Coaching Carousel

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The Huss story is definitely a company line leak from staff to coverup the fact that Huss turned them down. This 3rd AC search has been a real sh*tshow and continues on.

Ahhhhh....wait a you are saying that what combes posted isn't true? That his taking part in a recruiting call never happened??
Did Huss turn us down after family discussions...after he accepted??

I'm cornfused.
Another "eow" comes to a close. Grab your adult beverage of choice, relax, and treat yourself well.

What substance? Do you think if there was actual news about the coaching search wed all just be shooting the breeze like this?
There won't be another AC hired or we would have heard by now.
The only logical conclusion has to be that AC3 is currently employed by an NBA team. I say this as one of our most accurate insiders (I have never gotten a prediction wrong).

....or right...
Ahhhhh....wait a you are saying that what combes posted isn't true? That his taking part in a recruiting call never happened??
Did Huss turn us down after family discussions...after he accepted??

I'm cornfused.
combes isn't often wrong, however I can't imagine that the university would allow a coach to be involved in recruiting until a contract was returned and the coach was an official employee of the university. To do so would surely be an NCAA violation. If he had already signed a contract aren't we looking at a breach of that contract if he left before the contract played out?
Didnt say "unimportant" so dont put words in my mouth. Just saying "relax", & "trust BU".
Well, saying relax and trust would have been clear. It's obviously unimportant about the name identification of other assistants.

I am fairly relaxed and I do generally trust BU. I also think it's likely that we're not going to get the premium choice that we wan. Let's hope it works out.
combes isn't often wrong, however I can't imagine that the university would allow a coach to be involved in recruiting until a contract was returned and the coach was an official employee of the university. To do so would surely be an NCAA violation. If he had already signed a contract aren't we looking at a breach of that contract if he left before the contract played out?
In that circumstance not going to sue anyone for breach of contract. Something about us wanting people who want to be here.
The only logical conclusion has to be that AC3 is currently employed by an NBA team. I say this as one of our most accurate insiders (I have never gotten a prediction wrong).

....or right...
Not going to happen, saving bucks!
A lot of come here for the community, and lively discussion with other Illini fans. We have some colorful characters. Some posters enjoy that, some don't. If there is a community member you find exhausting, click on their username and hit the ignore button.

If only the rest of life were as easy as Loyalty...
I agree completely. I come here for the Illinois news but also for the community. I’ve been a member since 2013 and started lurking around here probably in 2009 or so. I think the people asking for gifs to be banned are missing the point of internet message boards entirely, but I also get annoyed when gifs become a schtick and get spammed by certain users.

I think I’ve only ignored one user and it was not because of gifs. Like I said, I know how to use a scroll wheel.
Hahaha. Yeah, I didn’t mean to sound all that dramatic. :) But like others have said, I come here as much for the camaraderie as anything. I’d like to think we’re all on the same “side.” I don’t expect to interact with coaches or players, but other fans (and some legit news/info now and then is greatly appreciated). Maybe that’s just me.
combes isn't often wrong, however I can't imagine that the university would allow a coach to be involved in recruiting until a contract was returned and the coach was an official employee of the university. To do so would surely be an NCAA violation. If he had already signed a contract aren't we looking at a breach of that contract if he left before the contract played out?
Actually, quite a few universities have used a coach to recruit before he is signed to a contract with said university. It is a simplified way of getting around NCAA rules concerning recruiting rules i.e. dead periods and things of that nature.
Jitter, your 10 posts seem to have a definite theme: no gifs and no ac3. Do you have any positive contributions?
This thread is supposed to be about hiring an AC not showing rediculous Gifs. That should be for children. Do you actually believe the Gifs are positive. They are cartoons. Do you actually believe the will hire another AC, they would have before now.
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