Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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Yeah. I get it. Sadly it's an arms race right now. Those of us old enough all know what happens with that. Eventually you need to have talks and limitations treaties and it needs to be enforced. Here's hoping we'll get to that sooner rather than later, before all the damage has already been done.
If it all goes kaboom then I think in the aftermath you’ll have the top schools doing their own thing, at least for a while. If the product turns out to be lucrative enough then they’ll stay there, which I don’t think it would. The other 90-110 d-1 schools revert back to a more regional format with like-minded schools. Essentially, blown back to the Stone Age or a great reset, back to how it was 100 years ago.

Then the big boys come back a little later if they become the USFL.

Might not be such a bad thing
If it all goes kaboom then I think in the aftermath you’ll have the top schools doing their own thing, at least for a while. If the product turns out to be lucrative enough then they’ll stay there, which I don’t think it would. The other 90-110 d-1 schools revert back to a more regional format with like-minded schools. Essentially, blown back to the Stone Age or a great reset, back to how it was 100 years ago.

Then the big boys come back a little later if they become the USFL.

Might not be such a bad thing
Agreed that last year hurt bad, but in retrospect I think I'm more disappointed with how the 2022 season ended, which is ironic given how that was one of our best seasons in decades.. Winning at least 10 games was there for the taking and we blew it. Struggling to win 6 games is certainly concerning, but a ceiling of 8-5 isn't very inspiring either.
We were screwed in ‘22, especially the Michigan game. How that would have boosted our recruiting… I suspect/expect Michigan to really rain on our stadium celebration.
Wasn't sure how much they did get paid but based on this article Rookie Salary in the NFL in 2023, looks like just a shade under 800k. They didn't say how much of that is guaranteed, though, but they did say "significant portion" isn't. So, it very well could be that some players in college make as much or more than that. Few will, though.

I have no problem with them getting paid but not under the guise of NIL. NIL isn't/wasn't supposed to be a way for athletes to get paid to play a sport while in college. It was a way for them to make money due to merchandise sales, video game appearances, pictures/posters and the like based on their name, face, body.

If we're (the royal we) good with NCAA players becoming professional players, acting as minor leagues to the NBA and NFL, let's dispense with the NIL nonsense and blow the whole thing up. Give the players a % of all revenue. Schools/NCAA/whatever will be the regulatory body for men's college BB and football will collectively bargain with the players, salary caps will be set, contracts will be set, etc. Let's make it what it really is. College football is a shell of what it was 20 years ago. May as well go all the way.

I'd also have a learning program where these kids get various life skills that some/most of them aren't getting now (kind of like the North American pro sports teams do now but hit them with it when they're 18) and I'd take away the requirement for them to be students (if they want to go to class, that's cool but don't make it a requirement for them to play). Give them housing that's not part of the general school population (I guess they do that now? Not sure). If you wanted to get really crazy, you could have NFL teams "sponsor" college teams (or part of them) as part of the NFL or NBA minor league system.

Let's turn it into a true minor league system, which is really what it is.
My proposal is to go full franchise for those schools willing to participate. The teams would be privately owned, with the owner free to move the team to where the owner could get the best deal on facilities, stadium/arena, and name/trademark/traditions. Players wouldn’t be students but paid by the team owner directly.

That would fix everything for those who believe players are slave labor and captive gladiators who live and die at the pleasure of the AD. And it’s all open and above board (or not) for those who choose to participate. Perfect.
So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the bill. NIL$ and the annual portal game of musical chairs (driving the talent auction) are a very destructive combination. Oh well, moving on to other interests. I’m not going to feed the beast that’s devoured the sport. Am I alone in seeing it this way?
Sorry, but you should be alone in seeing it this way. Amateurism was always a farce. They were always professionals who had to spend 40+ hours a week on their sport.

And that sport took advantage of students and gave all the money to coaches, administrators, and schools. Paying people below what they are worth because you got together with all the other employers is crap (and you wouldn't tolerate it in your workplace).

I say good riddance.
No, definitely not. I'll always be an Illini fan, but I've got one foot out the door already with college football. Money has ruined the game. I have no interest in a pseudo NFL minor league controlled by a handful of elite schools, with kids jumping every year to grab the biggest bag of cash. We're going to have an 18-team Big Ten this year because a short-term TV deal destroyed a 100 year old conference. Just stupid.

The sport is hurtling 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction and I don't see things changing anytime soon.

So you liked it when students weren't getting paid their fair value? Why was that ever fair?
I will only speak for myself - not for others . I’m happy that players are getting paid - it’s the way it’s being done that bothers me . it’s a total tihs show
The result of a very uneven competitive landscape, dominated by an annual talent auction fueled by big NIL$. Why bother to watch any longer? Hand me the remote.
If we see it - so do the powers that be. This is not the final iteration of college football.
Then count us out for season tickets after this season and call me jaded. Maybe we’re alone? I doubt it though.

My wife graduated college on a full ride athletic scholarship and is grateful for the opportunity, despite the extra work for practice, travel, and games. Without it, college wasn’t an option. She’s shocked (outraged?) at both NIL and the portal, having had to sit out one season after a transfer. Why not restore that requirement btw? There’s no downside to it, is there?

Tomorrow we’ll buy her another $12k bicycle, on sale for only $9k, but offering us far more sporting entertainment value than any donations we could make to help fund 6-7 figure salaries for faux student athletes. I love watching her drop men 10 years younger on group rides. She was a true amateur student athlete, so I know they really did exist! We’re simply not interested in minor league pro sports. We’ll go back to spending our fall weekends cycling instead.
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So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the bill. NIL$ and the annual portal game of musical chairs (driving the talent auction) are a very destructive combination. Oh well, moving on to other interests. I’m not going to feed the beast that’s devoured the sport. Am I alone in seeing it this way?
I agree with your opinion. Look, I'm as big an Illini fan as anyone, anywhere and in any financial condition. That made clear, I must say that it irks me that I am now supposed to show my loyalty by contributing additional money to enhance the lifestyles of the self promoting and now "rich and famous" athletes. Just my two cents.
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