seems like a weird hill to die on.

From what I see he was making 425k a few years ago which seems pretty in like with high major program assistants. The UConn assistants all just got new deals with like 400k base salaries(the top assistants do have some incentives which raises that pretty significantly but they've won back to back titles).

I get wanting to have security of multi year contract and who doesn't want a raise but unless there is something going on behind the scenes I would imagine he would have definitely gotten an extension after this year.
I'm totally ignorant of how things go but is it odd that we haven't offered him (or them) an extension/raise?
So this can be rectified?
Can't we just, ya know, do that for him? If we want him (and I'm sure we do, unless there's something I haven't heard), the money has to be there, right?
1/3- Money is sort of on lockdown for this stuff until the revenue sharing aspect gets sorted out.
2- This isn't something that's a new development(to you guys it is)
1/3- Money is sort of on lockdown for this stuff until the revenue sharing aspect gets sorted out.
2- This isn't something that's a new development(to you guys it is)

Getting paid several hundred thousand dollars a year to be a coach @ Illinois? That sounds pretty good to me! I don't don't understand why anyone would want anything more? Where is the undying loyalty?

/s (sorta - lol)
1/3- Money is sort of on lockdown for this stuff until the revenue sharing aspect gets sorted out.
2- This isn't something that's a new development(to you guys it is)
When is the revenue sharing thing supposed to be sorted out? I didn’t get the sense any time soon…
To me it's a bit of a no brainer to pay Anderson, IMO, he is worth a raise and extension. I doubt we are able to land another big dog if we don't pay them, so why not just keep the guy happy that's already been an asset to our program?

This seems more overly complicated than it needs to, am I missing something?
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