Pregame: Illinois vs Houston, Sunday, March 20th, 11:10am CT, CBS

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I'm also not expecting another 3 pt barrage from Houston tomorrow. Their current rotation players average 32% from three and 64% from the free throw line. Like us, they primarily get it done on the defensive end. My main concern is them sending 4 players after offensive rebounds every possession. We're going to have to take advantage of numbers coming back to our end after HOU missed shots, and it seems to me like we have been more conservative in those situations and content to just stop and setup our half court offense.
It could be a fast game. They overplay on rebounding but we have Curbelo with rebounding and vision. Always play someone to release.
Will grandison be better he was favoring one arm today
Idk. That is his non shooting arm. The first 90 degrees of ball gathering and then steadying for the other (shooting) arm to take over ... so painful. Feel for the guy. He has such a calming influence on our team, not to mention his passing/shooting/and spreading the floor.
As bad as it sounds after watching this Chatt. game....I think we have to muck this game up like that to beat Houston. Limit their shots and not let them get into any rhythm....and then hope to baby Jesus we shoot better than tonight.
That's what EVERYBODY thought Kansas had to do in their finals matchup with Oklahoma in 1988. They surprised everyone by running with Oklahoma to start the game. It was 50-50 at the half. THEN they went deliberate and ground out the win, 83-79. Sometimes, you have to do the unexpected.
Don't feel good about this one, though granted there haven't been that many games this season that I have felt good about (either going in or coming out). Shooting poorly is one thing, but the lack of energy from our seniors when a loss means their college career is over is what's really concerning. If those guys don't want it with every ounce of their being, then we're toast and might as well put the frosh in and see if they want it.
We are the underdog in this one. We need one of those mid season game when we hit shots. If not we go home.
That's what EVERYBODY thought Kansas had to do in their finals matchup with Oklahoma in 1988. They surprised everyone by running with Oklahoma to start the game. It was 50-50 at the half. THEN they went deliberate and ground out the win, 83-79. Sometimes, you have to do the unexpected.
Really agree with this, although I think it runs counter to BU's nature (could be wrong, just my opinion). I'd love to see some planned surprises that we've prepared to use just a bit during the tourney.
Really agree with this, although I think it runs counter to BU's nature (could be wrong, just my opinion). I'd love to see some planned surprises that we've prepared to use just a bit during the tourney.
It definitely runs counter to BU's nature. I don't see it happening. Some people have said we need to hand the keys over to Chester for this game. I don't agree with that, but I certainly would love his input, and as you mentioned, some surprises. Kofi is going to be sore and tired. Payne can run the floor. That's his strength.
Need to see some RJ at times and Trent has to be Trent among other things. I wish I felt better about this matchup, but could see us getting beat worse than UAB did.

Something is just off with this team and has been for at least 3 weeks…including the Iowa win.
Our three-point shooting engine is pretty much running on one cylinder right now. When we were rolling earlier this season we had four guys who could make you pay for doubling Kofi.
Now? Trent’s shot is way off (think he’s more banged up than we know about), DMW has been afraid to shoot since PSU, and Jake has one good arm. Plummer is the only one making anything.

Obviously this is not ideal when a big % of your points come from 3’s. I think this game comes down to can we find enough other ways to score? 3-17 isn’t going to work against Houston.
Don't feel good about this one, though granted there haven't been that many games this season that I have felt good about (either going in or coming out). Shooting poorly is one thing, but the lack of energy from our seniors when a loss means their college career is over is what's really concerning. If those guys don't want it with every ounce of their being, then we're toast and might as well put the frosh in and see if they want it.
Everyone needs to read the Mike Cagley article on the IL home page (on here). Excellent reading. It's superb on all counts!

Don't feel good about this one, though granted there haven't been that many games this season that I have felt good about (either going in or coming out). Shooting poorly is one thing, but the lack of energy from our seniors when a loss means their college career is over is what's really concerning. If those guys don't want it with every ounce of their being, then we're toast and might as well put the frosh in and see if they want it.

Ridiculous. Trent’s half blind right now and Jake is injured. What seniors are left? DMW and Plummer played reasonably well.

I don’t feel good about this game either, but that’s not due to a “lack of energy” from our seniors. The fact is we’re not healthy now and we’ve rarely been healthy all season. If Trent can’t see well, he’s not going to shoot well. And we have no real replacement for him - we’re sadly short on guards who can handle and score.

I hope we can somehow survive tomorrow and by next Thursday/Friday, our key players are healthy. But I’ve been waiting in vain for a healthy lineup all year.
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Houston is a 34% 3 pt team and they're currently shooting 53% for the game. We're a 37% 3 point shooting team and we shot an abysmal 18%. Hopefully regression to the mean for both teams is a big help for us.
It seems like we’ve been in a shooting slump for the past month. I hope our hot shooting early in the year wasn’t the outlier but I’m not sure anymore.
Ridiculous. Trent’s half blind right now and Jake is injured. What seniors are left? DMW and Plummer played reasonably well.

I don’t feel good about this game either, but that’s not due to a “lack of energy” from our seniors. The fact is we’re not healthy now and we’ve rarely been healthy all season. If Trent can’t see well, he’s not going to shoot well. And we have no real replacement for him - we’re sadly short on guards who can handle and score.

I hope we can somehow survive tomorrow and by next Thursday/Friday, our key players are healthy. But I’ve been waiting in vain for a healthy lineup all year.
Someone needs to stick Trent in a steam room today for as long as he can stand it.
I feel like it’s time to empty the bench in this coming game. Sit Williams, he hasn’t provided anything the last few weeks. Don’t be scared to take Trent or Plummer out for a few minutes if they’re not playing well. Give melendez or Goode or even Podz a chance to make an impact instead of just beating our head against the wall with the same guys
How the tone has changed since I first said Houston would be a big challenge earlier this week.
Obviously the tone has changed because we played terribly yesterday - not because we're realizing that Houston is a world beater. I'd say Houston played on par with their seed yesterday - not like the top 5 team that analytics portrays them to be. So if you predicted that we'd shoot 17% from 3 and barely beat Chatanooga then feel free to show the receipts and say 'I told you so'. But lets be real - those receipts don't exist
I feel like it’s time to empty the bench in this coming game. Sit Williams, he hasn’t provided anything the last few weeks. Don’t be scared to take Trent or Plummer out for a few minutes if they’re not playing well. Give melendez or Goode or even Podz a chance to make an impact instead of just beating our head against the wall with the same guys
Sitting seniors to play freshman in order to make us more consistent is an...interesting strategy.
What did Memphis do to them? They beat them twice and by double digits both times. (For comparison, Wisco beat Houston by 2 back in November.)

Edit again: Memphis forced 19 Houston turnovers in game 1 at Houston and 20 in the rematch at Memphis.
I like the Illini when we play some full court pressure with Hawkins at point....mix the pressure up....trap, double team at times...token pressure at other times...just seems to me like we become more aggressive when we're doing this....I would like our chances if we can create 20 turnovers tomorrow
So, after playing a game where the opposing coach admitted that they tried to get physical with guards and hack Kofi, is anybody in concussion protocol?
The Illini better be ready because this may be the inside on the Illini, kind of like the om Brady doesn't like to get hit and after a few good licks is not as effective. The Illin need to keep their head on a swivel during the Houston game because I'm sure it's not beneath Samson to do the same thing. I guess they should be used to it playing in the Big-10 with guys like Izzo having their players wear football gear in practice before playing the Illini. Not that Izzo is on the same level as Samson but he's above having his players be highly aggressive.
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