UIUC Old Timers Thread

Class of '75 (but December '74. Could have been class of '69, but education got interrupted. Fan since Butkus and Grabowski. Tal Brody. Bunch of old timers I liked. Favorite places were Stan's, Dooleys, and, venturing out of campustown, Treno's. Deluxe Lunch anyone?
I will be 82 on the 15th of this month...I started following the Illini with Nick Weatherspoon and Nick Connor, but I didn't get season tickets until Bartow became coach and then maintained them until 1996 when I left the U of Illinois for a professorship in Tel Aviv
Woahhhh...If no one can beat this age, I feel like kisseber should win some kind of prize!! Depends or maybe a Life Alert? I kid I kid...It's awesome you're on here and you type much younger than your age!

Season 2 Wisdom GIF by New Amsterdam
Great site and thread here. While I never attended the U of I, I was born and raised in Champaign and my Father was a Pike and Class of 1938?

I remember going with family to Willlard and welcoming Butkus and teammates back from the Rose Bowl and then running into him at the Rose Bowl in 1984 where he almost took my head off with the look he gave me - I took a flash picture from a couple feet away as he signed a football. Turns out we were both drunk too.

My big motivation now is reminiscing about campus bars from 1970-1985. My bar was Dooley’s along with Stans, Whitts, Red Lion, etc. I have a lot of memories from them, including running with football players…

Anyway, just thought I would post here to prime the pump.

oh, and my parents are buried across from Memorial, so maybe that counts as well!
Pike class of 1974 here. PiKA, whatdaya say. Agree with your bars but would add one more. The Brown Jug.
'71 grad here. If your cranial memory suffers, click over to:
This has online issues of the Daily Illini from 1Jan1874 to 30Jul2010 (19996 issues). Enjoy ads for Treno's, Papa Del's, editorials, "Frankly Speaking" cartoons, sports, anti-war news, campus riots.
Looked up the September 9, 1970 DI. My first week on campus as a freshman. REO at Chances R. Catch-22 at the Co-Ed. Catch-69 at the Illini Theater. :)) Adds for The Illini Brown Jug, Red Lion, Record Service, etc. Ah, the memories.
Lived here as a kid in the 60s, came back for school in the 70s, and came back to work on a master's in the 80s. Have been here ever since. Something about this place just sucks you in. Some people have posted some great stories. Nobody mentioned the Thursday beer and band nights at Chances R. Think it was a dollar to get in and all you can drink. (might have been $2-3.00 but not much more). I was working at Kraft midnights so always had to leave by 11:30. There were definitely some night I should not have been riding my motorcycle to work. Was here for all the streaking and participated in the mass streak. Was chased by the cops but was able to duck into a bush and get dressed. Remember being n Boni's one night when a nude couple came down the tree in the center of the bar and pranced around a bit before departing. Really was a crazy Summer here.

Edit: Just looked it up in the above Daily Illini archive. Chances R had all the beer you could drink and a band 9:00-12:00 for $2.00!
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Lived here as a kid in the 60s, came back for school in the 70s, and came back to work on a master's in the 80s. Have been here ever since. Something about this place just sucks you in. Some people have posted some great stories. Nobody mentioned the Thursday beer and band nights at Chances R. Think it was a dollar to get in and all you can drink. (might have been $2-3.00 but not much more). I was working at Kraft midnights so always had to leave by 11:30. There were definitely some night I should not have been riding my motorcycle to work. Was here for all the streaking and participated in the mass streak. Was chased by the cops but was able to duck into a bush and get dressed. Remember being n Boni's one night when a nude couple came down the tree in the center of the bar and pranced around a bit before departing. Really was a crazy Summer here.

Edit: Just looked it up in the above Daily Illini archive. Chances R had all the beer you could drink and a band 9:00-12:00 for $2.00!
I seem to remember that The New Colony Six performed at CR in the late 60s. There was a big picture (maybe 6'x 6') of the band on one wall. Couple buddies and I went to a wet tshirt contest there in the early 80's that was really wild. Total nudity during the second round. I think it may have played a part in CR's eventual demise.
I am not a UIUC alum....but I am as avid an Illini hoops fan as anyone...since the days of Govoner Vaughn and Chesty potato chips. Likely, I would have played for the Illini if my hometown had not had a golf course. But Arnie was my inspiration even more so than Vaughn, Dave Downey and Don Freeman. Most of my close friends are alums...as were my Uncle and cousin so it would have been an easy choice. Saw Butkus in his coming out party at Purdue and my parents went to that '63 Rose Bowl game. I am an Arizona alum, but without a second thought I am a total Illini fan when the two meet on the hardwood. Hope I can qualify as an old timer Illini fan.e
Class of January '70...was on the 4 1/2 year plan... avoided Viet Nam and won the lottery (THE lottery ...draft number 352!)

Lived and died through the slush fund scandal... football was a horror (Jim Valek? 1-9, 0-10 my last two years!) but basketball had glimmers of hope.

Remember Les Busboom? Dennis Pace? Donnie Freeman? Rich Scholz? Favorite was Mike Price...

Worked as a bus boy at Chances R... girls in go go cages...

Great memories of Champaign except for accounting exams... Three hour exams, with one hour to complete them.
Class of January '70...was on the 4 1/2 year plan... avoided Viet Nam and won the lottery (THE lottery ...draft number 352!)

Lived and died through the slush fund scandal... football was a horror (Jim Valek? 1-9, 0-10 my last two years!) but basketball had glimmers of hope.

Remember Les Busboom? Dennis Pace? Donnie Freeman? Rich Scholz? Favorite was Mike Price...

Worked as a bus boy at Chances R... girls in go go cages...

Great memories of Champaign except for accounting exams... Three hour exams, with one hour to complete them.
was Prof Ken Perry teaching Consolidations and/or the CPA Review class back then ?
He was pretty up there in age in 1983 when I I had him
Class of January '70...was on the 4 1/2 year plan... avoided Viet Nam and won the lottery (THE lottery ...draft number 352!)

Lived and died through the slush fund scandal... football was a horror (Jim Valek? 1-9, 0-10 my last two years!) but basketball had glimmers of hope.

Remember Les Busboom? Dennis Pace? Donnie Freeman? Rich Scholz? Favorite was Mike Price...

Worked as a bus boy at Chances R... girls in go go cages...

Great memories of Champaign except for accounting exams... Three hour exams, with one hour to complete them.
Remember those basketball players well. My favorite among them was Denny Pace.
Lived in Garner Hall (RIP) my freshman year on the third floor. Veto Santini (RIP) lived there as well. He played the accordion. Pretty entertaining.
The legendary Bidwell's was still hanging on my first semester. Closed and was replaced by Whitt's End. That's where I learned to drink. There used to be a springtime carnival back in the day, and I went to it the first time I got tipsy (wasn't really drunk). Fun times.
Class of January '70...was on the 4 1/2 year plan... avoided Viet Nam and won the lottery (THE lottery ...draft number 352!)

Lived and died through the slush fund scandal... football was a horror (Jim Valek? 1-9, 0-10 my last two years!) but basketball had glimmers of hope.

Remember Les Busboom? Dennis Pace? Donnie Freeman? Rich Scholz? Favorite was Mike Price...

Worked as a bus boy at Chances R... girls in go go cages...

Great memories of Champaign except for accounting exams... Three hour exams, with one hour to complete them.
Same here . . . number 242. My roommate came up #6 and became a military man. Trained as a Pershing Missile crewman, which was a weapon for the European Theater. So, he avoided Vietnam as well.