FBI College Basketball Corruption Investigation

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Tom Crean would. Or to say he's not interested in any of the jobs about to open up.

That would take a Crean to take place on the highest level, in order to garner a new position for Tom!!
I don't think you understand what it means to "get out in front". It's addressing an issue in your way how you want before you're asked. If you believe that you'll be forced to answer questions about something, it makes sense to address the issue up front.

I'll be shocked if questions haven't already come into the basketball office. The idea that because he's not mentioned in the indictment that he won't have to address this is just plain wrong. This is a scandal. Any coaches who have any connection to the four who have been arrested will have to address questions because that's the media culture we live in.

My guess is that Whitman is doing his due diligence right now to determine that BU is clear of any problems as best he can in a limited time frame. I'd expect a statement by the end of the week, and hopefully in a day or two.

Of course, it's going to be used against us negatively, which is one of the very reasons that you address it head on. We're in a sensitive window for recruiting so publicly making a statement makes sense.

Being silent till dust settles, I get that, but I think the wind will blow with this one. People are already connecting dots. The media will have a field day with this one. Reporters will be looking everywhere.
Louisville people believe Pitino going to "resign" or announce this is his last year
Honestly, I think Frank Martin would be the more likely target. Prior to Illinois, BU spent exactly 1 season as a head coach in a major conference. I would be a little surprised if there were concerns about these sorts of thing sat Stephen F. Austin. Whether he got involved (or knew about it) during his season in Stillwater is still a valid question, but it would be a drop in the bucket compared to Martin's career.

I'm not in the legal field, but I can tell you this: If I suspect someone is dirty and I'm investigating him for a certain crime, I'm looking at everyone around him within the statute of limitations for that crime. Evans and BU coached for Martin at both SC and KState before BU left for SFA. If you're going to suggest that Evans did this at SC before he was at OSU, then you investigate how far back this goes and see who else you can get. They'll look at Frank Martin and his previous staffs to see who else was complicit and who knew what. If Martin truly didn't know, someone else on the staff had to have known. So then you start looking at the lead assistants. BU was Martin's lead assistant for a couple of years. They've investigated Evans and found enough to indict him. He'll be under immense pressure to give up what he knows on BU and . My guess is that BU has already been under federal investigation, or will be shortly, especially if the feds are snooping around Martin's coaching tree.
Louisville people believe Pitino going to "resign" or announce this is his last year

I hope not, but only because selfishly I want the announcers to talk about this at every game. Every single one. And I want to see the Duke student sections signs and Cheers. Yeah, that sounds kind of fun to me :D
As basketball fans, drawing lines between the coaches is a natural thing for us, but even if all four arrested coaches roll over for the feds, it will still be small potatoes compared to adidas' head of global sports marketing doing the same. Gatto is the guy writing the checks. It's very likely he has the dirt on all of adidas' doings since (i believe it was) 1993. Code (another of the 10 arrests) works for adidas, but had previously been with Nike.

If it had only been the coaches that were arrested, the relationships between coaches might represent the best leads to follow. But given the corporate involvement, they have some top down leads to chase first.
Do you think individual coaches are bigger fish to the FBI than the executive who bribes them? He might get a sentence reduction for cooperation, but I doubt that giving up head coaches is going to get his personal charges dismissed. I think the FBI thinks he is pretty close to the top of the pyramid here.
re: BU - everything is speculation. But comment about association and fact BU and Evans were under Martin at KSU, then SC - if I'm an agent etc trying to bribe either to get recruit to attend and/or as they declare for pro - i don't bribe two at same school - one, you keep the circle as small as possible, two economics say I don't pay twice.

And they have evidence on Evans while at SC - so they would also have pursued and found evidence on BU during the same/similar 'hunt'

Although if a second person finds out they can say pay or I reveal ...
We know BU and family lived on a dime early in his career and appears to have kept his midwestern work ethic and frugalness
re: BU - everything is speculation. But comment about association and fact BU and Evans were under Martin at KSU, then SC - if I'm an agent etc trying to bribe either to get recruit to attend and/or as they declare for pro - i don't bribe two at same school - one, you keep the circle as small as possible, two economics say I don't pay twice.

And they have evidence on Evans while at SC - so they would also have pursued and found evidence on BU during the same/similar 'hunt'

Although if a second person finds out they can say pay or I reveal ...
We know BU and family lived on a dime early in his career and appears to have kept his midwestern work ethic and frugalness

I'd be surprised if Pearl is coaching this year. Once Chuck Connors (I'll tell everything I know) Person starts talking, he won't be saying this about those 5 stars Bruce has been pulling in the last 3 years.

Dan Wolken‏Verified account @DanWolken
Many kids from the Northeast dream of playing college hoops at a football school that hasn't been to the tournament in 10-plus years
Well, in a way. I'm guessing this is a "Get your ducks in a row." delay. Once again, every AD needs to first try to get all the facts they can in short order. None of them want to staunchly defend their guy only to have the bottom drop out in a week or month or year.

So Miller, BU, Pearl, etc are all being grilled by their ADs. Calls being made to verify info. And all will be publicly defended once that is done. Of course, Auburn AD knows he's not getting the truth, but he can at least say that he asked. :)

LOL, this made me laugh. :thumb: Beyond that, good post and I agree. I'd be lying if I said I weren't a tad nervous, but I would still bet on this not "officially" affecting Illinois or Coach Underwood in any material way. Fingers crossed.
Watched some of the breaking videos on ESPN. They seem to think the Adidas schools are more likely to be at risk from this scandal, at least based on the charges brought today. But also noted the 'ongoing' investigation part means coaches are probably peeing their pants all around the college bball world. Said this has been going on for at least 25-30 years, and it hasn't been addressed. Think it was Bilas who talked about their being an underground economy for talent, and this is going after the illegality of it. Makes me wonder whether they get people talking, or the damage is limited to the circle of coaches affected by the informant. Probably be a story for at least the entire bball season.

Nothing really new beyond what's already been said in the thread, just similar reactions.
I am surprised no one here has brought up the name Cuonzo Martin yet.
So I will.
Cuonzo Martin
Jason Riley‏Verified account
I hear the big news is coming in the morning. And it is Big. News.

Yep, Pitino gone. That or as one of the commenters said, they're changing the name of the school to University 6.
Ok State didn't land anyone worth paying while Underwood was there.

Now after he left they landed a top 70 guy and pj dozier and sendarius thornwell, now those are the type of recruits that get paid

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Ok State didn't land anyone worth paying while Underwood was there.

Now after he left they landed a top 70 guy and pj dozier and sendarius thornwell, now those are the type of recruits that get paid

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Underwood was only at OSU a year and only had 2 open scholarships.
Thought this was worth a read


As former UNLV head coach Jerry Tarkanian said, "Nine out of 10 schools are cheating. The other one is in last place."

I think this is true when it comes to things like paying a tad too much for a player's "amenities" or giving a few too many tickets to family and friends or maybe breaking the budget for an official and hiding it somehow on someone's personal card and trying to reimburse for something else later? This scandal is a WHOLE other ballgame, and - knock on wood - I don't think most schools are this bad. Look at the ones mentioned, and tell me you're surprised. I just pray Underwood is clean, and I think he is.
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