Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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There are right at 70 Power 5 schools ...

For just football ... We aren't in the top 50 NIL wise ... At least based on what I've heard what we have vs. what other teams have ...

Won’t the fat TV checks help with this over time, I stress, over time?

Like, in theory, we won’t need as many donations to the athletic department, and we can encourage donors to shift some of that money to our NIL pool?

Not being top 50 means football is in the “anything helps” stage.
buster keaton football GIF by Maudit
According to Jeff Johnson, ICON currently has only $3 million in NIL for football, with targets of $6 million for the 2024 season....$8 million for 2025... and goal of 10-12 million a year after that. The first number is not good at all; the later numbers make us more competitive.

Become an ICON, people:
So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the bill. NIL$ and the annual portal game of musical chairs (driving the talent auction) are a very destructive combination. Oh well, moving on to other interests. I’m not going to feed the beast that’s devoured the sport. Am I alone in seeing it this way?
It's a good question ... We're a basketball school ... That is where our money goes ... If Whitman wasn't a football guy ... We'd be in an even worse situation than we are FB wise ...

But I think for a lot of fans ... Last year really, really hurt ... They hyped up how good this team was going to be ... All these guys to the NFL but we have so many guys back ... 7-5 was the floor I think for most people and I mean if we had all the talent we had last year and can only go 5-7 ... Why in the world would I donate my hard earned money to go 5-7 ? That is the answer I know that they get quite a bit ...

And IMO ... It's somewhat fair ... NIL can't be what gets us to mediocrity at 6-6 ... It can be what keeps us there ... But if we have to shell out $10 million a year for 6-6 ... That's unacceptable and unattainable IMO ...

It's a lot easier to get people to donate when you win and in football's case ... Just go 6-6 every year ... And the football program just hasn't even done that consistently ...
I think that's the conclusion many of us came to prior to last offseason, that this past year would be a make or break year for us, and might even be our last real chance of securing a future as a top half B10 team. We had some of the best talent in the B10 West, all the B10 competition was rebuilding, we had the easiest schedule we've ever played. A trip to the B10 Championship game and an 8-4 season if not better was handed to us on a silver platter (hell, I thought there was a realistic path to 10-2), we just had to not fall on our face and grab that opportunity. Make it seem like we could be a player, having our first back to back winning seasons in 34 years. But we once again just couldn't in agonizing fashion. And so we follow the same path where we descend back into sub-mediocrity unable to get out of our own gigantic shadow.

As you said, last year hurt. And sadly, the future only gets tougher for us.
I think that's the conclusion many of us came to prior to last offseason, that this past year would be a make or break year for us, and might even be our last real chance of securing a future as a top half B10 team. We had some of the best talent in the B10 West, all the B10 competition was rebuilding, we had the easiest schedule we've ever played. A trip to the B10 Championship game and an 8-4 season if not better was handed to us on a silver platter (hell, I thought there was a realistic path to 10-2), we just had to not fall on our face and grab that opportunity. Make it seem like we could be a player, having our first back to back winning seasons in 34 years. But we once again just couldn't in agonizing fashion. And so we follow the same path where we descend back into sub-mediocrity unable to get out of our own gigantic shadow.

As you said, last year hurt. And sadly, the future only gets tougher for us.
Agreed. I think many of us share the same sentiment that:

1) It would be hard to find someone who would take the job that we feel strongly would do a better job than Bret;
2) Bret has objectively raised the floor with this program and done great things;
3) We had all the momentum in the world going into November 2022 and have really fumbled the bag since then;
4) In the old B1G, we would still be in a solid position to push ourselves into the top half of the league making bowl games most years;
5) In the new B1G, it just seems like an impossible task to do so now that we have lost all program momentum;
6) Recruiting is sub-par, which could be ok if coaching/development was churning at a good clip, but;
7) The coaching turnover creates so much uncertainty that crushes all development confidence.
8) Unless the new NFL-lite B1G/SEC world finds a way to help the bottom feeders climb there way into competitiveness, this new era is starting to look very scary for us...
Unless the new NFL-lite B1G/SEC world finds a way to help the bottom feeders climb there way into competitiveness, this new era is starting to look very scary for us...
And to flog my hobby horse, it's not just us.

Being in a more competitive position in a lesser conference is a different sort of problem, we'll see how that shakes out, but either way, it isn't clear to me that more than about 20 programs nationally are going to have any particular reason to exist or be cared about by their fans, at least at the historical level, and 20 might be a high estimate.
. . . we'll see how that shakes out, but either way, it isn't clear to me that more than about 20 programs nationally are going to have any particular reason to exist or be cared about by their fans, at least at the historical level, and 20 might be a high estimate.
The result of a very uneven competitive landscape, dominated by an annual talent auction fueled by big NIL$. Why bother to watch any longer? Hand me the remote.
Agreed. I think many of us share the same sentiment that:

1) It would be hard to find someone who would take the job that we feel strongly would do a better job than Bret;
2) Bret has objectively raised the floor with this program and done great things;
3) We had all the momentum in the world going into November 2022 and have really fumbled the bag since then;
4) In the old B1G, we would still be in a solid position to push ourselves into the top half of the league making bowl games most years;
5) In the new B1G, it just seems like an impossible task to do so now that we have lost all program momentum;
6) Recruiting is sub-par, which could be ok if coaching/development was churning at a good clip, but;
7) The coaching turnover creates so much uncertainty that crushes all development confidence.
8) Unless the new NFL-lite B1G/SEC world finds a way to help the bottom feeders climb there way into competitiveness, this new era is starting to look very scary for us...

I think I am on board with most of these, but I am on the fence on #1. If this was 5 years ago, I would definitely say that BB is the right guy. In the NIL/portal era where A) talent is legally acquired and B) the talent rarely sticks around for 2+ years, we may be faced with an 'adapt or die' (a la Brad Pitt in Moneyball) scenario in which the ideal coach can both attract talent and energize the donor base for NIL. Some of that is on the AD, but the coach has a role here.
So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the bill. NIL$ and the annual portal game of musical chairs (driving the talent auction) are a very destructive combination. Oh well, moving on to other interests. I’m not going to feed the beast that’s devoured the sport. Am I alone in seeing it this way?
No, definitely not. I'll always be an Illini fan, but I've got one foot out the door already with college football. Money has ruined the game. I have no interest in a pseudo NFL minor league controlled by a handful of elite schools, with kids jumping every year to grab the biggest bag of cash. We're going to have an 18-team Big Ten this year because a short-term TV deal destroyed a 100 year old conference. Just stupid.

The sport is hurtling 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction and I don't see things changing anytime soon.
The result of a very uneven competitive landscape, dominated by an annual talent auction fueled by big NIL$. Why bother to watch any longer? Hand me the remote.
And of course college football was ALWAYS an oligarchy, ALWAYS top heavy, ALWAYS haves and have nots. And of course interest reflected that, you didn't have the same attendance at Ohio State and Wake Forest.

But the traditional conference and bowl structure created an ecosystem in which everyone had a reason to care, everyone had attainable goals to shoot for, everyone was relevant to the broader story. A complex story told in fall Saturday chapters, with a kaleidoscope of characters and places in every nook and cranny of the country.

They've destroyed that. College football is now a sport in which everything that anyone cares about is decided at semester break in neutral site games between the same 10 teams played in antiseptic NFL stadiums cosplaying as the historic bowls.

Pave paradise, put up a parking lot.
I agree that NIL has created an even bigger mess and will divide teams even more unless there is some system that limits things or somewhat levels the playing field. That said, we need to do more to keep up, or when those top 20-30 teams eventually break away, we're left behind.

In this new world, unless something changes dramatically, being left behind means losing a massive media payout annually, which will have ramifications that way beyond the football program; it would hurt all Olympic sports unless we used other university funds to try and keep up.

I assume the university leaders consider all of these scenarios, but I have no insights there.
I thought, great, we're retired. We get season tickets in a premium seating area. We give significantly to IFund. We've bought pavers at the Alumni Association and now Memorial Stadium. We have women's athletics in our will. We can afford it...but now you're asking for ICON? The pockets are only so deep. I have save something for my memory care.

And where does the money go? With ICON we knew we were helping all student-athletes with academic support. Now they're asking me to pay the players, in the case of the premier players more than the NFL (and NBA), a direct cash payment? I'm not only philosophically reluctant to do that, gee, ya know, enuf is enuf. I know I'm an oldtimer but I can remember freshman athletes living in the dorms. And the training table being double entrees in the dorm cafeteria.

The kids now are getting more than an education. They're getting worldclass pt from first tier trainers on world class equipments in luxury "performance center" accomodations. It't training for the NFL. And that's free. Belittle a diploma from potentially Gies or other premier academic study all you want, but man oh man.

If NIL guts the conferences, and the conferences get so huge that...

I'm ranting now. But the Dennis Effect, or the Dennis Syndrome, or whatever you want to call it, where players bail before the season starts, even "the players should get what's coming to them" believers should be be having second thoughts. It's unsustainable. And I don't know where it's going. Does anyone?
I thought, great, we're retired. We get season tickets in a premium seating area. We give significantly to IFund. We've bought pavers at the Alumni Association and now Memorial Stadium. We have women's athletics in our will. We can afford it...but now you're asking for ICON? The pockets are only so deep. I have save something for my memory care.

And where does the money go? With ICON we knew we were helping all student-athletes with academic support. Now they're asking me to pay the players, in the case of the premier players more than the NFL (and NBA), a direct cash payment? I'm not only philosophically reluctant to do that, gee, ya know, enuf is enuf. I know I'm an oldtimer but I can remember freshman athletes living in the dorms. And the training table being double entrees in the dorm cafeteria.

The kids now are getting more than an education. They're getting worldclass pt from first tier trainers on world class equipments in luxury "performance center" accomodations. It't training for the NFL. And that's free. Belittle a diploma from potentially Gies or other premier academic study all you want, but man oh man.

If NIL guts the conferences, and the conferences get so huge that...

I'm ranting now. But the Dennis Effect, or the Dennis Syndrome, or whatever you want to call it, where players bail before the season starts, even "the players should get what's coming to them" believers should be be having second thoughts. It's unsustainable. And I don't know where it's going. Does anyone?
Yeah. I get it. Sadly it's an arms race right now. Those of us old enough all know what happens with that. Eventually you need to have talks and limitations treaties and it needs to be enforced. Here's hoping we'll get to that sooner rather than later, before all the damage has already been done.
I think that's the conclusion many of us came to prior to last offseason, that this past year would be a make or break year for us, and might even be our last real chance of securing a future as a top half B10 team. We had some of the best talent in the B10 West, all the B10 competition was rebuilding, we had the easiest schedule we've ever played. A trip to the B10 Championship game and an 8-4 season if not better was handed to us on a silver platter (hell, I thought there was a realistic path to 10-2), we just had to not fall on our face and grab that opportunity. Make it seem like we could be a player, having our first back to back winning seasons in 34 years. But we once again just couldn't in agonizing fashion. And so we follow the same path where we descend back into sub-mediocrity unable to get out of our own gigantic shadow.

As you said, last year hurt. And sadly, the future only gets tougher for us.
Agreed that last year hurt bad, but in retrospect I think I'm more disappointed with how the 2022 season ended, which is ironic given how that was one of our best seasons in decades.. Winning at least 10 games was there for the taking and we blew it. Struggling to win 6 games is certainly concerning, but a ceiling of 8-5 isn't very inspiring either.
There are right at 70 Power 5 schools ...

For just football ... We aren't in the top 50 NIL wise ... At least based on what I've heard what we have vs. what other teams have ...

Earlier this offseason one of the insiders posted a $15 million donation was made as one-time NIL funds (ie for use this offseason). That either didn’t happen, was diverted from football, etc. because I follow enough national NIL trends to know that much cash being infused into the already-established system would push Illinois much higher up the pecking order.
So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the bill. NIL$ and the annual portal game of musical chairs (driving the talent auction) are a very destructive combination. Oh well, moving on to other interests. I’m not going to feed the beast that’s devoured the sport. Am I alone in seeing it this way?

If you think football SAs have been supported only through academic assistance than you’ve been willfully ignoring a century of NCAA scandals, investigations, policy changes, media interviews, shoe company involvement, etc.
Staffs are going to consider having less recruits enroll early. Much higher numbers of freshman entering the portal after spring ball than those with an NLI but still finishing their diploma.
I thought, great, we're retired. We get season tickets in a premium seating area. We give significantly to IFund. We've bought pavers at the Alumni Association and now Memorial Stadium. We have women's athletics in our will. We can afford it...but now you're asking for ICON? The pockets are only so deep. I have save something for my memory care.

And where does the money go? With ICON we knew we were helping all student-athletes with academic support. Now they're asking me to pay the players, in the case of the premier players more than the NFL (and NBA), a direct cash payment? I'm not only philosophically reluctant to do that, gee, ya know, enuf is enuf. I know I'm an oldtimer but I can remember freshman athletes living in the dorms. And the training table being double entrees in the dorm cafeteria.

The kids now are getting more than an education. They're getting worldclass pt from first tier trainers on world class equipments in luxury "performance center" accomodations. It't training for the NFL. And that's free. Belittle a diploma from potentially Gies or other premier academic study all you want, but man oh man.

If NIL guts the conferences, and the conferences get so huge that...

I'm ranting now. But the Dennis Effect, or the Dennis Syndrome, or whatever you want to call it, where players bail before the season starts, even "the players should get what's coming to them" believers should be be having second thoughts. It's unsustainable. And I don't know where it's going. Does anyone?
I think you are underestimating how much NFL and NBA players get paid.

Also, I can't get my head around being upset that players get access to world class PT, trainers, and equipment. They are literally putting their bodies on the line for our entertainment. I think that having access to those things is the bare minimum.

And in my opinion, they absolutely deserve to get paid. It hasn't affected my enjoyment of the sport one bit.
We were a few lucky miracle plays away from being 3-9 or even 2-10 and narrowly avoided a complete disaster of a season. To be fair, that's probably true for many teams/seasons. But, stealing a few wins in last second fashion, getting embarrassed by Purdue and Nebraska, and dropping close games to Wisky, Iowa, and Northwestern left me feeling awful about last season.

I agree - Bret has raised the floor and is clearly our best coach since Zook. Unfortunately, the direction this offseason (mostly on the defense) does not seem overwhelmingly positive. Flight in the secondary, Dennis leaving, whatever turmoil is going on with the defensive coaching staff.

I still want to trust Bielema and believe he can restore the program to a competent and competitive each year, but we squandered the late 2021 and 2022 excitement and it will be very hard (maybe impossible) to regain.
Debbie Downer Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Well this wasn't a very uplifting read.....I'm almost sorry that I stopped by to see what's going on so far this week.
Earlier this offseason one of the insiders posted a $15 million donation was made as one-time NIL funds (ie for use this offseason). That either didn’t happen, was diverted from football, etc. because I follow enough national NIL trends to know that much cash being infused into the already-established system would push Illinois much higher up the pecking order.
When that was posted I was under the impression that was not all for this year.
I think you are underestimating how much NFL and NBA players get paid.

Also, I can't get my head around being upset that players get access to world class PT, trainers, and equipment. They are literally putting their bodies on the line for our entertainment. I think that having access to those things is the bare minimum.

And in my opinion, they absolutely deserve to get paid. It hasn't affected my enjoyment of the sport one bit.
Wasn't sure how much they did get paid but based on this article Rookie Salary in the NFL in 2023, looks like just a shade under 800k. They didn't say how much of that is guaranteed, though, but they did say "significant portion" isn't. So, it very well could be that some players in college make as much or more than that. Few will, though.

I have no problem with them getting paid but not under the guise of NIL. NIL isn't/wasn't supposed to be a way for athletes to get paid to play a sport while in college. It was a way for them to make money due to merchandise sales, video game appearances, pictures/posters and the like based on their name, face, body.

If we're (the royal we) good with NCAA players becoming professional players, acting as minor leagues to the NBA and NFL, let's dispense with the NIL nonsense and blow the whole thing up. Give the players a % of all revenue. Schools/NCAA/whatever will be the regulatory body for men's college BB and football will collectively bargain with the players, salary caps will be set, contracts will be set, etc. Let's make it what it really is. College football is a shell of what it was 20 years ago. May as well go all the way.

I'd also have a learning program where these kids get various life skills that some/most of them aren't getting now (kind of like the North American pro sports teams do now but hit them with it when they're 18) and I'd take away the requirement for them to be students (if they want to go to class, that's cool but don't make it a requirement for them to play). Give them housing that's not part of the general school population (I guess they do that now? Not sure). If you wanted to get really crazy, you could have NFL teams "sponsor" college teams (or part of them) as part of the NFL or NBA minor league system.

Let's turn it into a true minor league system, which is really what it is.
According to Jeff Johnson, ICON currently has only $3 million in NIL for football, with targets of $6 million for the 2024 season....$8 million for 2025... and goal of 10-12 million a year after that. The first number is not good at all; the later numbers make us more competitive.

Become an ICON, people:
Looks like every pro-forma revenue projection I've ever seen
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