TSJ files lawsuit against Douglas Co. DA, Lawerence PD

One concern I have regarding Shannon's case is that at least three involved in the DA's office will have left the office by the end of the investigation and will have deleted anything related to Shannon before an investigation can get to it.
Honestly, that would be very difficult and requires multiple different departments, many of which would have NO dog in the fight, in order to work. I was repeatedly told as a state employee that deleting an email did not mean it was gone forever; in fact, it was out there forever on our giant server.

A lot rougher to hide evidence now when so much is electronic and has a longer trail.
The DA’s office would be wise to pay TSJ and his lawyers to settle this out of court as quick as they can.

Can you imagine literally thousands of pieces of evidence in the form of emotional distress tweets, news articles, staff interviews, friends, teammates, etc. that would prove beyond a doubt what he had to deal with?

Let alone the precedent of allowing his mock draft stock take a dive.

I’m no expert, but the overwhelming evidence on his behalf would seem insurmountable on for the DA’s office.
From a PR standpoint, I wonder if they settle just to keep all that stuff from coming to light. Even if they were to win (and with qualified immunity, the odds are in their favor), the court of public opinion will shred them.

Then again, the corrupt and indifferent rarely use common sense.
I think you hit the nail right on the head. This case is going to rely entirely on discovery. I think it's a calculated risk though as this DA seems like the type of person to be so self-righteous that she'd actually be stupid enough to put extremely prejudicial and case compromising thoughts in writing because she believes she's Lady Justice.

And I could definitely see her sending messages of the nature of "I don't care there's not sufficient evidence, if he doesn't settle, he won't be able to play basketball as we'll just tell him we'll delay the trial until after the NBA draft so he has no choice but to settle because it would cost him millions not to. Charge him." Or messages regarding hiding the evidence that Morris was at the scene of the crime.

Had TSJs lawyers not also gone after the police in this case though, I thought there also might have been a possibility that some of the cops might've flipped saying that they were pressured by the DA to make a case against TSJ despite them repeatedly telling her that there was no evidence to support that and they didn't believe he committed the crime.
Normally a finding of probable cause is fatal in a case like this. I have no confidence in the Douglas County DA but doubt she would have made such stupid mistakes as sending messages of this type but there is another angle here. The Morris angle. This was not available at the preliminary hearing because the DA never disclosed it. Why? They have a duty to disclose potentially exculpatory evidence. Now maybe an alternate suspect who it is alleged committed a remarkably similar offense, at the same location, in close time proximity and also just happened to be there at the time this occurred is just pure coincidence, random chance and not exculpatory. Problem is after his lawyers found out about Morris and sought to introduce that evidence the DA fought like heck to keep it out using that outstanding legal argument it was just a coincidence without showing any proof. The trial judge saw right through that and ruled the evidence was relevant. Now once alaskaillini's fishing starts I suspect it will come out the DA made the decision not to disclose it. One thing about fishing, once you start you might catch the big one
For anyone who is going to follow every filing and sentence written by counsel in a civil suit, please understand that is not an exercise in objective fact on either side. Rules of Professional Conduct require each to represent their client’s interests zealously. For many that sometimes can seem to outweigh (feel free to substitute apropos synonym here) other rules.