Week 4 News & Games

scUM OLB sacked the SC QB while grabbing a fistful of facemask. Why isn't that reviewable for player safety reasons? That's a big no-no and everyone knows it

Sure, but I was specifically talking about the targeting rule....and why it wasn't applied in a crystal clear incident of a blocker targeting the gunner during punt coverage. He ran directly from his inside position to hit him while he was occupied with his primary blocker.
He literally knocked him out of the game...and it was pretty clearly helmet to helmet.
I'm watching fighter. UCLA seems improved from last week. I am also surprised they are hanging with LSU. Makes me wonder how good IU may be.
I don't love Michigan, but given how much trash talk Trojan fans were doing about the weak B1G, I'm more than happy to see Michigan take USC to the woodshed.

Plus then they'd both be behind us in the B1G standings.

This is totally logical. Unfortunately my hatred for scUM is a little illogical.

This scenario colors me ambivalent.
Kansas dropped their chalk in the shower....and got rocked again.

Glanced at a Kansas forum out of curiosity. They’re basically talking about firing liepold. They were the mold underneath the barrel before he got there. Crazy fans they have over there in Larry, KS

A funny one was one of them saying they’d like a mangino statue, I’m loosely paraphrasing and don’t feel like going back to find it. Not sure the world has enough brass for that.
I can’t help but think i’ll be finding myself rooting for the eldest of B1G programs, whenever there is a face-off with the newer 4……