FBI College Basketball Corruption Investigation

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Not what they should do but its business as usual. The FBI will have their moment and then 3 years down the road handshakes will be had again.

Don't think this will be the case. After wiretaps etc, people are always going to be looking over their shoulder. Not saying it'll never go back to the way it is some day, but it won't be any time soon. FBI doesn't get into a 3 year investigation just to have a moment. NCAA can't afford to look any dumber/incompetent than they already do.
I would be genuinely amazed if we had any coaches during the Groce era helping pay players. If we did, holy crap, we were even worse than I thought.
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That's fine, stand by it. It's just that there have been enough well respected posters on here run off by other posters. It's not like UI basketball is squeaky clean either. Glass houses and all that stuff, just saying.

I am not trying to run him off. He obviously has sources, which makes it really difficult for me to believe that he thinks the "blue bloods" don't cheat. I would argue that those schools are the dirtiest of all. While Illinois got busted for paying for pizza, hotel rooms, tickets, etc., Michigan was paying their players hundreds of thousands of dollars hard cash. And they have nothing on Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, and UCLA. Heck, Roy Williams bluntly admitted that Kansas gave players big cash payments as they were leaving the program as "graduation presents."

I am not saying anything earth shattering or controversial here.
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You are either incredibly naive or a fan of Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, etc.

no sir...neither....you are going to have rogue assistants and institutional outliers, but for the most part the blue bloods are squeaky clean...not to say a current 'blue blood' wasn't once a cheat or vice versa....but if you look at the big picture, this is generally how it works.

for the record...I have first hand knowledge of this type of activity occurring with a highly regarded recruit....went to visit a blue blood, was offered free meals, a tour and a plane ticket....went to a top tier program in a small conference, was offered a house for his girlfriend and kid.

also my comments are specific to the recruiting process itself...not fake classes or whatever else goes on on campus...

Also...with respect to bribes and the various programs...it is pretty well known that most of the blue chips really dont get their hands dirty when recruiting - the program sells itself.

I suppose UK wasn't considered a blue chip back in the early 90's when they almost got the death penalty when they were caught paying recruits.

Pitino was the guy who took over the program and vowed to clean it up.
no sir...neither....you are going to have rogue assistants and institutional outliers, but for the most part the blue bloods are squeaky clean...not to say a current 'blue blood' wasn't once a cheat or vice versa....but if you look at the big picture, this is generally how it works.

for the record...I have first hand knowledge of this type of activity occurring with a highly regarded recruit....went to visit a blue blood, was offered free meals, a tour and a plane ticket....went to a top tier program in a small conference, was offered a house for his girlfriend and kid.

also my comments are specific to the recruiting process itself...not fake classes or whatever else goes on on campus...

You obviously have some sources at UM, but I do not believe you about blue bloods being "squeaky clean." It is very convenient of you to say that, sure, it may have happened in the past. The past can include last year.

That is also assuming that your sources are telling the truth. I am extremely skeptical that a recruit would admit to being offered money from the school they sign with. That would be stupid of them.
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You obviously have some sources at UM, but I do not believe you about blue bloods being "squeaky clean." It is very convenient of you to say that, sure, it may have happened in the past. The past can include last year.

You think Cal or K really need to cheat for top guys? Guys know if they go to those places they’re nba and likely first Round talents. UK they’re lottery talents.
The way I see it is that top teams don’t need to cheat the same way. Sure they can and probably do, but I believe Lefty when he says that it’s nothing like you see from lower teams trying to build their way up in a hurry
I would be also. But who said anything about Groce?:eek:

Well, Underwood is in theory going to slide through this unscathed. Though the grenade did explode pretty flippin close. Unless you mean things Underwood may have done since leaving OSU :eek:

Just have to wait and see what Evans has on him, I guess. Or if there's any smoking gun wiretaps.
You think Cal or K really need to cheat for top guys? Guys know if they go to those places they’re nba and likely first Round talents. UK they’re lottery talents.

Coach K habitually gets his players’ moms hired on at the school and funnels his players into easier majors. He might not be swimming in Pitino levels of slime, but he’s hardly squeaky clean at all.
You think Cal or K really need to cheat for top guys? Guys know if they go to those places they’re nba and likely first Round talents. UK they’re lottery talents.

That is so naive. That is what they want you to believe. They still have to compete with other "blue bloods" for the top players who want to get everything they can during the process. There is no guarantee they will get a big contract in the NBA. Look at the comments by Reggie Rose during Derrick's recruitment. He basically said that he didn't get enough during his recruitment and would make sure that didn't happen with Derrick. Look at the Anthony Davis recruitment. His father was flat out asking for $200,000 and he ended up at Kentucky.

A criminal complaint quoted Evans bragging about his ability to steer the young athletes toward prospective agents and advisers, promising them that "every guy I recruit and get is my personal kid" and that he had the capability to "bury" any other athlete advisers who tried to recruit his players to sign with them.

According to the papers, Evans expected $2,000 a month for his services, though he might ask for an extra $5,000 to $7,000 "at the end of the day for delivering" a specific athlete.

Evans said it was necessary to use his influence over the youngsters early in their college careers because many of them are "one and done," meaning they play one year of college ball before joining the NBA, according to court papers

in earlier posts it was stated Evans only got $ 2,500.....here it states $ 2,000 a month plus a bonus upon delivery of a recruit.....
Coach K habitually gets his players’ moms hired on at the school and funnels his players into easier majors. He might not be swimming in Pitino levels of slime, but he’s hardly squeaky clean at all.

Not hired by the school, but by companies owned by boosters.
You think Cal or K really need to cheat for top guys? Guys know if they go to those places they’re nba and likely first Round talents. UK they’re lottery talents.

They may not need to but I wouldn't be shocked if they are. These are players who feel they should be making big money coming out of high school -- and in many cases are right, they could be if they could go pro right away.
Back in the 60s did UCLA need to cheat to get the best players? No. Did they? Yes. And maybe Wooden wasn't the one doing it but he knew about it. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the same thing was going on at any of the blue bloods today. Actually I'd be surprised if it wasn't.
That is so naive. That is what they want you to believe. They still have to compete with other "blue bloods" for the top players who want to get everything they can during the process. There is no guarantee they will get a big contract in the NBA. Look at the comments by Reggie Rose during Derrick's recruitment. He basically said that he didn't get enough during his recruitment and would make sure that didn't happen with Derrick. Look at the Anthony Davis recruitment. His father was flat out asking for $200,000 and he ended up at Kentucky.

The next week
Evans was sitting courtside at the Thunder game in the days after his commitment according to his own Snapchat. It was even posted about here. Loyalty should be the fbi.
I have a good friend whose kid was being recruited by everyone in the country more than 10 years ago. His final 5 was Arizona, Duke, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina.

I got to see everything but the OVs. The Sonny Vacarro camp was the most eye-opening experience. I was too cheap to pay entry fee so I signed in as the recruit's uncle. It was mind blowing.

I will tell you based on my single experience the programs that were breaking rules the most were UConn, St. John's and UCLA. The biggest offenders on the final 5 list were boosters of Duke with offers of employment and housing for family members.
This investigation is the best thing that's happened to college basketball in a long time. The only problem is there are not enough FBI agents to conduct a thorough investigation. I hope the BIG comes out squeaky clean. We are a great conference with the best universities. As far as BU, there is NOTHING to suggest he was involved.
This investigation is the best thing that's happened to college basketball in a long time. The only problem is there are not enough FBI agents to conduct a thorough investigation. I hope the BIG comes out squeaky clean. We are a great conference with the best universities. As far as BU, there is NOTHING to suggest he was involved.

I wish I were as confident as you
Thanks for the visit, Lefty. Agree that the bluest of the bluebloods are able to sell themselves (though I'm sure they got their hands dirty in the process of reaching their lofty status) ... underneath that, it's a rat race.
might explain why Evans didn't follow BU from OKSt. We are a Nike school, and if his guy$ were all with adidas, it makes sense
Pan·do·ra's box panˌdôrəz ˈbäks/ noun

a process that generates many complicated problems as the result of unwise interference in something.

This whole thing will send shock waves to every BAG MAN out there.

All I know is this- It is about time this was brought out front and center for all to see what we already knew what was going on. The FBI is major they have unlimited resource and time.
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might explain why Evans didn't follow BU from OKSt. We are a Nike school, and if his guy$ were all with adidas, it makes sense

Tremendous sense, especially considering that OK State is also Nike and South Carolina is Under Armour.
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