TSJ Thread

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Des Moines, IA
From the way they ordered their witnesses as well as how they framed their opening vs. closing, it appears the defense wanted their case to get more emotional as it continued.
That makes more sense. Like I said, everything the defense team has done has seemed to be on point-especially compared to the prosecution’s attempt at establishing a case. I just hope there isn’t a juror sitting there thinking, “Now why did the defense attorney go nuclear when the case seems so clear-cut to acquit?”

Honestly, if what Gilfillan has live-tweeted is close to accurate, I wouldn’t even need the closing arguments.


Chicago, IL
I think that statement plus the "she could have kicked him in the balls" is attempting to imply that she wasn't assaulted period, not that she was assaulted by someone who isn't TSJ.

Could be a winning tactic, but I get why it seems cringe inducing depending on the tone/context.
But at levels below the thresholds of the lab, so it's questionable what the data means. The lack of anything pointing to TSJ certainly points to reasonable doubt, but I don't think it proves anything else, such as whether those were just things picked up from brushing against people, sitting on a toilet, or even from the collection and test equipment.
well of course it doesn't prove anything, and the things you suggest are of course possible explanations for the other male DNA. But another possible explanation is that a different man assaulted her, so it does seem relevant to say that the investigation should have included other men as well, besides just TSJ.
That is everything. My elderly, maiden aunt was attacked. I would have been more than willing to "visit" her attacker with my Dad and Uncle.
That said I would hate if my wife, daughter, mother, daughter in law, sister, sister in laws and nieces were afraid to step forward because of the backlash they would face.
Life is hard. Life is unfair.


The desert
Eh, the trouble is, "she was a drunken mess throwing herself at guys" ultimately isn't relevant to the defense, whose case is "this didn't happen, TSJ has never seen this person".
Technically the defense's case is that they need a minimum of one dissenter on the jury, so their goal is to poke holes in the prosecution's case from as many directions as they can to get at least one member of the jury to have a reasonable doubt. A defense attorney doesn't need a credible counter-narrative; they just need to convince a jury that the prosecution's narrative isn't correct.
That is an interesting question, and one that I don't know the answer to. Even with everything going in the defense's favor, is it possible that going too hard in the closing statement can have the opposite effect on a jury? Would a continued calm, systematic takedown of the prosecution's arguments be more effective in this case? I don't know!
I don’t know. Someone said if you want to convict someone of rape, show the jury a rapist. Maybe to acquit, you have to not only show the jury a “not rapist” (which doesn’t really describe anything) but also an unreliable defendant.


I am having a hard time concluding if this was an intentional "mistake" or further incompetence of the DA's office. It is a real coin flip, IMO. Either way, this whole trial has greatly tarnished any reputation that the DA office had (if any was left at all).

The case has unraveled for the DA in a spectacular way. Just remarkable how bad this investigation has been from start to finish. I feel bad for the accuser (if she was in fact victimized), the taxpayers, and, of course, TSJ.
If you are a professional making a presentation, you don’t make multiple mistakes on a presentation. You read it over and over an have another person review it.
I agree with you. There is a difference in poking holes in a story and questioning what she said to see if the story makes sense. Without physical evidence her story is the case

It would be wrong to say she was underage wearing the wrong outfit and knew the bar history. That would be blaming the victim.

I would say the prosecution went after TSJ harder By saying he is a star he gets what he wants. Even though the accuser had no idea who he was
Different attorneys have different styles, I wouldn't handle a closing this way, to me it's asking the jury to go farther than they need to in order to get the result you want.

To me the risk of overstating the case beyond what your jury agrees with outweighs the risk of insufficiently jamming "this investigation was shoddy" into the jury's head.

Libraries full of jury psychology books going both ways on that kind of thing.
I think this appeal could go both ways to a jury. If this is as impassioned and emotional of a closing as it reads in text it could also play this guy really believes TSJ did not do this and is fighting tooth and nail for him.
"Credibility check: “The alleged victim is an introvert, doesn’t like crowds, and hates alcohol. But she has a fake ID, been there 30 to 40 times, left one bar because it wasn’t crowded enough, spilled a drink + got another. Ladies and gentlemen, please use your common sense.”"

Not sure I love how much they are going after the girl here, but also, they aren't wrong and it just keeps showing and more and more issues with this case
I don’t love it, but if I’m in TSJ’s shoes now wouldn’t be the time I’d want him to start pulling his punches. With no physical evidence, the only way the state wins the case is if the jury believes the accuser more than anything else they’ve heard, including the lack of physical evidence.


Indian Wells, CA
Basically the only thing the state has is the testimony of the victim, so attacking the credibility of that testimony doesn't unreasonable, even if it's somewhat untoward
I really wish people would stop referring to her as “the victim”. She’s an ALLEGED victim and her story has more holes than our defense against UConn (too soon?).
Terrence Shannon Junior is the only real victim here.
All of you saying the defense was going after the alleged victim too hard are wrong. All they have to go on is what she is saying, no DNA linked to tsj or eyewitnesses so the defense must undermine her credibility beacuase thats the only thing that is pointing to TSJ
I am on the side that the defense attorney is there for the defense of TSJ. Unfortunately, the prosecution went after him, (and would have gone further, if there had been any evidence). I think it is right to question the sincerity and honesty of an accuser that if was believed and correct could send a man to prison for many years. I applaud the defense attorney's and I think the closing argument was spot on. He is going this far in the argument to not get just a hung jury but also to get a not guilty verdict.
She was willing to undergo examination, and may have been assaulted by another perpetrator. I think there's enough to consider her a victim of something.


Cary, IL
Unless I missed it, or it wasn't tweeted, I am surprised when he stated "no eyewitnesses, including the accuser", why he didn't follow up with but there were 4 eyewitnesses, plus the accused that stated that he never did anything like this.
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