Chicago White Sox 2024

Baseball was my favorite sport growing up and the White Sox (through my dad) became my clear cut favorite team. I was in my first fantasy baseball league alongside my dad at age 10. I played high school varsity baseball in the suburbs. I should not be a fan they ever lose.

The last decade or so of the white Sox inept ownership has done worse than make me hate the team, it’s just made me stop caring about the White Sox and baseball. I check the score and another loss with non major league players playing without an end in sight. As a Chicago sports fan, At this point, I’d rank them behind Illini basketball, bears, blackhawks, Illini football, and only slightly ahead of the bulls.

Can’t help but think im one of many going through the same thing and it’s just sad.
Sox fans... I think we know we need to brace ourselves for one of the worst Sox seasons of all time.

Right now, Sox have 1 win and 8 losses (and they BARELY won that one game). A ‘winning’ (?) percentage of .111.

And we need to keep our eyes on history. Here are the Sox seasonal records to keep an eye on this Summer:

Year 1932 - Won 49 Lost 102 (.325)
Year 1934 - Won 53 Lost 99 (.349)
Year 1948 - Won 51 Lost 101 (.336)
Year 1970 - Won 56 Lost 106 (.346)

And let’s not forget a couple of Sox years in recent times...

Year 2018 - Won 62 Lost 100 (.383)
Year 2023 - Won 61 Lost 101 (.377)

As a Sox fan... I hope for the players and fans sake that the team can find a way to improve beyond what we have seen so far this season.

BUT... we have to consider that things might also stay on their present course. AND IF that is the case... Sox home attendance could get down right ugly as the season goes on. Sox fans might get angrier and more bitter... and some may just fall away completely. We’ll see.

In any case, there is one thing that is true right now: WE SOX FANS DESERVE MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.
Baseball was my favorite sport growing up and the White Sox (through my dad) became my clear cut favorite team. I was in my first fantasy baseball league alongside my dad at age 10. I played high school varsity baseball in the suburbs. I should not be a fan they ever lose.

The last decade or so of the white Sox inept ownership has done worse than make me hate the team, it’s just made me stop caring about the White Sox and baseball. I check the score and another loss with non major league players playing without an end in sight. As a Chicago sports fan, At this point, I’d rank them behind Illini basketball, bears, blackhawks, Illini football, and only slightly ahead of the bulls.

Can’t help but think im one of many going through the same thing and it’s just sad.

I took my (then) 8-year old to this game. It's almost impossible to believe it was only 2 1/2 years ago. I've never seen a team fall so far in such a short amount of time, to the point where the entire fanbase has no hope whatsoever.

I’m a lifelong fan, but it’s hard to see anything positive with this team right now, other than Crochet’s performance so far.

Can the league force Reinsdorf to sell? This is a AA team at best.
And now that St. Louis has been abused TWICE by the NFL by moving teams away... much of the St. Louis area now hates the NFL.

But the Spring football league game yesterday drew over 40,000 to the place that Kroenke hated. So it wasn't that St. Louis didn't love football. It's that the ChinaMart man had no love for St. Louis.

As for the Sox... their starting lineup today has these great hitters:

.000 - Grossman
.067 - Maldonado
.094 - Benintendi
.111 - Fletcher
.167 - Lopez
.179 - Vaughn

One-third of your starting lineup hitting under .100. And the next three 'best' guys all hitting under .179.

So when do tryouts start for the White Sox? There are guys playing in parks on the South Side right now who can hit better than these guys.
My season expectations were so so low. At this point, all you can do is laugh.
And now that St. Louis has been abused TWICE by the NFL by moving teams away... much of the St. Louis area now hates the NFL.

But the Spring football league game yesterday drew over 40,000 to the place that Kroenke hated. So it wasn't that St. Louis didn't love football. It's that the ChinaMart man had no love for St. Louis.

As for the Sox... their starting lineup today has these great hitters:

.000 - Grossman
.067 - Maldonado
.094 - Benintendi
.111 - Fletcher
.167 - Lopez
.179 - Vaughn

One-third of your starting lineup hitting under .100. And the next three 'best' guys all hitting under .179.

So when do tryouts start for the White Sox? There are guys playing in parks on the South Side right now who can hit better than these guys.
Bring back Frank. He looks pretty fit in those commercials.
Already been shut out 4 times in the first 10 games

In two others games Sox scored 1 run. And in two other games, Sox scored 2 runs.

So in the 10 games played... Sox have scored 2 or less in EIGHT OF TEN GAMES.

This is spectacularly bad. And with the horrible relief pitching the Sox have had so far... they hardly could have looked worse.

As he says in that old Harry Belafonte limbo song... 'How LOW can you GO...'.

For this season the Sox should lay off the 'Na Na Hey Hey' song... and go with the 'How Low Can You Go' song. Applies to Sox ownership, too.
Lenyn Sosa hit 3rd today…let that sink in

Moncada goes down. It’s mind blowing the injuries to this core group.
Kopech not fooling around to close off a win... was un-hitable. Looked like the Kopech that originally came up with the Sox years ago throwing fire at 100 mph and making batters look silly.

Looks like Sox have found a closer.
Time to get these guys healthy and unload em.

There were really high hopes for these players when Moncada and Kopech and Jimenez and Cease came to the Sox.

Cease turned out to be the best of the group. So far, Kopech has not fulfilled his promise but maybe now he can that he has found his way to be the closer.
Moncada and Jimenez just can't stay on the field and have disappointed.

No question all of these guys have baseball talent. But except for Cease... no one has yet fulfilled what they are capable of.

You can trade for and bring in young talent. But you have to work to develop these guys and hope that they can work on themselves to be their best they can.

So far this season... looks like the Sox have a good starter and maybe a good closer. But everyone else needs to step things up... and they have to lean how to hit the baseball and score runs without having to hit the long ball. And find some long relief pitchers who don't just throw batting practice in live games.
Now Moncada goes down. Who could have possibly seen that happening. Kind of puts a damper on the high hopes i had for a breakout season. /S
Add in the team “culture”. Whatever it is, it ain’t right.

It’s a simple measuring stick to use. Some franchises have high expectations and the dedication to work at greatness. Think teams like the Yankees and Red Sox and Cardinals and Braves and Dodgers. The teams themselves expect a lot from each other all the time (success) as do the fan bases.

And then there are other franchises that just have no culture of success and that do little to nothing to develop one. That has been the White Sox culture. A culture of expected failure.

It was not always this way. Our elders remember the Sox of the 1950s through to 1967. These teams were winners and always gave the mighty Yanks run for the money as the Sox did get one Pennant and barely missed on a couple others. This Sox culture was one of being winners with exciting players like Little Luis and Nellie and Jim Landis and Ken Berry and Tommy Agee and awesome pitching and defense.

And then, 1968 happened and everything with the Sox went straight to hell. And except for one miracle year of 2005... the Sox have embodied failure and low expectations and really pathetic ownership and management. With the only great thing about the Sox being we Sox fans who have tried to overlook their failures and try to continue to love them throughout all the painful losing.

The Sox not only need new, fresh ownership. They need a new and fresh culture. A culture that returns them to the White Sox Spirit of 1959 and even to greater heights.

That spirit still lives along 35th Street. And if you overlook the grit and grime and tears and listen really closely, you can feel it.
It’s a simple measuring stick to use. Some franchises have high expectations and the dedication to work at greatness. Think teams like the Yankees and Red Sox and Cardinals and Braves and Dodgers. The teams themselves expect a lot from each other all the time (success) as do the fan bases.

And then there are other franchises that just have no culture of success and that do little to nothing to develop one. That has been the White Sox culture. A culture of expected failure.

It was not always this way. Our elders remember the Sox of the 1950s through to 1967. These teams were winners and always gave the mighty Yanks run for the money as the Sox did get one Pennant and barely missed on a couple others. This Sox culture was one of being winners with exciting players like Little Luis and Nellie and Jim Landis and Ken Berry and Tommy Agee and awesome pitching and defense.

And then, 1968 happened and everything with the Sox went straight to hell. And except for one miracle year of 2005... the Sox have embodied failure and low expectations and really pathetic ownership and management. With the only great thing about the Sox being we Sox fans who have tried to overlook their failures and try to continue to love them throughout all the painful losing.

The Sox not only need new, fresh ownership. They need a new and fresh culture. A culture that returns them to the White Sox Spirit of 1959 and even to greater heights.

That spirit still lives along 35th Street. And if you overlook the grit and grime and tears and listen really closely, you can feel it.
1983 was pretty special for us diehards.
White Sox bats erupted for two hits against Cincinnati today... two. And one of those was a meaningless hit in the 9th inning by a guy who promptly... got picked off base.

And forget about any runs.

Sox started the game with a Leadoff man hitting .182... a Number Two hitter batting .196... a Cleanup man batting .167... a Shortstop hitting .179... and a Catcher hitting .077.

Sox season record now 2 wins... 12 losses.